And then, Lin Chen saw a figure that surprised him.

I saw a valiant, tall and sexy policewoman not far away.

As soon as the policewoman appeared, she immediately attracted the attention of many other men. It was really that her appearance and figure were too attractive.

Coupled with the temptation of uniforms brought by a police uniform, it is difficult to be unobtrusive!

Lin Chen is a little surprised because this man is Han Shuang!

"Isn't that Han Shuang, the new deputy director of the Municipal Bureau? Unexpectedly, I was so lucky to see her here!"

"Yes, she has been rated as the most beautiful policewoman in the whole South China province. Some people even say that she is the most beautiful and sexy policewoman in the whole China. The real person looks much more beautiful than on TV!"

"If I could marry her and sleep with my arms around me, I would live 30 years less!"

"Cut! Just you? Come on, it's useless for you to live a hundred years less!"

"Hey, hey, I'm just dreaming."


Linchen was surprised to hear their dialogue. Unexpectedly, Han Shuang became the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau.

It's not easy to become a deputy director in my twenties.

Besides Han Shuang's extraordinary family background, it should also have something to do with the credit he made for her last time.

In other words, this chick seems to owe herself a kiss?

At the same time, Lin Chen thought of the last time that the woman called her name to do that kind of thing. The scarlet face with sweet sweat and immersed in happiness appeared in his mind, which made him tremble in his heart.

At this time, he suddenly felt a pain in his waist!

At the same time, there was a disgruntled groan: "what are you looking at? Is she better looking than me? A sex wolf!"

Lin Chen turned around and saw an Xueyao facing him. Although she could not see her eyes through dark glasses, she must be staring at herself from the shell teeth she was clenching.

"Hehe, watch the game, watch the game." Lin Chen immediately laughed and changed the subject.

Heart, you really don't need her to be bad, but the problem is, you can't see it no matter how beautiful you look.

Anxieyao snorted when she saw him change the subject, but she didn't bother any more. Instead, she looked at the challenge arena. She was still very interested in this challenge.

The challenge arena is about 1.5 meters high. It is made of solid hardwood and surrounded by thumb thick iron chains.

At this time, the karate master Hideki Tanaka was already standing on the stage.

At this time, he looks a little different from before. Although he is not tall, he stands tall and straight, his eyes are as sharp as a knife, and he has great momentum, which makes people feel extraordinary at first sight!

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Hideki Tanaka. I'm glad to be here to meet you!" Tanaka said that although he still had an accent, he was fluent in Chinese.

All of a sudden, there was a boo.

Many people called for him to get out of China. However, Hideki Tanaka did not pay any attention, and his face was still confident and arrogant.

He said calmly, "I don't want to talk more nonsense. I welcome anyone to challenge me. However, I need to tell you something in advance. This challenge arena has been formally approved and has already assured the Chinese government that it will never cause human life! But!"

After a pause, he continued: "those who take the challenge on stage need to sign an exemption agreement in advance! Although they will not die, our karate is a real Kung Fu, and it is inevitable to be injured accidentally! To put it simply, if you are injured, you should be responsible for it yourself, and the other party will not bear any responsibility and medical expenses. Before you take the challenge on stage, you should understand this first“

As soon as these words were uttered, many people who had been rubbing their hands suddenly stopped.

After all, this is obviously beyond the scope of general discussion.

Although they will not die, if they are beaten to half death, they will have to pay for medical treatment. For ordinary people, this is also very frightening!

Among them, there are many people who want to get the 10million Chinese currency bonus. However, since they dare to take so much money, they also put forward this rule. Obviously, they have great self-confidence!

When Tanaka saw the audience, most of them looked afraid. A contemptuous smile came up at the corners of their mouths and said:

"There is another thing, that is, in today's competition, my disciple Takata takigawa will fight first. You can only compete with me if you win him! However, to tell the truth, in my opinion, Huaxia kung fu itself is a joke. Let alone compete with me, even my disciples can crush the so-called Huaxia masters!"

With that, he turned to step down and sat aside.

The young man who came down with him from the lengthened Lincoln car stepped onto the challenge arena and looked around with disdain.

Then he opened his mouth and said in Chinese: "today, everyone here will understand that only our karate is real kung fu. If you want to learn real Kung Fu, you can only go to our martial arts school! Even if I am only a disciple of my teacher, I am enough to sweep away any Chinese masters!"

The arrogant words of the two masters and disciples, as well as their contemptuous demeanor, immediately angered the audience and shouted loudly.

"Shit! You little devil, you fucking karate. Today I will see how you are beaten to cry for your parents!"

"That's right. Who is good at Kung Fu? Go up and kill these guys who pretend to be B!"

"Lying in the trough, I asked my disciples to fight. What kind of master do you really think you are? Do you believe I killed you?"


Takahashi takigawa looked rather excited when she was scolded by the audience.

A man who looked like a host walked onto the stage, took a microphone and said, "don't get excited. The challenge will begin immediately! I believe that after a few days of publicity, there must be many real experts here today! If anyone wants to challenge on the stage, please go to the registration office to register!"

Most people are just ordinary people who come to join the fun. Naturally, they dare not go on stage. However, there are many people who immediately go to register.

After a while, the host said loudly: "now, let's invite the first challenger, litianfeng, to the stage!"

As soon as his voice fell, a young man who had been waiting near the challenge arena took a few steps, jumped twoorthree meters away from the challenge arena, then grabbed the iron chain at the edge of the challenge arena, jumped and landed firmly in the challenge arena!

His movements are very dexterous, just like an ape. It looks pleasant and beautiful!

"Shit! Good job, the expert is coming out! Brother, fuck this guy!"

"Handsome boy, beat this guy down. I'll watch a movie with you tonight!"

"Come on, those who invade China will be punished even if they are far away. They have come home and killed them!"


The way the young man came on stage was somewhat ornamental, and immediately ignited the atmosphere. People around him shouted loudly, placing their hopes on him!

The young man was estimated to be twenty-five or six years old. He was tall and strong, and his face was firm. He first arched his hands at the audience, and then looked at takigawa's Filial Piety:

"You islanders are so conceited. In that case, I will come up and ask for advice from litianfeng, my Xingyi fist!"

Takigawa looked at him scornfully and said:

"Shit Xingyi boxing, you Chinese are a mess. Today, I'll let you know what the real martial arts are!"

Speaking of this, he paused and joked: "you should know the rules? If you lose, you must shout 'Chinese Kung Fu is rubbish, and you are not qualified to be compared with Karate', and then you can end up!"

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