Everyone's heart was lifted.

This second, I even forgot to breathe.

"I want to kill you. Even if you drive a tank, it's useless. This gun has no meaning at all."

Lin Chen's tone was calm, and he walked towards Charles without delay.

People could not see the movements of his hands.

Lin Chen's hands seemed to have disappeared. He could only see the shadow faintly, just like the thousand hand Guanyin in the myth.

Ding Ding

Bullets fell to the ground.

Charles was so scared that his feet trembled and he screamed desperately, trying to hide his panic. Bullets continued to shoot from the muzzle of the gun.

A few seconds later.

Dozens of bullets lay on the ground, and no bullets continued to shoot from the muzzle.

The magazine is finally empty!

Lin Chen also walked up to Charles and looked at him with cold eyes.

Charles is tall, half a head taller than Lin Chen.

But at this time, everyone has a feeling that Lin Chen is looking down at Charles.

Like a dragon overlooking the mole ants!

Everyone held their breath.

At this time, Lin Chen was like a demon, and no one dared to offend him.

No one will think that he made friends with the godfather because of good luck. On the contrary, many people think that the godfather was lucky to make friends with such a subversive existence!


This time, the godfather said with deep emotion.

Charles burst out and knelt down in front of Lin Chen, trembling all over:

"Please forgive me! I, I will choose the first choice! You can break my hands and feet, don't kill me, please don't kill me!"


Lin Chen still had a bullet in his hand. At this time, he waved his hand.


The bullet went through Charles' brow, through his head, and finally into the ground behind him.


Charles' body fell to the ground.

His eyes were wide open. When he came, he was arrogant and domineering. A woman who wanted to sleep wanted to break her legs. How could he have thought of such an outcome.

Lin Chen turns to look at Katie!

Katie trembled with fear, and hurriedly tried to hold her chest and abdomen out, showing her hot figure, and said with a flattering smile on her face:

"My Lord, don't kill me! Do whatever you want to do to me. I will certainly satisfy you. You can play any hole you want! I can serve you tonight! Please let me go!"

Jiangmengshu looked disdainful on his face.

Her man would not like such a woman!

"Give yourself a hundred blows and get out." Lin Chen said coldly.

Although this woman was a little hateful just now, she was still guilty to death, but her mouth smelled too bad.

Katie nodded like a pound of garlic. "OK, I'll palm my mouth right away!"

Compared with being killed, a hundred blows of your own hands and lips is nothing.

She immediately slapped herself. She didn't dare to cut corners. She slapped her face and soon her face became red and swollen.

Lin Chen glanced at the faces of the onlookers.

Those who used to laugh at him or indulge in misfortune were all bowing their heads at this time and did not dare to look at him at all.

"Ha ha! Now that Mr. Lin's affairs have been handled, let's find a seat to sit down. I've asked someone to resume Miss Jiang's nomination. Someone will come here later."

Then the godfather opened his mouth and said with a smile.

At the same time, he glanced at jiangmengshu and sighed that Lin Chen was blessed.

"Thank you very much." Lin Chen nodded.

Dean smiled, "haha! I'd better do my job first."

He looked at Li Qin and said politely, "Ms. Li Qin, do you have the honor to invite you to dinner?"

Li Qin and an Zhongzhou looked at each other. Their faces were a little complicated.

Originally, they thought Lin Chen was powerful, but now he is not powerful. It is a field they can't touch.

They can't understand how Lin Chen has superhuman strength.

With Lin Chen's skill, an Xueyao wants to be his woman and share it with others. They really can't stop it.

In fact, they also have a steelyard in their mind.

With Lin Chen's performance tonight, he is really qualified to let their daughter be his concubine!

Finally, Li Qin nodded and said, "of course, mayor Dean, it's my honor to have your invitation."

She looked at Lin Chen again. "Lin Chen, I have to say that tonight's event has completely subverted my understanding of the world. You must not disappoint Yao Yao in the future."

This is undoubtedly to agree with an Xueyao and Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "of course, I have no time to hurt Yaoyao. How can I fail her!"

Seeing Lin Chen's happy appearance, anzhongzhou and his wife were relieved.

It seems that although Lin Chen is like a superman, it is not difficult to get any women, but his daughter is very important in his heart.

Several people found a seat to sit down.

Anzhongzhou and Li Qin chatted with their Godfather and Dean. The atmosphere was warm and both sides were very polite.

Soon, various awards were issued.

Unexpectedly, jiangmengshu won the best actress award!

Jiangmengshu was stunned, and then went up to receive the award.

In fact, both she and an Zhongzhou guessed that the reason why jiangmengshu won the prize must have something to do with Carol.

The influence of this godfather is really terrible.

But after all, it's still because of Lin Chen!

Anzhongzhou and his wife have once again indirectly felt the terrifying influence of their prospective son-in-law.

"How are you, happy?"

Jiangmengshu comes back with the trophy and sits beside Lin Chen. Lin Chen pinches her delicate nose and laughs.

"Hee hee. How happy!"

Jiangmengshu showed a pure smile on his face and couldn't help kissing Lin Chen on his face.

A reporter hurriedly filmed the scene.

But with his godfather, it was impossible for him to take out the things he had photographed.

Jiangmengshu knows that he won the prize because of Lin Chen.

But what does that mean.

She has no deep obsession with acting.

At first, it was just to attract Lin Chen's attention, but now it has become his woman.

In fact, she was happy whether she won or not.

Happily, her man stood beside him and looked at him lovingly.

This man, who was like a demon before, looked at her with a spoiled face.

"If you are happy, will you reward me tonight?" Lin Chen whispered with a smile in jiangmengshu's ear.

Jiangmengshu blushed, bowed his head, and his voice was so low that he could hardly hear:

"Reward as you say. People will listen to you."

That night, Lin Chen arrived at jiangmengshu's hotel and stayed in her room.

Jiang Mengshu, who has just won the best actress award at the Rome Film Festival, is like a white lamb, tossed by Lin Chen in various ways.

Until midnight, he hugged Lin Chen's waist and put his pretty face on his chest and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Lin Chen was woken up by Su man's phone.

Let him prepare to return home. They booked a noon flight.

Su man can guess what Lin Chen did last night, but she has accepted that Lin Chen has other women. At this time, she doesn't say anything more.

She still knows how to behave.

It's OK to lose your temper occasionally, but if you keep pestering, it will inevitably be annoying.

Jiangmengshu and an Zhongzhou will stay here for a few days. Now several Italian directors are willing to cooperate with her.

With Dean's help, Li Qin also got the opportunity to meet many fashion giants here. She has planned to set up a branch here for her clothing company.

With his godfather and Dean, it's hard to lose money.

"Meng Shu, I'm going back to Yuehai today. I'll have someone bring you breakfast later."

Lin Chen puts on her clothes and rubs jiangmengshu's hair.

At this time, jiangmengshu was like a white jade beauty.

Jiangmengshu was tormented last night. At this time, his face was still sleepy. When he heard Lin Chen's words, he immediately said:

"I'll see you off!"

"No, you can continue to rest. By the way, when you return home, you will directly move to Yunwu villa. Do you know?"

Lin Chen smiled, "that will be our home in the future."

"Well, I know. Sister Yi Ren and sister Xi Xi also told me about this."

Jiangmengshu said coyly, and then said in a coquettish way, "kiss me before you go."

Lin Chen smiled and kissed her on the mouth.

At 9 a.m., Lin Chen and Su man catch the flight back to Yuehai city.

When he came to Italy this time, he learned about the existence of the dark Holy See, and Lin Chen also knew that there are too many people better than him in the world now.

Therefore, there was a sense of urgency in his heart. He had to be stronger and bigger!


island country.

In a dark room.

"Well, have you made all the arrangements?" "Lord Liu, don't worry. This time the Chinese dragon tooth will die. There is absolutely no possibility of survival!"

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