Lijingjian's words were so rampant that bairongxuan was stunned for a moment.

Although the Li family is the first family in Hong Kong City, it is also a secular family. There is no super strong person above the later period of life!

He really did not understand why lijingjian was so arrogant.

Either he is a fool, or he has nothing to fear!

And if anyone thinks that the crown prince of Hong Kong City is a fool, then he is a big fool!

Bai Rongxuan frowned and looked at the island warrior sitting next to Li Jingchuan. He had a feeling that Li Jingchuan should rely on this person.

The island warrior noticed Bai Rongxuan's eyes, then looked at Bai Rongxuan and said faintly:

"You must understand that it is your honor to work for our 'sun's fire'

He speaks Chinese fluently, but still with an island accent.

"Work for the 'sun's fire'?" Bai Rongxuan frowned.

Even if he did submit to lijingjian, it would be right to work for the Li family. How could it be that he acted for the "burning sun"!

If he guessed right, this "sunburn" should be an organization of islanders!

"There is no need to guess. I can tell you directly that I am now loyal to the Lord of the 'sun's fire'

Li Jing advocated: "it's your honor that you can work for Lord God! If you know the truth, you can control the underground world of Hong Kong City in the future, but you must obey the command of 'the sun's fire'

"What, lijingchuan! You are a traitor and want to help them control the underground world of the port city! Don't think about it. I will never agree!" Bairongxuan was furious.

Lijingchuan's face sank.

But before he could speak, the island warrior beside him looked at Bai Rongxuan and said in a gloomy tone:

"**, do you know that I hate you saying we are devils? In my opinion, you are the most despicable race in the world. What qualifications do you have to give us nicknames?"

Lijingchuan's face became a little embarrassed.

The**among the eight people in the field also refers to him, but he didn't say anything.

Tanaka CHENBA stared at bairongxuan like a knife and said coldly:

"Now I want you to get down on your knees and climb over here, learn some dog barks, and then shout that all**are cheap! Otherwise -"

Before he finished, bairongxuan was already furious and scolded: "wishful thinking, damn devil, you still want me to kneel down and have your spring and autumn dream!"

"Palm mouth!" Tanaka's dust eight eyes shot a cold light and said something lightly.

"Yes, sir!"

Just as the words were uttered, a young man dressed as an island warrior behind him had rushed to bairongxuan, leaving only a shadow!

"Little devil, if you want to fight brother Rong, you must pass the pass of Laozi first!"

When Zhao Hu saw the other party coming, he roared and stopped bairongxuan in front of him, so he wanted to stop it.



A silver flash flashed. The sword of the island warrior had been out of its scabbard. It was almost to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, it stabbed Zhao Hu in the abdomen!

Zhao Hu looked at his bloody abdomen and looked at the island Samurai with disdain in front of his eyes. He was shocked and angry and said, "first, the late congenital period?"

He really can't believe that one of the other's disciples is a congenital late master. What strength should his teacher have?


The island Samurai did not answer him, but gave a cold scolding.

At the same time, he drew the knife back, leaving a hole. The blood flew everywhere. The knife was not stained with blood, and it was instantly sheathed!

Then he put his foot on the wound and kicked Zhaohu down!

"Ah Hu!"


"Uncle AHU!"

At this time, Bai Rongxuan, Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi all ran to Zhao Hu with sad faces.

"Xiao Lin, your skill of drawing a knife has improved again. It's very good!" Tanaka Shiba smiled at the Bushido of the island country.

"Thanks to the teacher's instruction!" The island warrior respectfully said.

Tanaka CHENBA looked at Zhaohu, whose face had turned sallow and he fell to the ground and couldn't get up. He said sarcastically, "he is not in the late stage of his birth, but in the middle stage of his birth. His realm is the same as yours. The reason why you lose is that your Chinese martial arts are all HuaQuan and embroidered legs. It's not worth mentioning. Our Yamato martial arts are the best in the world! The sabre drawing technique that Xiao Lin just used to defeat the enemy with one Sabre is not yours

These ancient warriors of**can stop them! "

Zhaohu's face was ashamed, not because he had lost, but because he had lost face to Huaxia Wudao!

However, the winner is the king along the way of martial arts. In the same realm, people beat him with one move. He is no longer qualified to refute!

"OK, Xiao Lin, give me a hand!" Tanaka CHENBA is indifferent, as if he is the God who controls the life and death of others.

"Yes, sir! But the people of**are not worthy of us!"

Xiao Lin sneered and suddenly kicked Bai Rongxuan in the face.

Bairongxuan was kicked to roll on the ground for sevenoreight meters, spitting blood out of his mouth.


Bai Lan ran to Bai Rongxuan with tears in her eyes. She stared at Xiao Lin angrily and said, "why did you hit my father? Scum!"

"Uncle Bai!"

Linqizhi was also scared and exclaimed, staring at Xiao Lin: "bastard! When Lin Chen comes back, he won't let you go!"

However, no one paid any attention to their two little girls' words at this time.

Lijingchuan said again, "bairongxuan, I'll give you another chance. Don't toast and choose to surrender. Then we can spare your life!"

"You can't!"

Bairongxuan's mouth was full of blood, but he scolded angrily:

"I would rather die and let yihemen fall apart than let it fall into your hands. You can't control the underground world of the port city!"

Although the Li family is powerful, it is not so easy to control the underground world of the port city!

If bairongxuan dies, the underground world will be chaotic and even more difficult to control at that time!

But lijingchuan sneered: "do you think I would be afraid of you dying? To be honest, if I didn't think you had some management skills, I would have killed you!"

"Come in, you two!" At this moment, he said to the door.

Two people came in at once. Bairongxuan and Zhaohu were stunned when they saw them, because they were ouhongkai and yuhongyun!

"Prince! Lord Tanaka!"

"Prince! Lord Tanaka!"

As soon as they came in, they spoke respectfully to lijingzhan and Tanaka CHENBA.

Seeing this, bairongxuan was stunned, then his face turned red with anger and scolded:

"Ou Hongkai, thanks to your age, you are still a traitor. How shameful are you?"

Zhao Hu was already a little angry at this time, but he also said angrily, "shit! Yu Hongyun, you really disgrace the ancient martial artists in our port city!"

"Baga! Who do you think is ouhongkai?"

"Baga! Who do you think is Yu Hongyun?"

However, at this time, "Ou Hongkai" and "Yu Hongyun" looked at bairongxuan and Zhaohu with a mocking smile, just when they were puzzled!

Both of them tore off a human skin mask from their faces, revealing another face!

"You... You..." bairongxuan and Zhao Hu stared with disbelief.

Lijingchuan sneered and said, "two idiots, ouhongkai and Yu Hongyun, are unwilling to cooperate, so they have been killed. By the way, the human skin masks on these two hands were taken from the faces of ouhongkai and them!"

Hearing the speech, bairongxuan and Zhaohu's faces changed greatly.

This kind of means is really unimaginable, ruthless and cruel to the extreme!

Moreover, in this way, these islanders pretend to be them, and the underground world of the port city can really fall into the hands of the so-called "sunburn"!

It is estimated that the scheme of this organization is more than that. Thinking about it makes both of them shudder!

"Why, are you still unwilling to give in?"

Lijingjian saw bairongxuan and their faces were ugly, but he still said nothing, and immediately became impatient.

At this time, the island warrior named Xiao Lin stared at Bai Lan with obscene eyes and said with a smile:

"The girl seemed to call her father just now. Since her father is not so flattering, why don't we play with his daughter in front of him“

When the other samurai of the island countries heard the words, they all had bright eyes and looked at Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi, with greed and a ferocious smile in their eyes. That is a kind of beast like look!

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