"No! I can use my sword. Killing him is like chopping melons and vegetables."

Lin Chen shook her head with a smile and refused liwangshan's kindness directly.

All the people were shocked when they heard the speech. They really didn't know what to say.

With your broken sword, you still kill people like chopping melons and vegetables. Where on earth does this come from?

Don't wait to be cut into melons and vegetables!

Liwangshan couldn't laugh or cry. He sighed and put away his sword without saying more.

"The Dragon teeth of this dragon group are too big!"

"He has risen recently. It's estimated that he doesn't know the power and youth of this island sword saint. This is going to happen!"

"Muddle headed! Doesn't he know that if there is any difference in this competition, he will lose his life? How can he make fun of it!"

"Now, our Chinese martial arts world should be led by an island man. I am really unwilling!"

"Ono tuozhen's Dao is a famous Dao ghost pill. Where can a broken sword deal with it!"


Lin Chen insists on taking a broken sword to deal with Ono tuozhen. In people's eyes, it is a big help. They all think that he wants to eat his own evil fruit.

Ono tuozhen's name and strength had been spread among the people at this time.

This was once the first person of Kendo in the island country. Even now, it is also the existence at the top of the pyramid of the island country.

Where can a broken sword handle it.

When dragon Fang is killed, the saying that there is no Kendo in China and the ancient Chinese martial arts world is vulnerable will spread.

It is undoubtedly a great blow to the ancient Chinese martial arts circles, and will become a joke in the martial arts circles all over the world!

"The boy is finally dying!" Shentuhao stares at Lin Chen and says bitterly.

Now, even his father has been beaten up by Lin Chen. He can't wait to skin and bone Lin Chen.

Now that Lin Chen is determined to be finished, he feels very happy.


Lvheng looked at Lin Chen and said something faintly. His eyes were already full of smiles.

He seemed to have seen that the ancient Chinese martial arts world was under his control and his son's great revenge was avenged.

"Baga! Boy, do you really want to fight me with such a handful of garbage?"

Ono was relieved to see that what the other party took out was not a magic weapon, but a piece of broken steel. At the same time, he also felt that he was despised.

His face was angry, and his eyes were cold and staring at Lin Chen.

"Garbage? Oh, you will soon know whether my sword is garbage or your sword is garbage!"

Lin Chen smiled coldly.

This bloody broken sword is an ancient treasure. Only those who don't know the goods will regard it as garbage.

In fact, it was the first time he had ever fought with this sword.

Since Ono tuozhen is known as the sword saint, it is estimated that his sword is also good. Lin Chen is also curious about what will happen when the bloody broken sword meets the other party's sword!

"I don't know! In that case, I'll take you on the road!"

Ono tuozhen's face was indifferent, and he no longer talked nonsense. He stepped out, but he directly stepped out threeorfour meters to Lin Chen.

Then, the same silver light as before appeared!

"Be careful!"

Jiang Lao couldn't help but remind him.

He could see Ono tuozhen's knife, but he could only see the shadow.

This terrible knife made him feel a palpitation.

Liwangshan also felt his heart pumping. He had to admit that if he was true to Ono, he would never win!

"The boy is finally dying!"

Lu Heng smiled grimly.

Although Lin Chen was a variable in the ancient martial arts conference, in his opinion, now the other party is finally dying, and the later results will not change!

At that moment, Lin Chen also gave out his sword.

His sword also reached the extreme, no slower than the other side.

A red streamer flashed across, and in the blink of an eye, it collided with the other party's samurai sword!

Ono tuozhen turned pale slightly.

His Sabre seems simple, but it's a combination of mind and Tao. Its speed is several times the speed of sound. Unexpectedly, it was blocked by the other side!

"What if I block you? At most, there are a few more moves. I don't believe it. I will lose to a young man in his early twenties!"

Ono tuozhen sneered in his heart, but the next moment, his face changed greatly.

A clang.

His ghost pill knife broke at the sound, just like a watermelon meets a sharp blade.

Then, the red broken sword in Lin Chen's hand crossed his body!

"No! How could this be possible! This... This is really a magic weapon! I am not reconciled!"

Ono's eyes widened and he suddenly realized that he had misjudged.

And he will pay his life for this wrong judgment!

There was a red light in his body, and then his body suddenly split in two!


Ono tuozhen's two corpses fell to the ground.

Visceral blood spilled all over the ground, just like the scene before.

But this time it was no longer him who cut people in two. The situation was reversed!

His eyes were full of reluctance.

It turned out that the other party was not big, self righteous, or looked down on him. What the other party held in his hand was really a sword.

It's no worse than the magic sword of Yuehua blade!

If he had known this, he would have been on guard. He would never have lost so easily if he didn't go to the other side!

But it was too late!

Lin Chen looked at Xiaoye tuozhen's body and the ghost pill knife with flat fracture. He was also surprised to see the bloody broken sword in his hand. He said it was too awesome!

Ancient treasures are really not ordinary soldiers!

Then, he shrugged his shoulders and smiled at Ono tuozhen's body:

"Look, killing you is as simple as cutting melons and vegetables."

Then his face turned cold again:

"You, a little devil, will come to China to teach us ancient martial arts? Don't forget that we are your ancestors!"

All the people in the audience seemed to turn into stone carvings.

No one expected that the battle would end so soon.

Moreover, the outcome was beyond their expectation. The winner was not the island sword saint, but Lin Chen with a handful of scrap metal!


At the moment, looking at the corpse that Ono Tuo was really divided into two sections, no one dared to think that what Lin Chen was holding was a piece of junk!

That's the sword!

Real sword!

For decades, Ono tuozhen, known as the sword saint, was cut in two by this sword!

"Good killing! Ha ha! I knew you were the most cunning boy. How could you do anything stupid!"

Old Jiang burst out laughing, and he couldn't tell how happy he was.

Liwangshan looked at Lin Chen for a long time, and then he said, "the younger generation is terrible!"

"Amitabha! It turns out that everything is under the control of benefactor Lin all the time. We are worried too much." Master Wuchen smiled lightly.

"Win! Sister Chang Xi, big brother Chen Lin, ah, no, it's Dragon Fang. He won!" Yuan Yuan said excitedly.

Qin Changxi, with a happy look on her face, nodded and said, "this guy is scaring me to death!"

"Impossible! It's impossible! How could Ono really lose! I don't believe it!"

At this time, there was a roar.

LV Heng's face became distorted and ferocious, and his resentment was extreme.

After years of operation, he thought that this time he was sure to win. He could control the ancient Chinese martial arts world in his hands and become an existence that people looked up to.

As a result, because of Lin Chen, all this became empty!

It's hard for him to accept this reality!

Wang Yu, the deputy leader of xuexiao clan beside him, was already pale. The rest of the people of xuexiao sect, like mice exposed to the crowd, were all frightened in their faces and eyes!

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