On the plane.

Lin Chen and Su man sit by the window.

In the cabin, men and women, young and old, are doing their own things

However, many men, ranging from minors to sixties and seventies, can't help sneaking at Su man.

Including the women, they couldn't help peeping at Su man.

Then I scolded in my heart: fox spirit!

The original Su man is beautiful and charming. Now he has been inherited. Even if he is not demonized, his temperament is more charming. It is really tempting.

As a strong woman, Su man's psychological quality will not be affected by these irrelevant people.

Reading files with a tablet.

Linchen closes her eyes and refreshes herself.

At this time, the plane has reached the sky over the South China Sea. In more than an hour, it will be able to reach Yuehai city.

At this moment, a frightened voice suddenly sounded.

"Xiao Yu, what's the matter with you? Don't scare your mother. What's the matter with you?"

Lin Chen opened his eyes. Su man stopped his movements and looked in the direction of the sound.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

"What happened to the little boy?"

The rest of the passengers looked at him with a puzzled face.

I saw a seat not far away.

A little boy who was estimated to be in his teens was curling up with his white face full of pain and sweat on his forehead.

Beside him sat a woman in her thirties, looking at him in panic.

"Xiao Yu, what's the matter with you? What's wrong with you? Tell your mother quickly!"

The little boy turned purple and began to cry, "sobbing... Mom, my stomach hurts so much!"

The stewardess soon came to check on the little boy.

"Is the child eating badly?"

"I don't think so. You see, his face is turning purple with pain. I think there is something wrong with his body!"

"Ouch, I have health problems at such a young age. It's troublesome!"

All the people talked about it with a caring look on their faces.

At this time, the stewardess looked at the crowd and hurriedly said, "doctor, is there a doctor here?

Everyone looked at each other, but no one stood up at all.

"Let me show him."

Lin Chen unfastens his seat belt and walks towards the little boy.

Su man followed without any hesitation, and his face was worried.

"Is this young man a doctor?"

Someone said in surprise, with some suspicion on his face.

Lin Chen is too young. They would rather believe that he is a college student than a doctor.

However, at this time, only a dead horse can be a live horse doctor, and no one can say anything without interest.

"Doctor! Please help my Xiaoyu to have a look!"

When the little boy's mother saw Lin Chen, she seemed to have grasped the straw and begged.

"Don't worry, sister. Lin Chen's medical skills are very good. He will certainly cure your child."

Su man opens his mouth, and his tone is full of faith in Lin Chen.

Lin Chen went to the little boy and was about to say something, but he was stunned, and then frowned.

"Doctor, what's the matter with you? Please help my Xiaoyu to have a look. Please, he's in such pain!"

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't do anything, everyone was confused, and the little boy's mother couldn't help urging him to get up.

"Lin Chen, what's the matter?" Su man didn't understand.

Lin Chen didn't answer, but stared at the little boy. His tone became cold: "how old are you?"

"Sir, what are you doing? I still have time to ask people how old they are. Haven't you seen that the children are in such pain? You should help them look at it quickly!"

The stewardess also urged.

The rest of the passengers also blamed Lin Chen one after another.

The little boy is in such pain. The guy is still slowly asking him how old he is. He just has nothing to do. He should check the little boy's body quickly and then treat him!

"What is this guy doing? Is he a doctor or not? How can I feel that he is looking for trouble!"

"That's right. If it's not the doctor, go away quickly. Don't get in the way!"

"I have some gastrointestinal medicine here. Why don't you give the child a try?"

All the people did not give Lin Chen a good face at this time. They simply regarded him as a villain and cared about the little boy.

However, no one noticed that the little boy's mother didn't speak after Lin Chen asked him how old he was. Her face became gloomy.

Su man also has doubts in her eyes, but she believes in Lin Chen's behavior.

There must be a reason why Lin Chen asks so.

Lin Chen frowned at the little boy with a miserable face and said coldly:

"Uncle, don't pretend! It's fun to pretend to be a little boy at an old age."


When they heard Lin Chen say that the little boy was pretending, they all looked angry, but when they realized his name, they were all stunned.

"I am a doctor, and a doctor who can tell the approximate age from the bones of a person's face!"

"If I guess correctly, your age is at least 30 years old! What do you want, a deformed skeleton and a natural dwarf?"

Lin Chen said indifferently.

At this time, he felt that the other party was coming at him.

The other party should know that he knows medical skills, so he deliberately made this scene, and let him come by himself under the pretext of physical problems.

However, the other party will never think that he can judge the approximate age from a person's bones!

"The little boy is over 30 years old? Hey, what the hell are you talking about?" Some people complained.

"That's right. It's too much to call people dwarfs!"

The rest of the people looked at Lin Chen as if they were seeing a neuropathy. Some people directly attacked him.

However, unexpectedly, the little boy suddenly sat up straight and looked at Lin Chen. His eyes were as venomous as a poisonous snake spitting snake letters.

"Baga! **pig, you have some skills. I took the poison on my own initiative. I thought you couldn't see any flaws. I didn't expect you could see my age! But so what, you still have to die!"

He let out a sharp and hoarse laugh, which was not a child's voice at all.

The next moment, he rushed towards Lin Chen and wanted to hold Lin Chen. The speed was extremely fast.


All the people were stunned by the sudden change.

This man is really not a little boy, but a dwarf over the age of 30!

And he seems to be an Islander!

Lin Chen heard the other party's crazy voice, but his heart burst.

Islanders, is it the Revenge of the sun?

He had some conjectures in an instant.

And then, as the other party rushed over, a huge sense of crisis spread in his heart.

This is the first time that he has had such a strong sense of crisis since he was inherited. It seems that he is about to die!

Linchen's eyes were frozen. Without any hesitation, he kicked the dwarf on the chest of the island country, with his body, and hit the window beside him.


The window was directly kicked to pieces, and the island dwarf was kicked out of the plane!

The strong wind poured into the cabin. Suddenly, many passengers and objects fell to the ground. Everyone screamed and the scene was in a mess.

This scene is really too sudden.

Although I didn't expect that the "child" would suddenly burst out, and then Lin Chen kicked him out of the plane!

It's sensational!

However, the next moment, a more incredible scene happened.


There was a loud noise outside the plane!

When the crowd saw it, their faces changed again. The dwarf exploded like a powerful bomb.

The wings were blown off, and the plane shook, accompanied by a more shrill cry of horror. It was like the end of the world!

"What's going on? Who's going to tell me what's going on?"

"Bomb! That child, no, that dwarf has a bomb in his body. It must be a special biological bomb. It can't be detected when he gets on the plane!"

Exclaimed a middle-aged man who looked like an intellectual.

"Ah! I don't want to die! Help me, sobbing... I don't want to die!"

Someone was so frightened that he burst into tears.

"Lin Chen, what the hell is going on?" Su man also panicked.

All kinds of voices were very noisy. Lin Chen suddenly felt a sudden, but he didn't care about Su man. Suddenly he thought of something and suddenly looked at the "mother" of the "little boy".

I saw that just now I was still panicking, like an ordinary woman. At this time, I was standing more than ten meters away from Lin Chen, with a bitter grin on my face.

Seeing Lin Chen, she looked ferocious and shrieked:

"**, it will not come to a good end to offend us' the sun's inflammation '! Go to hell. What dragon teeth are just jokes in front of us' the sun's inflammation'

Lin Chen felt a strong sense of crisis again, and his face changed greatly, but he was about to make an action, and the woman had growled:

"Hahaha! Baga, it's late. Come and die with me!"

Next second.

Bang. The whole plane exploded and became a huge spark!

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