"Hum! Do you think you can win me?"

Litianfeng was annoyed when he saw that the other party had decided to eat him. After humming coldly, he said, "stop talking nonsense. Can we start now?"

Takigawa hissed: "you are in such a hurry to die, so let's start. Anyway, it won't take much time to clean you up. I was going to let you stay on stage for a few more seconds!"


Litianfeng is also a martial arts practitioner. He has a hot personality. He can't stand this kind of ridicule. He stepped forward quickly and hit takigawa xiaotai in the chest with a long fist. It seems that the tiger thrives. It's not easy.

He uses the gun fist of Xingyi fist. The gun fist is just fierce and looks very powerful!

People in the audience, seeing that he was so powerful, immediately shouted for him. They were very excited!

Litianfeng was even more encouraged when he heard the cries from the audience. His movements were also fierce!

However, takigawa's face was not flustered at all, and he still laughed scornfully. Just as litianfeng was about to hit him with a punch, he avoided the seemingly fierce punch on one side of his body, and then kicked out his right foot.


Litianfeng was kicked out and smashed on the iron chain. Then he fell heavily to the ground!

With a whoosh, he vomited a big mouthful of blood and screamed on the ground. He couldn't get up directly!

The audience, who were still shouting for Li Tianfeng, stopped suddenly and looked very ugly.

They guessed that litianfeng might lose, but they didn't expect to lose so quickly!

You know, this is not the karate master of that island country, Hideki Tanaka, but just one of his disciples!

"Crap! The bullshit Chinese Kung Fu and the bullshit Xingyi boxing are all rubbish!"

Takigawa xiaotai sneered, walked over, looked down at litianfeng and said, "Chinese people, you have lost! Go ahead and say that Chinese Kung Fu is rubbish and is not qualified to be compared with karate. Then you can roll down!"

Litianfeng's face was embarrassed. He didn't expect that he couldn't even beat the opponent's move. However, he was tough:

"Don't think about it. I won't tell you! It's not that Chinese Kung Fu is not good, but that I just learned some superficial skills. When I meet a real Chinese expert, your karate is a joke!"

Takigawa xiaotai's face was cold and he stepped on litianfeng's right knee!



Litianfeng's body twitched for a moment, gave a sharp scream, and then rolled around with his right knee!

"Can I ask you again? As long as you say that Huaxia Kung Fu is rubbish, then I will let you go!" Takigawa's tone was bleak.

"No!" Litianfeng gritted his teeth.


Takigawa xiaotai angrily scolded, raised his foot and stepped on the knee of Li Tianfeng's other foot!



Litianfeng screamed again, but this time, just after the scream, takigawa xiaotai had kicked him in the chest!


Immediately, litianfeng, like a shell, flew out over the iron chain, and then fell heavily on the ground. His eyes rolled over and he fainted directly!

There was silence. People were shocked and angry when they looked at Mrs. takigawa on the stage, but they didn't dare to shout any more. Obviously, they were shocked by his powerful and cruel means!

Soon, several paramedics hurried to the hospital with stretchers. After checking Li Tianfeng, the doctor said with an ugly face:

"The bones at the knees of both feet are shattered, the ribs in front of the chest are broken, the heart is seriously damaged, and the kidneys are broken. You must be sent to the hospital immediately. Your life should be saved, but you may not be able to stand up for the rest of your life!"

Some people who had been scared were even more cool at this time. Unexpectedly, this guy was so cruel!

He kicked other people into disability directly. Although he didn't kill people, to some extent, he was more cruel than killing people directly!

But just now litianfeng has signed an exemption agreement in advance. The other party doesn't have to bear any responsibility at all!

After a short silence, some young people, who were warm-blooded and fresh, could no longer bear it, and shouted and scolded.

"Asshole! Little devil, you son of a bitch. Since he can't beat you, he has already lost. Why do you want to do it again?"

"Yes, karate bullshit. I think you are a group of criminals!"

"Damn it, you are so fierce that you don't have any martial virtue!"


The cries and curses on the square were like a rolling wave, and the public sentiment was surging. The police were unable to control the situation. Obviously, the people at this time all hated Mrs. takigawa and thought that he was too cruel!

I wish I could go on stage and tear his hands off!

At this time, the karate master Hideki Tanaka, who had been sitting steadily under the stage, suddenly stood up and shouted, "baga! Shut up!"

He didn't take the loudspeaker, but his voice was as loud as a lion's roar, and he immediately suppressed the voices of the people.

People were silenced by the terrible roar, and for a while, the sound gradually decreased.

Tanaka Xiuxing stepped onto the stage and takigawa Kota respectfully stepped aside. He sneered:

"You Chinese people are so stupid and ridiculous. The rules were clearly stated at the beginning, and they were clearly listed in the report. If you lose, you have to say that Chinese Kung Fu is rubbish. You are unwilling to abide by the rules, and you blame my disciples? Ridiculous! Childish!"

"This is a real fight. Injuries are normal. I said this from the beginning. If you are not mentally prepared, don't go on stage! If you feel dissatisfied, don't shout at the bottom and challenge directly!"

He gave a cold snort, He said in a deep voice: "I just want to tell you what real Kung Fu is today! Our karate is not the fancy and terrifying Chinese Kung Fu. Can you imagine that? If you want to learn real Kung Fu, you can only come to our Karate Martial Arts School to learn your Chinese Kung Fu. No matter how powerful you learn, you can't beat the feet of my disciples! If you think what I said is wrong, just challenge on the stage!"

Tanaka said with a sneer, and went straight off the stage. He was too lazy to pay attention to the reactions of the people.

His series of words made the audience speechless.

Indeed, people made the rules clear at the beginning. They also said that if they lost, they would say that Chinese Kung Fu is rubbish!

At this time, they make trouble, which seems to be the unreasonable trouble of the losers, which makes people laugh!

In the final analysis, you can't beat others. It's no use talking about everything!

In the hearts of the people, they could not hold back, but unfortunately, they could not attack again!

The medical staff and litianfeng were about to get on the ambulance, but Lin Chen stopped them.

Lin Chen didn't wait for others to agree. He directly dropped several silver needles on litianfeng on the stretcher and waved his hands. He was so quick that everyone on the side was stunned!

"Hey! What are you doing?" The attending doctor was shocked and wanted to stop drinking, but then he was stunned, because the bleeding wound on Li Tianfeng suddenly stopped bleeding, and his face turned better quickly!

Litianfeng groaned as if he were about to wake up.

This is even more astonishing to the medical staff!

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