"You, you..."

Bill pointed to Lin Chen and said something incomplete. His face was frightened.

He didn't expect that all the law enforcement team he brought with him could do nothing about this guy!

Just when he wanted to turn around and run away, a particularly arrogant voice suddenly came.

"Bill, what are you panicking about? I'm not dead yet!"

When they heard the sound, they all looked in the direction of the sound.


Someone screamed and sat on the ground.

The rest of the onlookers, the next second, fled in all directions, ran to the distance and looked to this side.

Anzhongzhou and Li Qin are scared to death.

Even jiangmengshu turned pale.

Lin Chen frowned.

It was Charles and Tyson who came!


Besides them, there are more than a dozen big men.

The most terrifying thing is that these big men are carrying an exaggerated assault rifle.

It looks like a picture on the battlefield.

It is a horrible armed force!

No wonder these stars and directors would scream and run away.

"Charles really wants to deal with these Chinese people!"

"My God, Charles is so crazy. The people he brought with him are equipped with Aug assault rifles. Does he regard this as a battlefield?"

"There are so many journalists here? Is he crazy?"

"Do you think Charles dares to do this, and these reporters dare to shoot things indiscriminately? Can they take them away after shooting?"

"Ah! I just found out now that the camera shots of those live broadcast cameras have been transferred to other places! It must be Charles' handwriting!"

"The Chinese man who beat Charles is dead! Last time a rich businessman said a bad word about Charles, but the next day he died, his head was cut off and put in his kennel!"

Everyone looked at Lin Chen and jiangmengshu with pity.

Xin said that if the young Chinese could fight again, they would be absolutely dead in the face of a dozen assault rifles!

Aug assault rifle is one of the top ten guns in the world. Its bullet speed is almost three times that of an ordinary pistol. It can shoot all the dozens of bullets in the magazine within 10 seconds!

18 Aug assault rifles, this is Charles' card!

The iron man will become a beehive for you!

Charles took a group of people, like a general, to Lin Chen.

"Darling, you are so handsome! WOW! You are a God with so many rifles!"

Katie's eyes shone, and she threw herself directly into Charles' arms and kissed him on the cheek. Her face was exaggerated and flattering.

"Hahaha! Am I a God? When I was in bed, I had already proved it to you?"

Charles smiled triumphantly and pinched Katie's back.

Then, he smiled and looked at Lin Chen jokingly, "boy, answer me, how do you want to die?"

Katie also looked at Lin Chen with great pride. The original panic disappeared. At this time, her chin was raised like a proud swan.

Almost looking at people through your nostrils!

At this time, Bill reacted and laughed, pointing to Lin Chen's nose and scolding:

"Fark! Boy, you continue to be crazy, aren't you great? With so many assault guns at you, you can continue to be arrogant!"

The 18 men with Aug assault rifles surrounded Lin Chen in the middle.

If there is a big disagreement, we will sweep him into a hornet's nest!

Lin Chen was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the baker family was so rampant. In such public occasions, he even took out his assault gun.

When 18 assault guns are fired at the same time, the power is terrible.

It can directly threaten the life of the congenital early strong!

Even in the general late congenital stage, if you are not careful, you will be seriously injured!

Lin Chen felt that jiangmengshu beside him had turned pale. He glanced at her and said with a smile, "don't be afraid. It's OK with me."

"Well, I'm not afraid of you!"

Jiangmengshu nodded, relieved.

This scene made the onlookers think that Lin Chen and jiangmengshu were both mentally ill.

They were pointed at by more than a dozen assault rifles and said they were all right!

And jiangmengshu believed it!

Anzhongzhou and Li Qin are also speechless.

They felt that jiangmengshu was just Lin Chen's crazy brain powder. He had lost his reason!

They are ordinary people after all.

In their cognition, Lin Chen is also a person no matter how powerful he is. Being pointed at by so many assault rifles, he can only be slaughtered!

Anzhongzhou had just heard the comments of others and knew the identity of the man in front of him.

He was terrified.

These mafias dare to take out their guns here, which is impossible in China!

It's crazy!

He now has no doubt that the other side really dares to shoot and kill people directly!

Li Qin trembled with fear.

An Zhongzhou hurriedly said, "Mr. Charles, there is a misunderstanding. Don't get excited. Everything is easy to discuss! It's a big deal. We'll just lose money!"

"Lose money?"

Charles sneered: "it's not just about money now! My people have been beaten. Do you think you can do it with money?"

"What do you mean, Mr. Charles?"

Seeing that the other side was not ready to give up, Anzhong Zhou had to bite the bullet.


Charles pointed to Li Qin and jiangmengshu.

"We'll take these two women away, and your wife will return them to you in three days. If jiangmengshu does, you don't have to worry!"

He looked at Lin Chen, "you must kneel down and kowtow to me, and then we will leave you with two legs, and you can leave!"

Once this was said, the whole audience was in an uproar!

This is really overbearing.

Li Qin and jiangmengshu are taken away, and the consequences can be imagined.

Seeing what the other party meant, he didn't want to return jiangmengshu!

Moreover, he not only insulted Lin Chen, but also disabled him.

The people looked at anzhongzhou, Lin Chen and others with pity, Schadenfreude, indifference, and various expressions.

The same thing is, in their opinion, Lin Chen and others are absolutely finished!


An Zhongzhou's face turned blue and white. He roared angrily, "don't deceive people too much!"

Li Qin clutches an Zhongzhou's clothes tightly, and her face is panic stricken.

Even if she was a strong woman, she was scared to death now.

Charles's face sank. He was about to speak, but he didn't wait for his words.

Lin Chen suddenly said, "I'll give you two choices."

"Ha, boy, are you crazy? You give me two choices?"

Charles stared wide, thinking he had heard wrong.

Bill froze for a while and laughed. The next moment, his face turned cold and he pointed to Lin Chen and said:

"Idiot, are you blind? You haven't figured it out yet, have you?"

The rest were also confused by Lin Chen's words.

Xin said, don't you know that he is being pointed at by a dozen assault rifles?

However, Lin Chen ignored everyone's reaction, stared at Charles coldly and said indifferently: "the first choice, you should kneel down immediately and let me break your hands and feet. The second choice, I will kill you."

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