"What gift do you want?"

Su man blushed and asked.

Seeing her charming appearance, Lin Chen could not help but look at her with fiery eyes and did not want to say:

"Would you like to?"

Su man usually resents being stared at by men with hot eyes.

However, at this time, the man was Lin Chen. Su man not only had no aversion, but was a little happy, but his heart beat faster.

She bowed her head and said, "the gift I'm talking about is myself. Aren't you very smart at ordinary times? People are like this, and you don't know how to take the initiative!"

As soon as Lin Chen heard this, he immediately understood what was going on.

Dare you, what Su man did just now is really tempting himself?

In addition, the "bed" Su man made out of hay, and Lin Chen also understood why it was heart-shaped.

He directly picked Su man up and strode towards the "bed".

When he reached the bedside, he frowned again and put Su man down.

"Lin Chen, what's the matter?"

Su man is wondering. He sees Lin Chen taking off his coat and spreading it on the hay.

He immediately understood his idea. Lin Chen was afraid that her skin would be hurt by the hay, and he wanted to make her lie more comfortable.

Su man's eyes were more gentle.

When Lin Chen put her delicate body on his clothes and was about to remove her last cover, Su man grabbed his hand and blushed:

"Don't worry, I'll tell you something."

"What is it? Do you have to say it now?"

Lin Chen paused and looked at Su man.

I feel a little depressed. It's a critical moment. I have to say something.


Su man couldn't help but burst into a laugh, and gave him a white look: "people won't run away again. What's your hurry?"

Then, without any concealment, she told the godfather about "the first embrace of the demon".

After hearing this, Lin Chen was dumbfounded.

Nima, this demon inheritance is really different. There is such a good thing!

He now understands why Ritchie, the former head of the law enforcement team of the DIAS family, wanted Su man so much that he even attacked the godfather!

Probably, it is because of this "demon first embrace"!

Lin Chen thought of something again and asked:

"The reason why you promised your godfather to try and see if you could inherit is also related to this?"

At that time, Su man was not interested in this inheritance at the beginning.

Later, after the godfather talked with her, she changed her mind.

At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help but be enlightened. This woman was obviously thinking of herself!

Su man's eyes, in the dark cave, looked like a bright star. At this time, they were also covered with a layer of misty water mist. He looked at Lin Chen foolishly.

There is too much tenderness in it.

There is no need to answer. Lin Chen already knows her answer.

Lin Chen didn't say any more nonsense, but expressed his love with practical actions.

After a while, Su man's last cover was thrown aside.

There was a heavy gasp in the cave.

After a while.

"Lin Chen, it hurts!"

"I'll take it easy."

Another moment passed.

"Little brother, come on, my sister doesn't hurt anymore."

"Goblin, call him big brother. Don't call him little brother any more."

"No! Little brother, I like to call you little brother. Come on, little brother, let the big sister kiss!"

"Goblin, see I take you!"

After a long time.

"Big brother, big brother let me go, little sister dare not..."

The storm outside the cave and the roaring waves in the distance could not scare the two drunken lovers in the cave.


The next day, when the sun rose three times.

Su man and Lin Chen appear in the position of the array eye again.

Last night, Lin Chen felt a current of air coming into his body from Su man, but he didn't feel his changes carefully at that time.

When I woke up early in the morning, I found a huge surprise.

As expected, he has reached the inborn peak.

Even after breaking through the inborn peak, he took a big step forward.

At this point, he is definitely the top of the innate peak in terms of realm.

He could feel that he was not too far away from the third extraordinary chapter of the "saint and devil's free formula"!

Now even against the sword God Qinchuan and the God, he is confident and fearless!

At the late stage of his birth, he can easily defeat the existence of ordinary congenital peak.

Now he has not only broken through the inborn peak, but also is not far from the transcendental realm. Lin Chen is confident that even if Qinchuan and God exist, he will not be his opponent now!

"Lin Chen, come on, this time you will succeed!"

Seeing Lin Chen standing in front of the bloody ancient sword again, Su man gives him a fight.

She has completely changed from a girl to a woman. At this time, she is more charming.

Lin Chen nodded.

The next moment, he blows at the red ancient sword!


An invisible wave of terror hits the red ancient sword!

Blood red light curtain appears around the ancient sword again. You should block this fist.


However, this time, the blood red light curtain was like glass, which broke at the sound, and then disappeared!


Su man's face brightened.

Lin Chen also smiled.

He cautiously took another dead tree branch and shot it at the ancient sword. This time, there was no resistance. The dead tree branch hit the ancient sword!


The ancient sword gave a soft sound.

"Lin Chen, has the psychedelic array been broken now?" Su Manxi said.

Yesterday, after a series of "lessons" from Lin Chen, she changed her mouth and stopped calling her little brother.

Or, just in bed

Lin Chen nodded and said, "yes, the psychedelic array has been broken. We can leave now."

As he spoke, he walked to the ancient sword and held its handle.

With a clang, the ancient sword was pulled out by Lin Chen.

"Eh, why is it a broken sword?"

Su man's face showed disappointment, and he reached out to touch the sword.

The red ancient sword was only half of what was left. It looked like a piece of junk. No wonder Su man was disappointed.

She thought it would be a good thing!

"Be careful, don't touch it." Lin Chen said.

When Su man was confused, Lin Chen waved his sword. The stone used to insert the broken sword was cut in half like tofu.

"Ah! This... This..."

Su man was stunned, and then hurriedly checked the stone that had become two halves. He found that it was really a stone, not a tofu piece!

"Is this sword so sharp?"

Su man said incredulously.

Lin Chen also showed great joy on his face. He said with a laugh: "luck is really good. This should be an ancient treasure!"

"Ancient treasures? What ancient treasures?"

Su man wondered.

"Ancient treasures are weapons left by ancient friars. If you make no mistake, this is an ancient relic!"

Lin Chen said seriously.

At this time, he was calm on the surface, but in fact, there was a storm in his heart.

He was almost sure that the world that had spent a hundred years in his dream was actually the earth.

And Leng Dongliu was once a person on earth.

But I don't know how long it was.

But if this world is the world in the dream, why did the powerful sects in the dream, especially the Kunlun sect worshipped by the martial arts in the world, disappear?

Where did Leng Dongliu go at last?

Suddenly, Lin Chen thought of the hidden gate that the Dragon King Jiang Lao once said!

Perhaps, in this hidden door, you can find the answer!

As for the ancient times, it was much older than the dream era.

Leng Dongliu learned little about the ancient times through some ancient relics and records.

What is certain is that that era was much more powerful than the cold East current era, and it is not comparable to the present world. There is absolutely an existence on the transcendental realm!

What happened in ancient times and where those friars went were unknown to Leng Dongliu in his dream, so Lin Chen naturally didn't know.

Of course, perhaps the cold East current already knows.

As a matter of fact, Lin Chen's "Saint demon Xiaoyao Jue" is also a remnant skill obtained by Leng Dongliu from an ancient relic. It has only the first three layers.

Even if there are only the first three levels, it is the result of the rise of Leng Dongliu. It is not comparable to the skills of other sects! Lin Chen can crush the same level, partly because of Leng Dongliu's understanding of martial arts, and a large part because of the rebellious nature of the holy devil Xiaoyao Jue!

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