The young people on the stage are only in their early twenties, but they already have the inborn peak strength. They are definitely the top Tianjiao in the ancient martial arts world!

If such people have become enemies, they should be killed immediately!

As the owner of the Shentu family, shentusheng naturally understands this truth, so at this moment, his eyes are full of murders, and he wants to go up and kill this Chen Lin!

He is also a leader in the inborn peak. The general inborn peak is not his opponent, so he is confident that he can kill each other!

However, when he moved, other people under the stage had already followed him!

"Hum! Shentusheng, who do you think you are? Is this where you are arrogant?"

Jiang Lao was already on guard against someone's dark hand. Shen Tusheng moved. He also rushed to the stage like lightning to block Lin Chen.

"Go away!"

Shentusheng made up his mind to kill Chen Lin. when he saw old Jiang standing in front of him, he roared and directly hit old Jiang!

"Who do you want to get out of here? Do you think our dragon team is afraid of you, Shentu family?"

In the eyes of Jiang Lao, there was evil spirit, and he did not dodge, but also gave a blow!


The two fists collided, the sound waves rolled, and the air flow was violent.

Then, the two stepped back almost at the same time, showing a balance of power!

This scene, in the eyes of the audience, was a burst of surprise.

Shentusheng is the congenital peak of the old brand. The Dragon King can compete with him. His strength is much stronger than before!

"Dragon King, do you really want to mind your own business?"

Shentusheng's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that he didn't take advantage of the Dragon King when he fought with him.

"Do I mind my own business?"

Old Jiang sneered: "this is the challenge arena set up by the xuexiao sect. What does it have to do with you, Shen Tusheng? You obviously want to take the opportunity to kill people. I met Chen Lin and naturally wanted to fight!"

"That's right! The old dragon king is right. What does this competition have to do with shentusheng?"

"Amitabha, it's inappropriate for almsgiver Shentu to attack a younger generation."

With two voices, two more figures jumped onto the challenge arena.

A handsome middle-aged man with an ancient sword on his back.

There is also a white browed monk in cassock who is kind-hearted!

Seeing these two people, the audience was in another uproar.

"Liwangshan of Qingcheng sect, master Wuchen of Shaolin, didn't expect them to come, and it seems that they are on the side of the Dragon King!"

"Liwangshan and master Wuchen are both inborn top powers who have been famous for many years. They are no worse than shentusheng. Now, it's really lively!"


Everyone turned pale and whispered, and then three people jumped onto the stage.

At first sight, everyone turned pale again.

These three people are clearly the leader and vice leader of xuexiao sect, lvheng and Wang Yu, as well as the leader of yingsha sect, ouyangxiao!

The three of them are also born at the peak level!

In addition, Chen Lin, who should also be the inborn peak, for a time, there were eight inborn peak strongmen on the stage!

The crowd gasped.

This scene is too big.

You know, one inborn peak has been able to support one of the four ancient martial families in China, or a first-class sect, and now there are eight inborn peak strongmen gathered together.

"My God, this scene is too frightening!"

"I estimate that more than half of China's inborn top powers are here at this time!"

"This ancient martial arts conference is really not easy. The dragon group and xuexiao clan have never dealt with each other. Xuexiao clan wants to return to the Jianghu and wants to take charge of the ancient martial arts alliance. Of course, the dragon group won't agree!"

"Yes, I guess xuexiaozong himself knows this, and he must be ready!"


On the stage, seeing lvheng and others coming up, old Jiang, liwangshan and master Wuchen were slightly dignified, but they were not alarmed.

They had expected this scene for a long time.

Liwangshan and master Wuchen are friends with old Jiang, who invited him to deal with xuexiao sect!

However, Lin Chen, whether it was Shen Tu's coming in the prosperous Dynasty, or the gathering of the congenital top powers at this time, he still looked indifferent.

Lvheng was the first to speak. Looking at Jiang Lao, he frowned and said:

"Old dragon king, what do you mean? Our xuexiao sect has returned to the Jianghu and put down the challenge arena openly. You also want to make trouble?"

There was anger on his face, as if he had been bullied.

With a sneer, old Jiang pointed to shentusheng and looked at lvheng:

"You xuexiao sect set up the challenge arena. What's the matter with LV Heng? LV Heng rushed onto the stage to make trouble. It's ridiculous that you said me instead of him!"

"The old dragon king is right. Since it is the challenge arena set up by your xuexiao clan, shentusheng has no reason to fight against brother Chen!"

Liwangshan murmured.

However, LV Heng did not change his look and said calmly:

"Shentusheng is the Dharma protector of our xuexiao sect. When he goes to the challenge arena, he naturally represents our xuexiao sect!"

Is shentusheng the Dharma protector of xuexiao sect?

Hearing the speech, the three old Jiang's faces changed, and the audience were also surprised.

At this time, ouyangxiao also said:

"Not only Shen Tusheng, but I am also the Dharma protector of xuexiao sect. Our challenge arena of xuexiao sect is fair and aboveboard!"

Jiang Lao's face became ugly.

Shentusheng became the Dharma protector of xuexiao sect, so he would have no problem representing xuexiao Sect on the stage.

On the contrary, Mr. Jiang was really suspected of making trouble when he came to power.

However, Mr. Jiang is not so easy to deceive, so he said coldly:

"Even if he is the Dharma protector of xuexiao sect, there is no reason to bully the small with the big. If you want to fight, I will fight him!"

Shentusheng hears the speech and looks at Lin Chen reluctantly.

He knew that he had no chance to attack the boy for the time being.

Old Jiang frowned slightly. He was already ready to fight with the people of xuexiao sect, but now it was earlier than he expected.

"Didn't Lin Chen say that he would come by himself? Why can't he be seen now?"

Old Jiang felt anxious.

He was not afraid of shentusheng, ouyangxiao and even lvheng, but not surprisingly, xuexiao sect must have a card, which was what he worried about.

If Lin Chen doesn't appear, he is really not sure to deal with the cards in the hands of xuexiao clan.

LV Heng also frowned slightly.

According to his expectation, Xue Yong first shocked all the people in the ancient martial world in the challenge arena, and then he and others attacked the Dragon King and others.

Unexpectedly, Chen Lin is the variable.

"Well, anyway, the man is here today. These guys have to die here today. It doesn't matter if they start early!"

Lu Heng glanced at Jiang Lao, liwangshan, master Wuchen, Lin Chen and others with a murderous look at his eyes.

Especially when his eyes fell on Lin Chen, he was so bitter that he wanted to break Lin Chen's neck.

Xueyong, a Tianjiao, was cultivated by xuexiao sect after countless efforts. As a result, he was beaten to death by Lin Chen.

His heart is dripping blood!

However, at this moment, a lazy voice said:

"Can you go down now? Am I the challenger of the challenge arena now? Hurry up and let the next person of xuexiao clan come up and die!"


Old Jiang, liwangshan, lvheng and others, as well as everyone in the audience, were stunned and stared at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked up and looked like an invincible and lonely expert. It seemed that he hadn't noticed the seven strong men beside him. He was really waiting for the next person of xuexiao clan to die

Old Jiang twitched twice, then looked at Lin Chen and said:

"Young man, you go down first. Next, I'll fight shentusheng!"

"Ah? No, don't compete with me, old Jiang! This guy is mine!"

Lin Chen shook his head and pointed to shentusheng. He was afraid that Jiang Lao would rob him.


Shentusheng was pointed at his nose by Lin Chen, and his nose was almost crooked. What the boy meant was to take the initiative to fight himself?

Like you thought he could win?

However, at the next moment, shentusheng's face showed ecstasy and looked at old Jiang:

"Old dragon king, did you hear that he wanted to fight me, not me! Don't get in the way here, go down to the challenge arena!"

Old Jiang ignored him, but his face turned dark. He looked at Lin Chen and said again:

"Young man, you are not his opponent. Listen to me. You should go down now. Don't make a mistake!"

Lin Chen shook his head: "I won't go down, you go down!" Jiang Lao: "...."

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