island country.

Shinto mountain.

Shendao mountain is not very magnificent. It looks very ordinary. Ordinary islanders don't even know the existence of this mountain.

In fact, decades ago, it was just an unknown mountain without any fame.

There is only a tattered Kendo hall on the mountain.

Later, a man was born and swept all the major martial arts schools in the island country. He has no rival. His reputation is spread overseas and he is regarded as one of the strongest in the world.

He is the God Yuehua blade!

The master of the sun's inflammation, the object of worship of all the island's martial arts strongmen.

He was born in Shinto mindless stream Kendo and absorbed the essence of the martial arts of various schools in the island country. He was proficient in the profound meanings of other Kendo schools, various forbearance methods and the skills of yin and Yang masters!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a collection of the essence of martial arts from ancient times to modern times.

He is also the soul of martial arts in today's island country!

Because he lived on this nameless mountain and built a Kendo hall, this nameless mountain also won the honor of being called Shendao mountain!

People of martial arts in the island country regard it as an honor to step into Shendao mountain, and dream of practicing in the Kendo Hall of Shendao mountain.

This is also the headquarters of today's sunshine.

At this time, in a room of the Kendo hall, except for the God Yuehua blade, other powerful martial artists from the island countries gathered together.

These people include the main stream leaders of the Ninja school, Yihe stream, Jiahe stream, and the Kendo school, Beichen Yidao stream, Jingxin Zhiming stream, liushengxin Yinliu, etc.

Each of them is a giant in the martial arts of the island country!

At this time, their faces were all excited and enthusiastic.

"Ha ha! Lord God has finally left the pass and plans to attack Qinchuan. We will soon be able to trample on the Chinese martial arts!"

"Humph! Those foreigners ranked Lord God sixth on the list of bullshit gods, but Qinchuan was fifth. What a blind man! Today, we will know the real strength of Lord God!"

"They praised Qinchuan and Lord God as the two great swords in the East. It's ridiculous. How can Chinese swordsmanship be compared with our great harmony country!"

"Qinchuan doesn't know how to live or die. He has promised to fight with Lord God at the deer arena. It is estimated that good news will come soon!"

"The xuexiao sect is ready. Soon, the whole Chinese martial arts will be enslaved by us!"

"It is said that there are some ancient relics in China. Then we can enslave the people in the martial arts world of China to look for us!"

"I hope Lord God can go further in the battle and step into the transcendence completely!"

The God Yuehua blade gave the sword God Qinchuan a secret afternoon a while ago, and Qinchuan gladly responded.

This morning, Yuehua blade has left for Huaxia!

For the time being, this matter is only known to the senior leaders of the "sun's fire" and the Qin family.

However, when this peak duel between Huaxia martial arts and island martial arts comes to an end, the world will be informed of the results.

They have absolute confidence in Yuehua blade, because they all know that their Lord God has stepped into the legendary transcendental realm.

Just one last step away, you can fly to heaven and earth, just like an immortal!

At this time, a young man dressed as an island warrior ran in and said something in one of the middle-aged men's ears.

When he left, the middle-aged man burst out laughing. Seeing that the crowd looked at him in doubt, he laughed and said:

"Just got the news, the dead soldier we sent has successfully completed the mission. The Chinese dragon tooth has been killed by a bomb. The body and the wreckage of the plane have fallen into the South China Sea!"

When others heard the speech, their eyes lit up and they laughed.

Chinese dragon tooth, now the 14th in the list of gods, is the second strongest Chinese in the list of gods!

When God defeats Qinchuan, he will release the news that the Chinese dragon tooth is dead. It will be a terrible blow to the Chinese martial arts world.

On the contrary, the martial arts and Taoism circles of island countries are bound to rise!

No longer need to be subordinate to the Chinese martial arts!

"Ha ha! Good death! Now, God helps me greatly!"

"It's just a small dragon tooth. Even if he doesn't die, after the Lord kills Qinchuan, he can be cut in two with one more sword! It's just a clown!"

"Indeed, he is just better than the ordinary inborn peak. He is not much better than us. Even if he is alive, he can't change anything!"

"The most important thing is to wait for the news that Lord God has defeated Qinchuan!"

"Ha ha, bullshit dragon teeth, bullshit dragon group, I can clean up the Dragon King alone. Today's China is not worth mentioning!"

"We have endured for many years. This time, we can finally let the world have a good look at our Dahe heritage!"

The strong ones were excited. The news of Lin Chen's death was just icing on the cake for them.

In fact, they didn't take this Chinese dragon tooth seriously.

The only thing that really appeals to them is the sword God Qinchuan!

At this time, Ichiro inouda, the leader of ihe flow, got up and went outside.

He needs to make a phone call to lvheng, the leader of xuexiao sect, to tell the other party about Lin Chen's death.

He had a good relationship with LV Heng. The reason why xuexiao sect was able to attach itself to the "sun's inflammation" was that he was the bridge operator.

Lu Yue knew that Lin Chen had ruined one eye.

Moreover, he also knew that long Xuelan, who killed Sato Toya, one of the three great forbearances of yiheliu, now lives in the cloud mountain villa of Longya!

He made a special investigation a few days ago. In addition to long Xuelan, there are several other beautiful women living in Yunwu villa.

An obscene smile appeared on Ichiro inouda's face.

He has no other preferences in his life, and he has no requirements for food, clothing and accommodation. There is only one thing in the world that can make his blood boil!

That's a beautiful woman!

What he likes most is adultery and abuse of beautiful women!

"Now that your man is dead, let me take care of you! The best beauty in China, Jie Jie, is really a miss. I haven't played for a long time!"

"By the way, Lu Heng said that Lu Yue was shot in the eye by Lin Chen because of a woman named Han Shuang. In that case, for the sake of meeting his father, I'll ask him to go together and give him Han Shuang! Ha ha!"

He first called LV Heng, hung up the phone, and booked a ticket to Yuehai, China.


Dragon group.

"No way! How could Lin Chen die! It's impossible!"

When the dragon king heard the news from his subordinates, he was like a petrified man. The next moment he roared.

Their dragon group finally got a new dragon tooth, and the influence of the dragon group has just been improved. Now they tell him that the Dragon tooth is dead?

What a joke!

What's more, Lin Chen has long been regarded as his younger relatives in his heart. How can he accept the news of his death!

"Dragon King, it's true. The M206 passenger plane that dragon Fang took exploded and the wreckage fell into the South China Sea. Now we have searched some body wreckage and a few bodies."

"Those corpses are all beyond recognition and cannot be distinguished. Although Lord Longya is like Superman, he is only afraid, only afraid..."

The middle-aged man didn't go on, but his eyes were already red.

If the Dragon King is the backbone of the dragon group, then the Dragon teeth are the backbone of the dragon group, and they are the object of their fascination and worship!

Now the Dragon tooth is dead and the backbone is broken. It is a great grief to the whole dragon group!

"How could this happen? How could this happen..."

The Dragon King murmured. For a moment, his body was bent and seemed to be much older.

Just then, another man ran in panic.

"Dragon King! Something big has happened, something big has happened!"

Before the man arrived, his trembling voice came first.

The Dragon King suddenly looked at the visitor and stared at the tiger. "What's the big deal?"

"Qin Chuan, the sword God, fought a decisive battle with the island God, but his right arm was cut off by the other side! He lost! He can't even take the sword again!"

"The island God, now ranked the second in the list of gods, is a strong semi God. Now the whole international underground world is saying that we are Chinese..."

The Dragon King and the tiger's eyes were red: "Qinchuan's right arm was cut off and he couldn't hold a sword? Was he killed by the Islander?"

Although the dragon group and Qinchuan have some private hatred, the last generation of dragon teeth died because of Qinchuan.

But in front of the country, there is no private resentment!

Qinchuan represents Chinese kendo. Qinchuan's right arm was cut off and he was unable to hold a sword. Then Chinese Kendo, or the whole Chinese martial arts, was cut off and became a joke!

The Dragon King stumbled and almost fell down.

This old man, who has devoted himself all his life to China and fought for glory for China, is already covered with frosty hair. It seems that he is really old.

"What does the underground world say about China?"

"Saying that there is no one in China, saying that our Chinese martial arts are just a joke. A master was trampled underfoot by his apprentice!"

Once, island countries learned various techniques from China. Now, however, they have trampled China under their feet and killed the first person in China with a sword. How can the world not laugh?

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