"Of course it's useful. If I can sense the aura of heaven and earth, I can arrange some arrays. There are many advantages. It's hard to explain for a while." Lin Chen patiently explained.

Some arrays are used to confuse people or kill enemies. As long as you are familiar with the eight trigrams and nine palaces, you don't need to be able to sense the aura of heaven and earth.

An array that is not too high or too deep is needed. For example, the spirit gathering array!

At this time, Lin Chen already had an idea in mind.

That is to choose a suitable place, build a manor and arrange a gathering array, which will be of great benefit to him and his women's cultivation.

"By the way, when the time comes, sister Xi Xi and Han Yan can all live here. When Yi Ren moves the headquarters of Ye's group to Yuehai City, she can also live here together!" Lin Chen had some lusty thoughts in her heart.

Irina still heard Lin Chen's array, but just then a phone call came. She didn't ask again and answered the phone.

Seeing this, Lin Chen picked up the clothes he had prepared and went to the bathroom outside.

At this time, his body was also covered with a layer of silt, emitting a stench.

However, his realm has not been promoted like Irina, and it is still the realm of the late congenital stage.

Lin Chen didn't lose much. After all, the "bone shaping and marrow washing pill" was not a pill to improve his accomplishments. At this time, his physique had made a great leap.

Now, despite his inheritance, his physique is worthy of the word genius!

The benefits will naturally emerge later.

Moreover, although his realm has not been improved, he can feel that his physical strength and strength have become more and more terrible. After being tempered again, his combat effectiveness has also been improved a lot!

When Lin Chen changed his clothes and returned to the yard, Irina looked at him reluctantly and said:

"Little man, I'm leaving. Just now, there has been news from the organization that the customer who released the task has died, so the task of killing bairongxuan has been cancelled!"

"What you want to do, can't I help you with my current strength?" Lin Chen suddenly said.

Irina was stunned, and then she was moved. She knew that Lin Chen didn't ask anything verbally, but she actually cared about herself!

But what Lin Chen said was right. With his strength of No. 14 in the list of gods, he couldn't help her.

And Irina doesn't want to drag Lin Chen into the water!

When Lin Chen saw that Elena was silent, he already knew.

Irina should face people who are better than herself.

Although Lin Chen is confident, he also knows that there are still people in the world who are much stronger than himself today!

For example, Qinchuan, the most powerful sword God in China, and the God of "the sun's fire", these are people who are only one step away from the extraordinary world.

Although Lin Chen is confident of surpassing them in the future, at least he can't beat others now!

"Don't turn off your cell phone in the future. Do you know that? When I reach the peak of my inborn life, I'll go to you to help you do the work, and then come back." Lin Chen said.

As long as he steps into the inborn peak, he will be fearless unless he is faced with the real existence of transcendence!

Believe what Elena has to do, and I can help her at that time!

Irina was stunned when she heard the speech. First she was moved, and then she was surprised: "you haven't stepped into the congenital peak yet?"

Lin Chen's previous battles with Tyr and Austin are definitely the innate peak level of combat power!

And I heard that he was near the great wall and killed the "overlord" jianghongyi!

"Yes, I was born late." Lin Chen said.

Finally, Irina nodded and said, "OK!"

Although she didn't want to drag Lin Chen down, she refused again. She was already hypocritical.

At this time, she also understood why she teased this guy last night and made him look like Ren Jun picking, but he didn't touch himself!

When he thought he had something to do with tell, his angry appearance showed that even if he hadn't fallen in love with himself, he still had a good impression on himself.

He can't fail to see that he likes him.

And the reason why I didn't touch myself should be to let myself leave a regret, not willing to die, so I won't do too risky things!

For a moment, Irina suddenly became bright and had thousands of tender feelings in her heart. She simply loved this little man.

Her voice became a little choked: "little man, you are very kind to me. As long as I finish that thing, I will honestly be your fourth child all my life!"


Lin Chen almost choked with saliva when he heard the speech. His blush and said, "I didn't ask for this!"

Finally, Irina kissed Lin Chen on his mouth while he wasn't paying attention, and then she smiled and left.

Lin Chen felt the soft touch left on his lower lip, and said to himself, "the congenital peak is only one step away. We will meet again soon!"

Then Lin Chen refined the "Mingyang pill" for Zhai Pengbo and gave it to him. Then he left the herbal medicine hall and drove back to bairongxuan villa.

At the same time.

There is a special scene in the villa living room of bairongxuan.

Bai Rongxuan, Zhao Hu, Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi are all here, but there are many other people besides them.

Bairongxuan and Zhaohu could hardly see the extreme.

There were two people sitting on the sofa.

One of them was a well-dressed, ordinary looking young man with a proud face.

The other was a middle-aged man dressed as an island samurai, estimated to be in his forties, with an island samurai sword in his hand.

Behind them stood several people dressed up as samurai of the island country!

"Bairongxuan, don't challenge my patience! I will give you one last chance to surrender to me, or die?"

The young man crossed his legs and looked at bairongxuan with a condescending indifference.

"Prince, don't you think you've gone too far?" Bairongxuan's face was extremely gloomy.

The man in front of him, though in his early 30s, was already the principal of the Li family, the first family in Hong Kong City.

His name is lijingchuan, but when more people face him, they will respectfully call the crown prince!

The prince of Hong Kong City, this is the name he had when he was 16 years old!

Although the three underground gangs in Hong Kong City are powerful, they are not worth mentioning compared with the Li family, who has a strong background in politics and business for two terms!

Originally, the collapse of Hongxing hall was a great good thing for Yihe gate!

However, just now the famous crown prince of Hong Kong City directly led people to break in.

Ask yourself to submit to him, and you must listen to his orders in the future!

Although it is said that yihemen is not as good as the Li family, it is really deceiving people too much!

Moreover, several islanders came with lijingchuan, which made bairongxuan even more unhappy. He really didn't like islanders!

Because his parents were the victims of that war!

"Too much?"

Lijingchuan laughed and said: "it is common sense for the weak to yield to the strong. What is too much?"

There was something strange on his face:

"But to tell you the truth, among the three gangs, I was optimistic about Li Jun, and he was already my man, but I didn't expect that you, Bai Rongxuan, would win in the end! You have some skills!"

Hearing this, bairongxuan's face changed again. Unexpectedly, there was support from the Li family behind Hong Xingtang!

"Tell me, is the death of Li Jun and others related to you? I'm surprised that someone on your side can solve them without anyone noticing."

Lijingchuan had a light smile on his face and said surprise, but his face was not surprised at all!

Bairongxuan pondered for a few seconds, then said: "yes, my people did it!"

The reason why he said this was to deter Li Jing.

Let him know that he has a super master who can kill the four King Kong of Hong Xingtang quietly. Let him not deceive others too much!

However, to his surprise, Li Jingchuan's smile was even brighter:

"Great, this man can kill those wastes of Li Jun, and can make those bullshit experts find nothing. He is also a talent. Let him come out and follow me in the future!" At this time, it seems that he is really the prince of ancient times. It seems that others take it for granted and should obey his orders!

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