"What! You killed my son?"

When lvheng heard Lin Chen's answer, he roared directly, and his face was ferocious.

Yesterday, LV Yue went to Yunwu villa in Yuehai city to avenge Lin Chen's insult to the woman. As a result, there is no news until now.

I can't get through.

However, LV Heng was not too worried.

After all, in his opinion, if Lin Chen is dead, no one can hurt his son at all. Besides, LV Yue is surrounded by two strong Islanders.

Even if Lin Chen is not dead, in his opinion, at the same time, he must die against shangmiyai Ichiro and Yamaguchi Shengping.

However, the strength Lin Chen has just shown is beyond his imagination. He can completely deal with Ichiro Miyai and Shengping Yamaguchi.

As a result, he was a little flustered and worried that something might happen to his son.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen killed him!

Facing the ferocious lvheng and his questions, Lin Chen didn't think much of it and said:

"Kill and kill, just like killing a chicken and a dog. Is it necessary for me to lie?"

LV Heng was so angry that he almost spat out blood, and finally stared at Lin Chen with resentment:

"If you dare to kill my son, I must let you bury him!"

Although he doesn't lack women and has played with countless women, he has only one son. He is very precious.

But now he was killed by the other party, and this hatred is irreconcilable.

"Oh? Really?"

Lin Chen was still indifferent, and said faintly:

"So, are you going to avenge your son now? To tell you the truth, I can kill one trash like you with one blow. Do you believe it?"

LV Heng's face changed.

His strength was stronger than that of Shen Tusheng and others, but it was also limited. He was definitely not Lin Chen's opponent.

All the people in the audience were black faced when they heard Lin Chen's words.

This dragon tooth is too violent. It means that I can kill you with one blow. Believe it or not.

Like Xue Yong before, he just didn't believe it and was really killed

Someone muttered that if time could come again, Xue Yong would definitely kneel on the ground and kowtow and say that he believed.

Lvheng thought of something and stared at Lin Chen:

"Don't be arrogant. I can't beat you, but someone can cure you!"

"Boy, what are you talking about? You killed Gongjing and Yamaguchi?"

Just then, a voice came from behind the curtain.

At the same time, a man wearing a samurai uniform and holding a samurai sword stepped out of the curtain and directly stepped onto the challenge arena.

He was upright, but he was estimated to be in his fifties and sixties. His temples were gray and his skin was a little loose.

However, anyone who sees his eyes will not regard him as an ordinary old man.

He has a pair of small eyes, but if there is a divine light inside, it is as sharp as substance, as if it can stab people.

Sword idea!

When Lin Chen saw the man, his heart was frozen.

The man has a sharp sword in his eyes. At first glance, he is not a mediocre, but a strong swordsman.

As soon as the man appeared, there was a commotion under the stage.

At the ancient martial arts conference in China, there was an Islander, and everyone turned pale one after another!

"What's the matter? Why is there an island man here?"

"Who is this Islander? It seems that he has something to do with xuexiao sect. Damn it, is xuexiao sect colluding with islanders?"

"Little devil, who are you? How dare you come to China to be wild!"


Many people, especially the older generation who have experienced the war years, deeply abhor the islanders.

Seeing the islanders appear at this time, many people look angry.

"Shut up! I didn't ask you!"

The Islander man said coldly to those who questioned him. He looked arrogant and aloof.

His Chinese is a little awkward, but it is not difficult to understand.

His arrogant words directly made those dissatisfied people under the challenge arena boil.

"Little devil, you dare to be arrogant in China. You really don't know what to do. See how I deal with you!"

An angry voice sounded, and then a skinny man in his forties and fifties jumped onto the challenge arena and rushed at the island samurai!

"The little devil is dead. The one who did it was the head of Qianji sect Xu!" Someone shouted.

"It is said that Lord Xu's parents died in the war that year, so he hated the islanders very much!"

The faces of those who were dissatisfied with the samurai of the island were all beaming.

Xubingxiong of qianjimen is a famous late congenital strongman in the ancient martial arts world. He is comparable to Jiang Lao when he did not step into the peak of congenital.

With his help, it seems that the island warrior is dead!

However, when Xu Bingxiong rushed to the samurai of the island country, he heard only a clang.

Then a silver light flashed.

"Be careful!"

Lin Chen's face suddenly changed and hurriedly shouted.

However, it is already late.

The silver light has also disappeared.


Xubingxiong's body suddenly gave a meal, and then a blood light appeared on his waist.

At the next moment, his lower body still took two steps forward, while his upper body remained in mid air.

The whole body is divided into two parts!

Bang! Bang!

The next second, his two bodies fell to the ground, and his internal organs and blood fell all over the ground!

The samurai of the island state looked indifferent. They didn't even look at Xu Bingxiong's body, but slowly spit out four words:

"Overestimate oneself."


Everyone in the audience was shocked and looked at the island warrior in disbelief.

Xu Bingxiong, who was only one foot away from his inborn peak, didn't even touch the corners of his clothes. His body was divided into two parts!

Although they didn't see the samurai of the island country wield his sword, who else would it be except him?

Of course, not everyone has not seen the sword of the island samurai. There are still some exceptions.

For example, the inborn top strongmen including Lin Chen.

"What a fast knife!"

Liwangshan's face changed dramatically. He was born a top power and majored in swordsmanship. However, he had to admit that his sword was far faster than that of the man on the stage!

"Dead! Xubingxiong was cut into two pieces by a knife. How could it be!"

"Who are the islanders? They are so powerful!"

"It's terrible. I didn't even see the knife. A strong man comparable to the inborn peak died like this!"


Undoubtedly, the scene just now shocked everyone in the ancient Chinese martial arts world.

The Dragon King, master Wuchen and others all have dignified faces, even ugly.

They have a feeling that even if they go up, they will not be rivals of the islanders.

The whole audience is still calm at the moment. Except for the people of xuexiao sect, there is only Lin Chen.

He looked at the samurai of the island country with a cold look. The island people went to the Chinese ancient martial arts conference to kill people. It was too arrogant!

"Yes! Those two islanders have been killed by me! Are you also the man of the sun?"

"Then damn you!"

The samurai of the island country was obviously aware of the trap in Lin Chen's words. He just said a cold word and didn't answer the question.

Of course, he is the man of the sun, but he came to help xuexiao sect control the ancient martial world of China. Naturally, he would not admit it.

Otherwise, would it not be true that xuexiao sect and yangzhiyan colluded with each other.

However, he has made up his mind that he must kill the young man in front of him!

At this time, LV Heng sneered:

"What's the heat of the sun? Don't talk nonsense! Mr. Ono is one of the Dharma guardians of our sect. Although he is an Islander, he knows the truth and is willing to introduce his swordsmanship to the ancient Chinese martial arts world! If you kill two of his companions, he will naturally want to revenge you!"

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows: "is he the Dharma protector of your xuexiao clan?"

"That's right!" Lu Hengdao.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the speech.

Xuexiao sect even found a Dharma protector from an island country, although this made many people who hated the island people unhappy. However, Wudao has no national boundaries. This is also a private matter of xuexiao clan, and they can't manage it.

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