"Damn it! How could he be so powerful? In his early twenties, he was born to the top and killed shentusheng. What's the joke?"

LV Heng scolded fiercely in his heart, but then he thought of his dependence, and his face calmed down again.

Ouyangxiao's face flushed with anger when he heard Lin Chen say he would not accept defeat.

He killed the sect leader and surrendered to a younger generation. As a result, his surrender was not accepted.

Today, he has lost all his face!

Ouyangqian and shentuhao have already turned pale.

They never thought that Chen Lin could not only teach them a lesson, but even their parents' generation was not their opponent!

Ouyangxiao glared at Lin Chen and said:

"Boy, I admit that your fighting power is better than me, but I tell you, ouyangxiao wants to leave. No one can stop me at the end of the day!"

His words were arrogant, but many people nodded.

The shadow chasing body method of the shadow killing sect is one of the best lightness skills in the ancient martial arts world. With this lightness skill, the shadow killing sect became the first killer sect in the ancient martial arts world.

Ouyangxiao practiced this body method to the point of success. In terms of speed, some people said that he was the first in the ancient martial arts world.

Therefore, he said that no one could stop him, not in vain.

However, Lin Chen shrugged, "really? I don't believe it!"

With that, his face was cold and he had already punched ouyangxiao in the face!

Ouyangxiao's face suddenly changed, his feet moved, his body was as fast as a phantom, and he quickly avoided the powerful and terrible blow.

He had a feeling that if he was hit by this punch, the whole face would be directly blasted!


The air is blasted!

Ouyangxiao was in a hurry, but he finally escaped the blow, but his cheek was scraped off by the fist style

Suddenly, his right face was dripping with blood!

"Damn! How could he be so strong!"

Ouyangxiao was shocked and angry.

Lin Chen was a little surprised at ouyangxiao's reaction speed.

He looked at ouyangxiao and said with a smile, "you can hide very quickly. Then take another punch from me. I think you can hide several times!"

Ouyangxiao's face turned pale with fright when he heard the speech. Just now he hid from the punch and was shaved off a layer of skin. If he slowed down, his head would be blown out.

How dare he fight? He turned and ran away.

The speed was so fast that people could not react at all. It was like a strong wind passing by. In the blink of an eye, they were about to rush to the door and leave the backyard.

Lin Chen guessed that ouyangxiao would run, but he didn't expect that this guy ran away so fast.

The No. 1 killer in the ancient martial world really didn't boast speed. However, for him, it was not enough.


Sounds like thunder blowing out of thin air!

Then Lin Chen turned into a flash of lightning and rushed to ouyangxiao.

Ouyangxiao was about to run out of the backyard. His face was happy. Suddenly he heard the thunder behind him. At the same time, a great sense of crisis spread to his mind.


His face changed so much that he didn't even look back, so he had to dodge aside.

But it was too slow.


Lin Chen hit him hard on the back.


Ouyangxiao's body was almost smashed into a bow shape, spewing out a big mouthful of blood, and then he was paralyzed on the ground.

He looked at Lin Chen in horror, and then there was only despair.

At this time, his spine was smashed by Lin Chen, and he had already become a useless man.

Lin Chen grabbed his feet, threw them directly onto the stage, and hit shentusheng on the stage accurately.



They screamed again.

Lin Chen shrugged and walked back to the challenge arena step by step.

The people under the stage were already dumbfounded.

No one expected that ouyangxiao, the No. 1 killer in the ancient martial arts world, wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape. He was beaten up and thrown back on the stage.

Seeing Lin Chen coming, the sound of clattering sounded, and the crowd retreated towards both sides like a tide. No one dared to block him.

At this time, no matter what the position, everyone looked at him with awe, just like looking at the ancient fierce beast.

In fact, Shen Tusheng and ouyangxiao are not weak. Under normal circumstances, they would not be so easily defeated.

Only one of them despised the enemy and the other wanted to run, so they behaved so badly that they were killed by Lin Chen!

Lin Chen returned to the stage and was about to speak, when he saw LV Heng suddenly jump on the stage, staring at him with a hard face.

Lin Chen was stunned. Then he raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "why, Lord Lu, are you coming to fight me next?"

Lu Heng didn't take his words, but said coldly, "Lin Chen, are you not dead?"


Lin Chen was stunned when he heard the words. He said to himself, "how can this guy see his identity?"?

Or is it a wild guess?

However, he soon figured out what the problem was. It should be the sound of thunder when he chased ouyangxiao just now.

Everyone in the audience was stunned when they heard what LV Heng said. Many people opened their mouths and could simply insert several eggs at the same time.

"Lin Chen, who is Lin Chen?" Someone wondered.

"Lin Chen is the Dragon tooth! The Dragon tooth of the dragon group, but isn't he dead? What does lvheng mean? He means that Chen Lin is the Dragon tooth?"

"No! I saw that dragon Fang at the deer chasing platform near the great wall that day. He doesn't look like that!"


Everyone whispered to each other.

Jiang Lao's face changed, and then he seemed to think of something. He looked at Lin Chen for a few eyes, and then showed an original expression.

"What did he say? He said Chen Lin was Lin Chen?"

Qin Changxi was as dumb as a chicken, looking at the "Chen Lin" on the stage, which was unbelievable.

But then he thought of something and murmured, "Chen Lin? Chen Lin, Chen Lin, Lin Chen?"


Qin Changxi's beautiful eyes stared round and exclaimed.

At this moment, she finally understood why she had always felt that Chen Lin and Lin Chen had the same back and eyes!

I thought I had a good feeling for two men at the same time!

"Sister Chang Xi, you also noticed, didn't you? Chen Lin, is Chen Lin's big brother really the Dragon tooth?"

Yuanyuan's big eyes shone with excitement, but then her small head tilted and she wondered:

"But Lord Longya doesn't look like this!"

Qin Changxi was also stunned when she heard the speech, and looked at the young man on the stage in doubt.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't answer, LV Heng sneered:

"Stop pretending! There are so many geniuses of your level in the world. There are so many congenital peaks in your early twenties. Moreover, the thunder you just made is exactly the same as when you killed jianghongyi that day!"

"Although I don't know how you have changed, you are definitely Lin Chen!"

"Oh, there are really not many geniuses at my level. Thank you for your praise!"

Lin Chen laughed and no longer pretended.

At this point, LV Heng will show his cards. It doesn't matter to expose his identity at this time.

He stretched out his hand and tore it on his face. He took off the human skin mask directly.

Suddenly, his original face was exposed to the public!

Seeing that Lin Chen tore off the human skin mask and revealed another face, the people were shocked and gaped.

"That's what he meant when he said to change his face! This boy really scared me. I thought he didn't come!"

The Dragon King smiled.

Qin Changxi was surprised and said, "it's him, it's really him! He's still alive!"

"Yes, it turns out that elder brother Chen Lin is really the Dragon tooth! Sister Chang Xi, now you can accept elder brother Chen Lin directly. Anyway, he is the person you like."

Yuan Yuan was also excited.

"What are you talking about, little girl?"

Qin Changxi blushed and stared at Yuan Yuan.

"It's really him! He's the Dragon tooth. He can't be wrong!"

"Yes, it's him, but isn't he dead?"

"Fart is dead. Obviously that's false news! People are living well. I said, how can such a strong man die so easily! However, his strength is much stronger than when he was on the Great Wall!"

"Yes! Peerless Tianjiao, that's all!"


Everyone in the audience had all kinds of expressions, including surprise, shock, awe, doubt and so on.

Many of those who took refuge in the forces of xuexiao sect have already burst into cold sweat behind their backs.

Shentusheng and ouyangxiao look at Lin Chen, their eyes full of reluctance and regret.

Shentu Hao's face was bloodless, and ouyangqian sat on the ground with soft feet.

LV Heng's face turned blue and white. Then he thought of something and his expression changed greatly. He looked at Lin Chen and said:

"You are not dead. Have you ever been back to Yunwu villa?"

Lin Chen naturally knows what he wants to ask, and grins:

"Back, I met your son and two Islanders."

LV Heng's heart sank suddenly, and his face changed wildly, "they -"

"Dead! I killed them all!"

At this moment, Lin Chen looked gloomy, like the God of death who came to claim his life.

He came here for revenge. No matter what cards the other side has, he will take them!

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