"Traditional Chinese medicine?"

Old John also thought that Lin Chen was the one who had poisoned the godfather. He was very angry with him. At this time, he heard that Lin Chen was a traditional Chinese medicine. Although he didn't say much, his tone was extremely contemptuous.

In the eyes of these top Western doctors who have received systematic higher education, Chinese traditional medicine, like the head lowering technique in Myanmar and Thailand and the sacrifice of Indians, are all garbage left over from history.

It's their usual joke!

Not only he, but also other people in the room were disdained when they heard the word "traditional Chinese medicine".

Rich had made no secret of his disdain.

"Do you look down upon traditional Chinese medicine?"

Lin Chen is facing old John's contemptuous tone, but he is not angry and appears very calm.

He said a few words, then put his finger on the godfather's wrist, and then checked his pupils and other parts.

"It's not that I despise it, but that I haven't looked at it at all!" Old John snorted coldly.

At this time, Lin Chen had stopped checking the godfather and said:

"Really, you are so powerful? Then you just checked for a long time. Do you know what poison is in the godfather?"

Old John frowned and said, "I have just taken blood for test. When the test results come out, I can be completely sure!"

Lin Chen laughed and said, "you western medicine, really can't do anything without the instrument?"

Old John was concerned about the medical profession in China, and he was also a well-known figure. At this time, he was taught a lesson by a Chinese boy in his early twenties, who was still a traditional Chinese medicine he despised. He immediately angrily said:

"Why, can you see anything with your fingers and eyes?"

The rest of the people, looking at Lin Chen's eyes, obviously felt that he had overestimated himself.

Lin Chen said without thinking: "the direct cause of Carol's death was respiratory and heart failure, and the root cause was the infection with botulinum toxin!"

Old John's eyes widened when he heard the speech, because he also suspected that Carlo was infected with Botox, but he was not completely sure.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen just checked at random for less than 10 seconds, and came to the same conclusion as him!

Although botulinum toxin is now used in the beauty industry, the original botulinum toxin is one of the most toxic organic substances in the world.

According to relevant research, only 4 grams of botulinum toxin can kill 100 million people!

0.5kg of botulinum toxin is enough to make all mankind extinct!

Infected with botulinum toxin, the body will quickly develop a variety of discomfort symptoms within a few hours, and the final result is general muscle paralysis, respiratory failure, heart failure and death!

Of course, when Lin Chen said botulinum toxin, rich's face changed.

The scornful look on old John's face had completely shrunk, and he frowned:

"I also suspect it's botulinum toxin, but if it's botulinum toxin, it shouldn't lead to death so soon. The whole process from poisoning to death, godfather, is less than 10 minutes!"

All the members of the law enforcement team were surprised to see that old John had turned into a figure to discuss with Lin Chen.

What do you mean, this damn chinese medicine, do you really have any skills?

They all became suspicious.

Lin Chen said: "it's very simple, because the poisoner uses specially modified botulinum toxin, which intensifies the toxicity and reduces the time of poisoning, but it also leads to some special consequences."

Lin Chen talked with assurance, but rich secretly gritted his teeth. He regretted it to the extreme. Knowing that this guy really had some skills, he wouldn't let the other party go to see the godfather.

But he wasn't too nervous, because even if Lin Chen saw what was useless, he couldn't change anything unless he let his godfather come back from the dead!

"What special consequences?" Old John was like a student, and he couldn't wait to ask.

"The toxicity of botulinum toxin is strengthened and the time of poisoning is reduced. In fact, it means that it intensifies the rapid hardening of muscles. This acceleration will lead to reactive fibrillation of muscle nerve fibers. You can carefully check the hardened muscles of the godfather and find that they are still slightly twitching!" Lin Chen said.

Old John's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered that he had seen the Research Report on the modified molecules of botulinum toxin in the relevant ancient books, which contained Lin Chen's description!

He quickly put his hand on the hardened muscles of his godfather. Soon, he exclaimed, "it's really the same as what you said!"

Everyone looked unbelievable. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen, the traditional Chinese medicine, was so powerful!

"Ha ha! It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous!"

At this time, rich burst out laughing. Everyone looked at him. Some of them were confused, so they heard him sneer:

"This was originally your poison. Of course you know exactly what happened! Now you don't admit it to yourself. Let's see how you sophisticate!"

When they heard the speech, they all suddenly realized that it was no wonder this guy could see what poison the godfather had been poisoned by. He was the one who had poisoned him. He didn't know that there was a ghost!


Old John was also stunned and looked at Lin Chen suspiciously.

At first, he thought that he had some problems with his views on traditional Chinese medicine. Now, hearing rich's words, he immediately felt that he was almost fooled!


Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders and said faintly, "I can't argue about anything. Who poisoned me? Let the godfather say it himself."

His words made everyone look at him with the eyes of a psychopath.

"Hahaha! Idiot, the godfather is dead. How can he talk to him?" Ritchie was stunned, and then he burst out laughing, very proud.

At this time, in his opinion, Lin Chen was already a dead man.

However, Lin Chen's next words made his smile freeze.

Lin Chen asked, "who said the godfather was dead?"

"What do you mean?" Rich suddenly had an ominous feeling in his heart and stared at Lin Chen.

He found that this guy was too calm from beginning to end, which made him a little uneasy.

Old John was almost convinced that Lin Chen was running the train with his mouth full. His words were too unreliable. He frowned and said, "the godfather's breath has stopped. Isn't this dead?"

Lin Chen said, "who says that if you stop breathing, you are dead?"

This was another silence.

But this time, Lin Chen continued: "the godfather's heart muscles have hardened, leading to cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest. Fortunately, it won't take long. I can save him now. His current state can be called suspended death."

With that, Lin Chen looked at rich and joked, "when the godfather wakes up, we will know who did it to him!"

In Lin Chen's heart, he basically concluded that it was rich's hand.

He did not expect that rich was so vicious that the godfather was obviously nice to him, but he wanted to kill him.

The reason, no accident, was that he and Su man were guilty, so he made up his mind to save the godfather.

Hearing Lin Chen say that the godfather can be saved, although I don't know whether it's true or false, the members of the law enforcement team still show excited expressions on their faces.

Old John looked suspicious, but he also had some expectations.

At this time, a sudden angry shout came.

"Hum! Stop lying. You are just delaying time. Don't think I don't know! You are the one who poisoned and killed the godfather. It's no use arguing. I will avenge the godfather now!" The words fell down, rich had rushed to Lin Chen, and his eyes were full of linglie's killing intention!

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