"Miss Katie!"

An Zhongzhou's face brightened when he saw the woman.

This woman is a famous director in Italy. She has won many awards in the world and is also one of the jury of this International Film Festival!

For this kind of director, he wants to make friends.

But hearing her words, he was surprised and said, "bad news? What bad news?"

Jiangmengshu and the rest of the crowd also looked at Katie suspiciously.

Katie ignored an Zhongzhou's polite smile and said coldly:

"The bad news is that Miss Jiang didn't win the nomination for best actress. It's just an oolong. You can leave now!"

Immediately, anzhongzhou, Li Qin, jiangmengshu and others who heard this were stunned.

Then they all looked at anzhongzhou and jiangmengshu strangely.

It was not easy to come here from China to participate in the International Film Festival. In the end, it turned out to be an oolong, which made people laugh!

It has to be said that once this incident happened, jiangmengshu would become famous.

Completely become a laughing stock!

Become a joke in people's mouth!

An Zhongzhou's smile became stiff. "Ms. Katie, are you right? How can such a thing happen?"

"Of course I can't make a mistake! Anyway, Miss Jiang's nomination has been canceled. It's no use saying anything more!"

Katie said rudely, her face a little impatient.

At this time, Lin Chen frowned and said, "is there someone behind this?"

His question was so direct that everyone present was stunned.

Then everyone looked at Katie.

To tell the truth, how can there be a mistake in the nomination of such a professional International Film Festival!

Many people have the same idea as Lin Chen.

I think someone is playing tricks in the dark.

But it's terrible to have such influence and directly cancel a person's nomination qualification!

Katie didn't intend to hide anything. She sneered at the speech:

"That's right! Let me be frank. You have offended the wrong people. Now it's just the beginning. If you don't know each other, there will be more good plays waiting for you!"

While talking, she glanced disdainfully at the faces of Linchen, anzhongzhou, jiangmengshu and others.

At this moment, a voice full of sarcasm and complacency came over.

"Hum! How about you? Do you regret it now? If you dare to attack me, I will make you kneel down and beg for mercy! Hahaha!"

They all looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Bill coming with a dozen big men on crutches.

These big men are brave and fearsome. Their temples are bulging. They are not comparable to those who were in the hotel before!

When they saw Bill, they were all shocked. After all, the rogue director kept away from him and dared not provoke him.

In connection with his words, people also understand what is going on!

"It turned out that he had offended bill. No wonder he was targeted. He was even disqualified from nominating!"

"Bill is a money spinner under Charles. These Chinese people are too extravagant to provoke him!"

"No wonder Katie doesn't have a good face for these people. You know, she's Charles' mistress!"

"All the nominations have been canceled. It is estimated that Charles made the move. In other words, Charles is a lecher. Jiangmengshu is definitely targeted. Now she is finished!"


Everyone whispered and listened to their words. Lin Chen also understood what was going on.

I dare say this is the Revenge of the baker family!

There was no change in his face, but his eyes became very cold.

It doesn't matter to him, but he plays tricks on his women, which is a bit against his scales!

An Zhongzhou and others immediately understand what happened when they see Bill's arrogance in bringing people here.

Both he and Li Qin were angry but helpless.

Unexpectedly, the baker family's energy is so powerful that it can directly affect the award nomination of the film festival. It's really unscrupulous!

But they are in a foreign country, and they can't fight others at all. They can only be manipulated by others!

"Boy, how dare you be arrogant now? Do you know how powerful I am?"

Bill brought people to Lin Chen. His face was so proud that he was looking down at Lin Chen.

Everyone looked at Lin Chen in surprise. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen turned out to be Bill's main character.

In my heart, I felt Lin Chen didn't know what to do.

The people who were envious of Lin Chen and jiangmengshu for being too close to each other began to gloat.

Katie sneers at Lin Chen. A Chinese man dares to come to Roma to make trouble and annoy the baker family. He is looking for death!

The people bill brought directly surrounded Lin Chen and stared at him with fierce eyes. If they were ordinary people, they would be scared to death.

"Restore Meng Shu's nomination right away, and then roll as far as you can right away. Otherwise, you will die miserably."

Lin Chen ignored the ten big men who were eyeing him and looked at Bill.

His tone was calm, as if he were saying something very ordinary.

However, this tone made many people laugh.

"The boy's acting skills are good. Is he a Chinese actor?"

"Ha ha! But he pretends to be a fool at this time. It's not worth mentioning at all. I guess he will be beaten into a fool later!"

"Wait! If he still dare to be so arrogant, he will die miserably soon! The baker family is not easy to mess with!"

"The people who surround him are members of the baker family's law enforcement team. If the law enforcement team goes out, he will lose half his life even if he doesn't die!"

On this international occasion, they all speak English, so the anzhongzhou couple and jiangmengshu can understand it easily.

Hearing their words, an Zhongzhou and his wife all looked heavy.

They don't know what the so-called law enforcement team is, but they know that the people around Lin Chen are not ordinary!

"Crazy! Do Chinese men like to pretend so much?" Katie looked at Lin Chen and said scornfully.

Bill shrugged, took out a cigar and lit it. After taking a sip, he slowly spit out smoke at Lin Chen and hissed:

"Fark! Boy, you can pretend very well. Do you know who is around you? You are a member of the law enforcement team of our Baker family. Everyone has a life on his hands!"

"Your little Chinese Kung Fu is useless to them! What about the dead old man? Why not, Fark? I was going to clean him up too!"

Bill's smile was wild and his words were even more unbridled.

The ten big men around Lin Chen were all sarcastic. They looked at Lin Chen like a lamb to be slaughtered.

"So you won't do what I say?" Lin Chen said faintly.

Bill stared: "Huaxia pig, don't take yourself too seriously. You're just - ah!"

Before he finished, he suddenly let out a scream, which startled everyone.

When they saw what was going on, everyone turned pale.

Bill used to hold a cigar with B in his hand. At this time, Lin Chen took it in his hand and directly stuffed the lit end into Bill's nostrils!

His nose was squeezed a little open, bleeding out blood, and he was so hot that he screamed.

Katie was so scared that she almost sat down on the ground and hurried back two steps.

People didn't expect Lin Chen to be so fierce and decisive!

"Fark! Chinese people, how dare you do it!"


"First break his hands and feet, and then take him to Lord Charles!"


About a dozen big men around Lin Chen were shocked when they saw Lin Chen's direct action. Then they became angry. The next moment, they waved their fists and feet at Lin Chen.

His fist is fierce and his legs are swift. Everyone is a good player!

"Lin Chen, be careful!"

Although anzhongzhou and Li Qin knew that Lin Chen was very good, they could not help exclaiming at this scene.

The ten or so big men were like beasts that wanted to eat people.

They looked scared.

Although they think Lin Chen is not qualified to let her daughter share him with other women, Lin Chen is an Xueyao's lifesaver after all, and they don't want Lin Chen to have an accident.

But jiangmengshu's face was calm.

She has great confidence in her man.

"This guy is dead!" Some people gloat over it.

The next moment.

There were bursts of bangs in the field, and then those big men who rushed to Lin Chen flew out like a ball!

Before they could even make a sound, they suddenly fainted and fell to the ground in the distance, their mouths overflowing with blood, motionless like a dead dog.

Lin Chen still stood at the same place. From beginning to end, no one could see what he had just done.

In the eyes of these people, the scene they saw was that those big men jumped at Lin Chen, and then they flew out.

What the hell!

"God! What's going on?" Someone exclaimed.

Other people's eyes are about to fall to the ground, and they are full of miracles. What happened just now is even more incredible than the special effects pictures they spent a lot of money on!

Katie reached out and rubbed her eyes. Her mouth was wide open. She suspected that it was just an illusion.

Bill was so surprised that he forgot to pull the cigar out of his nostrils. Then he looked at Lin Chen. His feet were soft!

Anzhongzhou and his wife also looked at Lin Chen in surprise.

Naturally, they didn't think it was an illusion, but they knew that Lin Chen must have moved so fast that they couldn't see clearly.

At this time, Lin Chen became more mysterious in their hearts.

"Unfortunately, if he didn't have other women, he would be worthy of Yaoyao."

Li Qin shook her head and sighed in her heart.

Although Lin Chen is skilled, her skill, in her opinion, is not enough to let Roma's mayor invite her to dinner in person.

In the distance, two people were standing in a shadow, looking at this side.

One of them is Charles, the leader of the baker family.

Beside him was a middle-aged white man who was estimated to be 1.9 meters tall and incomparably strong.

At this moment, Charles frowned, "this boy is so powerful!"

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "he is better than me!"

Charles glanced at the middle-aged man in surprise.

The middle-aged man, whose name is Jason, is the captain of the law enforcement team of their Baker family. To ordinary people, he is like the God of war. He was once an international super mercenary!

Charles did not expect that Jason would say that the other side was better than him!

If it wasn't for the big gap, he would not directly say that he couldn't compare with the other party.

The next moment, Charles shook his head and said in disapproval:

"It's OK. These days, it's not enough to fight! If you beat my man like this, he must die!" He took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

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