Old Jiang is very angry.

What's the matter with this boy? He was kind enough to help him, but he didn't appreciate it. He had to drive himself down.

It seems that I want to rob things from him!

LV Heng looked at Lin Chen in surprise, then looked at old Jiang and said with a laugh:

"Old dragon king, did you hear what this young man said? He is very confident in himself and thinks he can win shentusheng. Don't hinder his good deeds!"

"Get off the challenge arena quickly, or you will deliberately disturb our challenge arena competition. Don't you even understand the basic Jianghu rules at your age?"

The Dragon King frowned again and looked at Lin Chen. At last, he didn't say any more and walked off the stage.

The other side had to fight shentusheng. It was like death, but he couldn't fight him down directly.

Liwangshan and master Wuchen followed him to step down.

Master Wuchen was merciful. He also persuaded Lin Chen before stepping down, but Lin Chen didn't listen at all.

Lvheng glanced at Lin Chen with a cold smile, and then stepped down with the vice patriarch Wang Yu.

The audience were already stunned.

No one expected that old Jiang rushed to help Chen Lin out. As a result, he simply didn't appreciate it. He insisted on fighting Shentu Sheng. It was like rushing to reincarnate.

Qin Changxi and Yuan Yuan are also foolish and anxious. They ask Lin Chen to come down, but Lin Chen ignores them.

"Don't go down."

When ouyangxiao was about to step down, Lin Chen suddenly said to him.

"What do you mean, boy? Let me stay on the stage and see how you were killed?"

Ouyangxiao turned around and sneered.

Shentusheng's comprehensive combat power is different from his in Bozhong. In his opinion, if Lin Chen wants to fight with shentusheng, he is no different from the dead!

Lin Chen said with a smile, "do you want to kill me?"

Ouyangxiao snorted coldly, but did not answer, but the meaning was already obvious.

Lin Chen continued laughing:

"In that case, you can join us. Yesterday I beat two small ones of your two families, and now I will beat two old ones!"


People are all stupid again.


An old sword in a middle-aged man's hand fell to the ground, but he forgot to pick it up and looked at Lin Chen stupidly.

The next moment, everyone looked at Lin Chen as if they were looking at a madman.

"NIMA, I used to think I was crazy enough. Now I finally know what the real crazy is!"

A big man with a tiger back and a big waist said.

Another man beside him said, "he is not crazy, he is crazy!"

Old Jiang and other people in the dragon group don't know how to describe their good mood.

Yuan Yuan looks at Qin Changxi with a sad face.

"Elder sister Chang Xi, was he rejected by you and wanted to commit suicide?"

Qin Changxi's face was startled and she was completely speechless.

After a while, she hurriedly asked Lin Chen not to go crazy, and quickly came down, but no one paid any attention to her.

Ouyangxiao's face froze first, then he smiled angrily, stared at Lin Chen and said:

"What did you say, boy? Say it again?"

Shentusheng has a lot of temper, and directly points to Lin Chen's nose and scolds:

"Do you still want to beat us both? Killing you alone is like killing a chicken!"

LV Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Lin Chen, and said to himself, "a clown jumping a beam?"

He naturally felt that Lin Chen could not defeat ouyangxiao and Shen Tusheng, and even one of them could easily kill Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen was too calm at this time, which made him suspicious and had a bad feeling in his heart.

Lu Heng shook his head again and said to himself, "I'm too cautious. Can a boy in his early twenties really turn the world around?"

When Lin Chen heard shentusheng and ouyangxiao's questions, he waved his hand impatiently and said:

"How can there be so much nonsense? Hurry up! After you are finished, I have another one!"

When the audience heard this, they were speechless again.

Does this guy want to break through all the xuexiao clan?

If he can beat Shen Tu Sheng and ouyangxiao, it is estimated that even lvheng and Wang Yu are not his opponents.

At that time, even if he still wants to fight, no one will dare to fight with him!

However, this is based on the premise that the young man can win with one fight and two.

However, this is simply impossible!

"Boy, you are so arrogant that I admire your madness!"

Shentusheng stared at him with a grim smile and said, "since you are looking for death, I will be merciful and give you a ride!"

Ouyangxiao said coldly, "brother Shentu, let me kill this boy. I won't let him die so easily!"

"Yes, father, you must torture him!"

Ouyangqian in the audience said bitterly.

She didn't expect that Chen Lin would go so far as to seek death, which was just what she wanted.

Shentuhao also smiled grimly and felt that he was about to take revenge.

"Are you tired of letting people go? If you don't do it, I will do it!"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, and in an instant his left foot stepped out, and then his right leg, like a steel whip, chopped at Shen Tu Sheng's neck!


The air was torn like cloth.

"Overestimate oneself!"

Shentusheng sneered and spoke contemptuously, but in fact he was dignified and did not dare to be careless.

After all, the young man in front of him is also the inborn peak of combat power. Although he is sure to win, he should also prevent capsizing in the gutter.

In an instant, he grabbed Lin Chen's leg with his left hand.

I'm going to catch Lin Chen's leg, and then waste one of Lin Chen's legs first!

Lin Chen's legs came from a straight line without turning. In addition, Shen Tusheng was already on guard. He grabbed Lin Chen's legs in an instant!

Seeing this scene, the audience looked at Lin Chen's face, some showed sympathy, and many people sneered.

"It seems that there is no need for me to make a move!" Ouyangxiao sneered.

But the next moment, he was stunned!



The sound of broken bones sounded, and then shentusheng screamed!

Although his hand grasped Lin Chen's right leg, Lin Chen's leg did not stop because of this, and with Shen Tusheng's hand, he kicked Shen Tusheng's neck.

Suddenly, the sound of bones breaking came from shentusheng's hands and neck.

His hands became twisted and deformed. Senbai bone spurs pierced the flesh and blood, and his neck was kicked out of shape.


He fell to the ground.

Although Lin Chen didn't directly kick him to death, he also damaged his spinal nerves and kicked him into a useless man!

Shentusheng screamed, but he could not move. He could only stare at Lin Chen in horror.

"Idiot, you're still fighting with me. Do you think you're not dying fast enough to pick me up?"

Lin Chen pie pie mouth, cold voice way.

"You, you, you..."

Ouyangxiao on one side looked at Shen Tusheng, his face turned white and his eyelids jumped wildly. He stared at Lin Chen, but his words were incomplete.

"What's the matter with me?"

Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders, looked at him and smiled. It seemed that he had just done something insignificant.

All the people in the audience were taking a breath at this time. They really didn't know how to describe their feelings.

Some of them were just discussing that Lin Chenneng and shentusheng had a few moves. Some people said that shentusheng could defeat Chen Lin with one move!

As a result, it was really a move, but both sides were reversed!

Shentusheng was defeated by someone else!

"He, how can he be so good?"

Qin Changxi, Yuan Yuan and other members of the dragon group all turned into stone carvings.

Just now, Shen Tusheng and Jiang Lao fought each other, sharing the benefits equally. However, now, Chen Lin's move has abolished them!

Doesn't that mean that the Dragon King of his own family can't stop others' moves?

Jiang Lao, liwangshan and master Wuchen looked at each other, and their eyes were full of horror.

At this time, I also knew that the young man was not overestimating his strength, but that they had just meddled in his own business.

"Well, now it's your turn!"

Lin Chen looked at ouyangxiao and smiled coldly.

Ouyangxiao's face changed again and again. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "I admit defeat!"

Although shentusheng suffered a careless loss, there is no doubt that the fighting capacity of the young man in front of him is above them. There is no need to fight any more!

Hearing ouyangxiao admit defeat directly, there was another uproar.

Lu Heng could hardly see the extreme. But Lin Chen stared at ouyangxiao coldly and said, "I don't accept losing!"

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