Lin Chen's words came out, and the whole audience was silent.

The next second, everyone burst into laughter. Charles and Bill were the most exaggerated.

They laughed until tears came out, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Hahaha! Idiot, what's wrong with you? You still think you can kill me?"

Charles laughed and cursed.

"Hee hee, darling, I think there is something wrong with his brain."

Katie nestled in Charles' arms and smiled at Lin Chen.

Anzhong Zhou was also speechless by Lin Chen's words.

Lin Chen seems to be making things worse.

However, in any case, he would rather die than agree to Charles' conditions.

"Since you don't choose, I'll take it as the second choice. That is to say, I'll kill you."

Lin Chen still takes care of himself.

Again, everyone was stunned.

Charles spat on the ground, stared at Lin Chen darkly, and scolded angrily:

"Yes, boy, it seems that you are determined to die. In that case -"

While he was talking, a dozen big men with Aug assault rifles pointed their guns at Lin Chen!

However, without saying anything, Charles was stunned and stared at Lin Chen's back.

In the direction behind Lin Chen, two people came slowly.

A silver haired old man who looked like dusk, and a fat middle-aged man.

Other people also saw the two men. Many of them cried out in alarm and then began to talk. The scene was noisy.

Most of them have recognized the fat middle-aged.

Because he is the mayor of Roma, Dean!

I often see it on TV, so it's hard to know it.

Anzhongzhou and Li Qin both recognize Dean at this time.

Their faces were surprised, especially Li Qin, who was stunned.

She looked at Lin Chen and thought, can Lin Chen really ask the mayor of Roma to invite him to dinner?

But then she threw the idea out of her mind.

This is impossible!

When you think about it, it's not surprising that Dean, as mayor, came to this International Film Festival.

Some people, however, recognized the old man beside Dean and were shocked.

"Well, isn't that Mr. Carroll?" Someone exclaimed.

"Mr. Carroll? Is this old man famous? Why haven't you heard of him?"

"Shut up! Shut up! You dare to disrespect Mr. Carroll. Do you want to die?"

The man who had spoken turned pale with fear.

After he said something in the other party's ear, the man who had just called Carlo an old man was so scared that he was sweating and his feet were soft.

Soon, Carlo's identity was passed down among the people.

Carlo, the legendary godfather of Europe? Diaz!

This name scared everyone.

Looking at Carlo, there are those who fear, respect and worship, but no one dares to be disrespectful.

Anzhongzhou and Li Qin also know Carlo's identity from the words of others, and their eyes are wide with surprise!

Compared with Carol, Charles is just a little hooligan!

Not a level at all!

Everyone wondered how the legendary European Godfather did not appear in front of people at all. At this time, mayor Dean appeared here together.

Charles was so scared that he immediately pushed away Katie in his arms, looked respectfully at Carol, and bent over:

"Godfather, why are you here?"

Those big men with assault rifles also put down their guns and stood up straight, not daring to move.

The shadow of man's famous tree, Carlo, the legendary godfather, they would never dare to offend!

Mayor Dean was ignored by them!

Katie and bill, too, were all respectful, like slaves.

When people saw this scene, they understood how terrible the legendary godfather was!

"Mr. Lin, ha ha, I can bring Dean here for you. This guy used to do business in the city next door, so he wasted some time. Don't be surprised!"

Carlo didn't care about others at all. He walked to Lin Chen and said with a smile.

Lin Chen said with a light smile, "Mr. Carroll is joking. How can I be surprised? Thank you for helping me."

Hearing their conversation, Charles' pupils contracted and his face twitched.

Katie and bill will be dumbfounded if they get an electric shock.

The onlookers were petrified.

Jiangmengshu's pretty face also showed doubts. Even she didn't expect that Lin Chen even knew the European Godfather.

The other party specially called mayor Roma back from other cities for him!

Moreover, he was so polite that he said to let Lin Chen take it easy.

Although this should be a polite statement, it also reflects Lin Chen's position in each other's hearts!

Anzhongzhou and Li Qin were shocked. They almost suspected that it was a dream.

"It seems that we all underestimated him!" An Zhongzhou smiled bitterly.

Li Qin's face was complicated and she didn't speak.

"But anyway, since Lin Chen has such great ability, he should be able to settle the matter tonight."

An Zhongzhou's face showed a trace of happiness.

Dean looked at Lin Chen curiously.

Carol is an old friend of his and a person he must pay attention to, so Carol asks him to come back immediately and he will come back.

As a result, it turned out that he wanted to meet such a young man?

Although he couldn't see anything special about Lin Chen, he believed Carlo's vision.

At this time, he also went to Lin Chen, reached out and spoke fluent Chinese as a guest:

"Hello, Mr. Lin. nice to meet you."

"Hello, mayor Dean." Lin Chen shook hands with Dean politely.

He looked at Carol again and said, "Mr. Carol, please wait aside. I'll take care of the matter here and we'll have a good talk."


Carlo had already seen the big man with assault rifle, Charles and others, and frowned:

"Mr. Lin, I don't know what happened. Did Charles provoke you? Why don't you say it and I'll help you solve it?"

Hearing this, Charles turned pale and said quickly:

"Godfather, misunderstanding! It's just a misunderstanding between me and Mr. Lin!"

It's a joke. Although he's doing well, it's not difficult for the godfather to crush him, just as it is for ants.

Lin Chen's relationship with the godfather is obviously very shallow. He doesn't dare to provoke him!

At this time, he had already regretted that he knew that the other party had such a backer. He didn't dare to provoke anything!

Katie and bill, at this time, also have earthy faces and drums in their hearts.

No one expected that things would turn around.

Originally in their view, Lin Chen, who was sure to die, suddenly got involved with his godfather.

A reversal!

However, Lin Chen shook his head at Carol and said, "no, it's my own business. I'll just solve it“

As soon as an Zhongzhou's face changed, he hurriedly said, "Lin Chen, what are you talking about? You can solve it yourself. How can you solve it?"

The rest of the people also looked at Lin Chen in bewilderment. In their view, Lin Chen had a relationship with Carol but didn't use it. It was crazy.

Carol said nothing more, nodded and stood aside.

This once again stunned everyone.

"I just gave you two choices. If you didn't choose, you chose the second one by default. Therefore, you must die."

Lin Chen looked at Charles with an indifferent tone, like death. The man wanted her to kneel down and break his legs. According to his rules, he should be killed!

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