Lin Chen held Su man in his arms, followed the servant, and was soon led to a room.

After putting Su man on the bed, he stood by her.

At this time, Su man, who was asleep, was still charming, but he was also a little more quiet and elegant. He was as beautiful as a picture. Lin Chen didn't feel bored looking at him.

"Ding Lingling..."

After a while, his cell phone rang.

After looking at the mobile phone screen, I found that it was jiangmengshu.

"Meng Shu, what's the matter? Do you miss me?" Lin Chen connects the phone and flirts.

Jiangmengshu answered shyly and said:

"Lin Chen, are you still in Roma? I'm on the plane to Roma now, and I'm about to land."

Before Lin Chen came here, he also told his women that he would come to Roma to do something.

Lin Chen said with a smile, "I'm here. Why did you suddenly come to Roma?"

"There is an International Film Festival to be held here tonight. I was informed that I had been nominated, so I came here. By the way, the chairman and his wife came with me."

Speaking of this, she paused and hesitated: "if we meet, should we avoid the chairman and his wife?"

The chairman and his wife in her mouth are anzhongzhou and Li Qin, an Xueyao's parents.

Although jiangmengshu has been with Lin Chen, compared with an Xueyao, he always feels like a third party and feels guilty.

Lin Chen didn't expect an Xueyao's parents to come with him

It seems that Jiang Mengshu's nomination should carry a lot of weight.

At this time, he also remembered that he had promised an Xueyao to take care of her parents so that they could accept the fact that he had multiple women.

Thinking of this, he shook his head and said, "there is no need to hide. You are my woman, my wife, not a junior. There is no need to hide from anyone."

"OK, I'll listen to you." Jiangmengshu responded with some sweetness.

Bang! Bang!

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside. At the same time, someone shouted, "open the door! Open the door for me now!"

"I have something to do here. When I have time, I'll go to the hotel to find you."

Linchen and jiangmengshu said something in a hurry, then hung up the phone, frowned and walked towards the door.

The door opened and several foreign men stood outside.

These people are members of the law enforcement team of the DIAS family. Lin Chen has seen them before.

When they saw Lin Chen, they all looked angry. One of them pointed directly at Lin Chen's nose and scolded:

"Damn it! Thanks to the godfather's kindness to you, you dare to poison him!"

One or even one hand stretched out to grasp Lin Chen's collar. Lin Chen easily avoided his hand and frowned:

"Don't do anything, or I'll be rude. What's the matter, godfather? He's poisoned?"

"Hum! Captain Ritchie has said that you were the one who poisoned the godfather. Do you still want to deny it?" Another member of the law enforcement team shouted angrily.

Lin Chen frowned and said, "I didn't poison the godfather. Do you believe it? Where is he now? Take me there."

"Hum! Come with us. You can't run away!"

Several members of the law enforcement team didn't take Lin Chen's explanation seriously at all. They came to take Lin Chen there. If Lin Chen wanted to go there, of course they wouldn't stop him.

After a while, Lin Chen followed several members of the law enforcement team to Carol's bedroom.

There were about ten people standing in the bedroom, all of them with a fierce momentum. They were not ordinary people, but also members of the law enforcement team.

When they saw Lin Chen coming in, they all stared at him. Their eyes were burning with anger. They wanted to cut Lin Chen into pieces.

Lin Chen didn't pay attention to these people. At this time, he also saw Carlo lying on the bed with his eyes closed and no life at all.

Rich was standing by the bed. When he saw Lin Chen coming in, he glanced at Lin Chen coldly, with a joke in the bottom of his eyes.

It's like a hunter seeing his prey step into a trap.

Beside Godfather Carlo, there was an old doctor in a white coat.

When Lin Chen came in, he was taking down the stethoscope on his ear and shook his head with a sigh.

The old man is a private doctor of the DIAS family. He is also a famous doctor in Italy. He has also won international medical awards.

With him and all kinds of medical equipment in the manor, the DIAS family did not send him to the hospital immediately after Carlo's accident, but asked the old man to come and treat Carlo immediately.

If he can't help it, it's almost meaningless to send him to the hospital.

"Old John, how are you?" Ritchie looked at the old man and said something knowingly.

In fact, he didn't call old John until Carol was out of breath.

Old John shook his head and looked sad.

Immediately, everyone in the room understood what it meant, and all looked at Lin Chen angrily.

"Boy, you killed the leader of our party. I will kill you!"

"That's right! Kill him and bury him with his godfather!"

"Thanks to the godfather who is so friendly to you, Chinese people are really not things!"

"Say! When did you poison the godfather?"

The scene was noisy, and everyone was yelling at Lin Chen. They were all excited. They all looked like they were about to attack him.

"Who said I poisoned it?" Lin Chen didn't have any panic on his face.

Carlo looked at him and said coldly, "who else can there be without you? The godfather has only seen you two outsiders today!"

Lin Chen said, "why is it that those who poisoned must be outsiders, not people in the manor?"

Speaking of this, he stared at rich with cold eyes. "Like you!"

For the godfather's sudden poisoning, Lin Chen doesn't know what the situation is.

At this time, seeing rich against himself, he was also a little annoyed.

As a matter of fact, he also felt that Richie might have done it.

From his words of using drugs to control Su man, we can know that this man is not generally vicious!

Rich felt a sudden surprise, but his face did not change at all. He said in a deep voice: "nonsense! All people in our family love and respect the godfather. How can they do anything to hurt him! He had no problems early or late, but it happened on the day you came here, and it happened not long after you came back from the mountain. Can't you say that

Is that a problem? "

His words were so clever that he tied him directly to the rest of the DIAS family.

At this time, everyone in the room nodded secretly and agreed with rich's words. They all loved the godfather very much. How could they do anything to him!

Moreover, in their view, rich is already the leader of the family's law enforcement team, and may even be the new leader of the family in the future. There is no need to start with the godfather!

Compared with rich, they prefer to believe that Lin Chen and Su man are murderers!

Several of the law enforcement team were rich's confidants. At this time, they also scolded Lin Chen.

"Boy, how dare you turn around and slander our captain!"

"Don't quibble! Anyway, you must bury your Godfather today!"

Lin Chen ignored them, walked to Carol and said to old John, "let me show him."

Hearing the speech, everyone was stunned. Old John said that the godfather was hopeless. This guy even said that he wanted to have a look. Is this going to delay time?

Ritchie didn't stop, and his face was disdainful. He didn't think Lin Chen could see anything, let alone change anything.

In his eyes, the light of the winner has already appeared.

Thinking that Lin Chen would show it to him if he wanted to see it, he could not see anything, so he immediately killed him on the spot!

"Are you a doctor, too?" Old John looked at Lin Chen suspiciously. "I am a traditional Chinese medicine." Lin Chen nodded and said.

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