"What are you talking about? Let me break through the inborn peak tonight?"

There was the sound of rain and wind. Suddenly, the sound of waves came from the distance. Lin Chen didn't hear Su man's words clearly, and thought he had heard them wrong.

Su man did not answer directly, but clenched his hand and said:

"Let's find a place to shelter from the rain. My clothes are wet, and I'm hungry and thirsty."

Lin Chen didn't say any more. Without asking Su man, he picked her up. She was as sharp as electricity. She ran quickly in the mountains to find a place to shelter from the rain.

Su man hugs Lin Chen's neck, and his eyes are full of tenderness.

In the back, he leaned his face against Lin Chen's chest.

But Lin Chen was eager to find a shelter from the rain, so he didn't pay attention to these.

Soon he found a cave.

The cave is not big, but it can accommodate more than two people.

Entering the cave, he put Su man down and ordered:

"Wait here for me. I'll find some dry wood and food and come back soon."

With that, he turned to leave.

Su man quickly grabbed his clothes and said with some fear:

"Lin Chen, you must come back quickly! I am a little afraid of staying here alone."

Lin Chen turned his head and saw Su man's charming little face with attachment. It looked pitiful. It was not like the usual fox spirit.

It looks like a little girl who is afraid of being abandoned.

He had long regarded Su man as his own woman. He felt pity for her, pinched her white and tender face, and said with a smile:

"Can't you just leave me? Ha ha! Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

At this moment, Su man suddenly bit his finger gently.


Lin Chen's heart trembled.

Then there was some bewilderment. The demon was so afraid that he dared to tease himself.

"Come back quickly. Someone will give you a present tonight!"

Su man said in Lin Chen's ear, breathing like orchid, which made Lin Chen's ears itch.

The faint fragrance on her body also made Lin Chen's mind wander.

"Gifts? What gifts?"

Lin Chen was stunned. In such a place and at such a time, what gift could she give herself?

"Don't ask, just come back quickly!"

Su man blushed and pushed Lin Chen like a spoiled girl, urging him to go and return early.

Lin Chen didn't ask any more. He disappeared from the rain and went to look for some dry firewood to make a fire and food.

Although his endurance is much stronger than that of ordinary people, in fact, he is now hungry and thirsty.

Seeing Lin Chen's back disappear in the rain, Su man mumbles after a few seconds:

"Does he look like a husband who goes out to support his wife?"

The next second, she asked herself, "like!"

There was a sweet smile on her face. Then she looked around. She didn't know what to look for. Her eyes lit up and she walked out of the cave.

Within half an hour, Lin Chen came back.

In his left hand was a dead hare, and in his right hand was a bamboo tube filled with water.

There are a lot of dry firewood under the creaky nest.

He ran back like a gust of wind and walked under the leaves to avoid wetting the dry wood.

When he returned to the cave, he was stunned. Then he heard Su man say:

"Oh, you step back, you have stepped on my bed!"

Lin Chen looked at the scene in front of him and took a step back without saying anything.

Su man did not know where to find a lot of hay and spread it on the ground.

She wanted to use the hay to make a bed. Lin Chen didn't think there was anything, but it seemed that she had also made a love shape!

What the hell is this?

The girlish heart of a seductive female boss?

Lin Chen twitched at the corners of his mouth.

However, he didn't say much. He found a place to put his hands down.

For him, it was too simple to drill wood for fire. After a while, the dry firewood was ignited. Lin Chen simply cleaned the rabbit skin and baked it on the campfire.

Lin Chen took out some small fruits of different colors from his body, pressed the juice out of the fruit with his fingers, and dropped it on the rabbit meat.

After a while, the rabbit turned golden, emitting a strong fragrance.

At this time, Su man also sat beside him, picked up the bamboo tube and drank water. He didn't mind that Lin Chen also drank water with the bamboo tube just now.

Then she wrinkled her delicate white nose, looked at the roasted golden rabbit meat and exclaimed:

"It smells good, Lin Chen. Do you still have seasonings with you?"

If there were no seasoning, it would be impossible to bake this flavor. Su man couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "the mountains and forests are a treasure house. As long as you know the goods, you can find all kinds of seasonings. You don't need to bring them yourself."

Su man nodded vaguely.

She looked into Lin Chen's eyes with a trace of adoration and infatuation. This man could do anything.

At this time, she blinked and said, "my clothes are a little wet. It's hard to wear them. Can I take them off and bake them?"

Lin Chen's heart jumped violently.

I murmured in my heart, what is the situation that seduces me?

There are many lonely men and women in the wilderness. Is this woman really not afraid to do it by herself?

However, on second thought, he felt that Su man would say such words because he fully believed in himself. How can he think nonsense!

Although he wanted to do something bad to Su man, he didn't care to do anything he forced him to do.

Before Lin Chen answers, Su man has already taken off his clothes.

Of course, they didn't take off all of them. They just took off their coats. Suddenly, the purple underwear came out.

Then Su man set up his clothes with some dry firewood and put them aside to bake.

The curve is so tempting.

Lin Chen stared wide and swallowed his saliva several times. If he wasn't determined, he would really turn into a wolf on a rainy night and pounce on the woman.

Su man's skin was as white as snow.

The first time she saw her in a bathrobe in the hotel, Lin Chen was almost blinded by the dog and even had nosebleed.

The visual impact at this time is even better than that at that time.

In fact, Su man's heart was also pounding, nervous and shy.

She has planned to give herself to Lin Chen.

According to the godfather, if Lin Chen gets the "first embrace of the evil spirit", he can become a strong man at the congenital peak level!

However, although she was ready in her heart, she was not a woman to take the initiative in such a thing.

That's why he said he wanted to bake clothes. He wanted Lin Chen to take the initiative.

Who knows Lin Chen is very restrained at this time. She is also a little depressed. Does her heart say that her charm is not big enough?

Soon, the rabbit meat is roasted.

It tastes delicious. It is much better than those baked in professional barbecue shops.

However, they were eating rabbit meat, but their minds were no longer on the food.

One tries to control the desire in his heart.

One is shy and looking forward.

For a time, the cave was silent, only the sound of rain, wind and waves came from outside.

The air seemed to become charming.

After eating, Lin Chen thought of something and looked at Su man and said, "by the way, you just said you were going to give me a gift. What kind of gift is it?"

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