When Lin Chen fought with the shadow demon on the lake before, he glanced around. Unexpectedly, he saw Han Shuang lying in bed in a wooden house not far away. He was a little surprised.

Moreover, the wooden house was the one where the shadow demon appeared before. No accident, Han Shuang should have been caught. Lin Chen doesn't know how he was caught.

However, he was busy cleaning up the demons, so he didn't take care of Han Shuang first. At this time, he solved the problem. Thinking that Han Shuang was here, he wanted to give someone to her and be a good friend.

Thinking so, Lin Chen Ran to the wooden house.

Not far from the wooden house, a strange sound came suddenly. Someone was calling his name.

The reason why it is strange is that the sound is too tempting and rhythmic. It calls faster and faster, like a person accelerating and a long-distance runner making the final sprint.

"Uh... What is it?"

Lin Chen was a little confused. The sound made his blood boil.

There is no doubt that the voice is Han Shuang's, but what's the matter with calling your name all the time?

Think of yourself as a calling beast. Are you calling yourself?

"Officer Han, are you crying? It's necessary to cry so - I wipe it!"

Lin Chen jumped in from the window and said something unhappily, but half way through it, he saw the scene on the bed, but he was dumbfounded.

"Ah!" When Han Shuang saw Lin Chen, her eyes widened and she screamed.

Lin Chen also stares round his eyes, because he feels that there are some different tastes in the voice.

"You......" Lin Chen pulled at the corner of his mouth. Although the woman was wearing clothes, the position of her hands was a little wrong.

Lin Chen suddenly looked black and realized that the woman had just called her name. What was that

Well, Lin Chen just felt that 10000 grass and mud horses galloped past in his mind, and he smoked at the corners of his mouth. He really didn't know what to say.

"You... Sobbing..."

After Han Shuang screamed, her body became paralyzed. Her face turned white to green, and then from green to white. Finally, her eyes suddenly turned red, and she burst into tears.

Han Shuang didn't expect Lin Chen to appear at this time.

No matter how cold and gorgeous she is, no matter how domineering she is, she looks like a woman man, but she is also a place. Her first kiss is still there. As a result, she was seen by others, and she called his name to do that!

She hated herself. Doing that could explain why she was hit with special hormones, but what happened when she called this man's name!

"Don't cry, don't cry, I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything!"

Lin Chen didn't expect Han Shuang to cry. She was also in a hurry. She really didn't have any experience in dealing with this kind of thing. It is estimated that few men in the world will encounter this kind of thing.

Han Shuang ignored him and was still crying.

This kind of thing, where need to see what, look at the current situation, plus her just shouted, the fool can guess!

"Er... I can't guess. I don't know what you're doing!"

Lin Chen hurriedly added, glanced at Han Shuang's pants, and said, "did you pee your pants?"

But the expression was so exaggerated that the fool knew he was acting.

"You just peed your pants. Your whole family peed their pants!" Han Shuang shouted excitedly, like an enraged little girl.

Lin Chen smiled bitterly. This woman is completely unreasonable now. He didn't mean it. Who knows that this kind of thing will happen when he comes in.

To tell the truth, he didn't see anything. He didn't take advantage of anything. Instead, he was embarrassed. You can't bear to be lonely. What's the situation when you call brother's name.

"I... I was drugged. I was a little confused just now!"

Han Shuang tried to calm down her temper. Then she said, but her face was as red as blood. She turned her head to one side and didn't go to see Lin Chen.

In fact, she was clear headed just now.

"I see! Hehe! Hehe!"

Lin Chen laughed twice. At this time, he looked carefully. Han Shuang seemed to be a little abnormal. Under normal circumstances, how could she do such a thing.

It seems that she was indeed drugged, and the drugger was undoubtedly the shadow demon.

He went to Han Shuang and said, "I'll take your pulse?"

Han Shuang was still embarrassed to look at him, but she didn't refuse. She stretched out her hand to feel his pulse and stressed, "I've really been drugged!"

"I know, I know."

Lin Chen is naturally hard to refute. Otherwise, it is estimated that the girl and her own mind are in the mood to die. He gives Han Shuang a pulse. His pulse is rapid, and his blood gas is a little frantic. There is really something wrong.

However, I don't seem to feel anything that will affect the brain?

Lin Chen didn't bother about this either. He said, "the medicine is not strong. It just purely improves some hormones in your body. You just let it out. Now it's almost better."

Han Shuang also felt that she was much better at this time, but she was really embarrassed to hear what Lin Chen said to vent!

She turned her head, stared at Lin Chen, and said in shame and indignation, "I warn you, if you tell me what happened today, I will kill you and then kill myself!

Lin Chen pie pie mouth, you still want to kill me?

However, seeing that she even said suicide, she didn't care. She changed the subject and said, "don't worry, I won't say it. By the way, how could you be here?"

When Han Shuang saw that he had promised, he couldn't help but look better. He didn't hide it and told the other party what had happened.

"The iron mountain Gang is also involved in drug trafficking. Is it a partner of the poisonous snake group?"

Lin Chen was also a little surprised. At the same time, he was a little depressed. If he hadn't appeared, the woman would have been arched by the old man. Now he is so rude to himself and doesn't know how to be grateful.

In fact, Han Shuang was also troubled at this time.

According to reason, Lin Chen did save her. If it wasn't for him today, her ending could be imagined. If that happened, she wanted to die.

However, Lin Chen's appearance just now is really not the right time. Now she has an impulse to turn around and run away in the face of Lin Chen. Today's thing is that she never wants to mention it again.

"By the way, do you know who that old man is?" Lin Chen saw her face tangled, so he took the initiative to say.

"Who is it?" Han Shuang shook his head and was curious. The old man was obviously not simple. Otherwise, he wouldn't say he was from the Han family. He dared to touch himself.

"The third killer in the aristocratic family killer list, shadow demon!" Lin Chen said.

As for the 97th place on the list of world gods, he didn't say. After all, Han Shuang doesn't know what it is. It's still the third place on the list of world killers.

Sure enough, Han Shuang was startled. "The third killer in the world?"

He is the third most wanted killer in the world. He is the most wanted super criminal in the world. He didn't expect to appear here and fall into the hands of the other party.

This kind of person is a fearless executioner. No wonder it's useless to say his identity!

However, even this kind of existence can't beat Lin Chen. How powerful should this guy be?

Lin Chen saw that Han Shuang's attention was distracted and said with a smile, "OK, let's go. I'll give you some gifts."

At the same time, he grabbed the two handcuffs that handcuffed Han Shuang's ankles and pulled them hard. The iron chain of the handcuffs broke at the same time. Only two iron rings remained on Han Shuang's feet, but it did not affect his walking.

Han Shuang was shocked when she saw Lin Chen's hand, but she was still curious: "what gift?"

"Just go and have a look." Lin Chen smiled.

"Playing tricks!" Han Shuang was so angry that she gave him a blank look. However, the charming amorous feelings made Lin Chen stunned.

Han Shuang looked at him like this, and his face turned red again. He looked at him angrily: "what are you looking at? Don't look!"

I don't know why. At this time, she looked at Lin Chen and felt that she couldn't tell. She was so flustered.

Lin Chen smiled and didn't say anything. Who knows if she had a top mouth, the woman would be angry again.

Pulling Han Shuang to the window, Han Shuang thought of something. With some excitement in her eyes, she said, "do you want to take me to run over the water?"

"Yes." Lin Chen said, and took off his shirt and tied it around her waist.

Han Shuang realized something. She blushed and was moved. However, Lin Chen said at this time: "under the cover, don't let others find you peeing your pants."

"You just peed in your pants!" Han Shuang is so angry. This guy really deserves a beating. I just thought he was considerate, but suddenly he was so annoying!


The words fell, and she uttered a cry of surprise. Lin Chen had hugged her, jumped out of the window, and ran to the Tianzi No. 1 wooden house!

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