Hearing lvheng's roar, old Jiang looked at him and said in a cold voice:

"Lvheng, you don't have to struggle any more! You collude with the island nation's organization 'the sun's fire' to help them control the ancient Chinese martial arts world! You are a traitor, whose heart can be punished. You really deserve to die!"

Hearing this, all the people glared at LV Heng and the people of xuexiao sect.

Before that, when Kono tuozhen appeared, many people suspected that xuexiaozong had colluded with Daoguo.

However, Ono Tuo's real strength and fame shocked everyone at once, and no one dared to say anything.

At this time, the general situation of xuexiao clan was gone, and they naturally no longer had any scruples.

They began to beg for the voice of xuexiao clan.

Even some of the forces who had already taken refuge in xuexiao sect saw that the momentum was not good, and they immediately became the headliners and joined the ranks of denouncing xuexiao sect.

"Damn it! I will avenge this revenge one day!"

LV Heng was angry, but he didn't dare to hesitate any longer when the situation was bad. He turned around and wanted to run away.

However, just as he turned and was about to step out, Lin Chen's voice came from his ear:

"You have no chance of revenge, because you are going to die now!"

Lin Chen had expected LV Heng to run, and rushed to his side. The bloody broken sword had stabbed him in the heart!

"No! Don't kill me!"

LV Heng screamed with fright.

Although he was a great master at the peak of his nature, he was no different from ordinary people when facing Lin Chen's lightning fast sword.


The bloody broken sword stabbed LV Heng in the chest, and Lin Chen pulled it out again, leaving only a blood hole!

LV Heng's heart had already been directly crushed!

The corpse fell to the ground, and his eyes were already dead.

Lin Chen looked at Wang Yu, the vice leader of xuexiao clan.

Wang Yu's body trembled with fear. Although he was also a congenital peak, he was weaker than Shen Tusheng and ouyangxiao. He didn't dare to fight with Lin Chen.

"I surrender! I surrender! Don't kill me!"

He even knelt down and raised his hands!

Lin Chen gave him a cold look, then ignored him.

At the same time, Mr. Jiang has also arranged for the people of the dragon group to control the people of xuexiao sect, including ouyangqian, shentuhao and others who are pale!

At this point, none of them dared to resist!

Seeing their leader killed, the vice leader knelt down. Lin Chen's strength has left an indelible shadow in their hearts.

At this time, Lin Chen went back to the challenge arena again. His eyes swept over the faces of the people under the arena. Many people were too guilty to look at him.

Lin Chen knew that many of these people had actually taken refuge in the power of xuexiao sect.

Later, the Dragon King will also know who these forces are from the population of xuexiao sect.

However, the dragon group did not plan to kill them all. After all, these people may not all know about the collusion between xuexiao Zong and the island state.

For the time being, he did not intend to take care of this, but opened the door to the mountain path:

"Now, let me announce two things! First, the establishment of the Chinese ancient martial arts alliance. All the forces who come here this time have joined the ancient martial arts alliance. Later, our dragon group will register with you. In the future, you will all be members of the ancient martial arts alliance!"

"Second, the Chinese ancient martial arts alliance is managed by our dragon group. In the future, you have to listen to the orders of our dragon group. Of course, we will not force you to do anything illegal!"

Under the stage, old Jiang looked at Lin Chen admiringly.

The boy's ideas coincide with his. As expected, heroes think alike.

Well, in the eyes of Mr. Jiang, he and Lin Chen are two heroes, one old and one young

Hearing Lin Chen's words, some people were reluctant.

They don't want to be ordered by the dragon group, but some forces have no objection.

These forces are already friendly with the dragon group. They also feel it is necessary to establish this ancient martial alliance and trust the dragon group.

Lin Chen glanced at those unwilling faces and added:

"Don't say I won't give you a chance! You can refuse."

Hearing this, those who are unwilling to do so all look happy.

However, Lin Chen's next words almost made them sit on the ground.

"If you don't agree, come to the challenge arena and compare with me!"

Those people who didn't agree with him turned green and didn't even dare to fart, for fear that Lin Chen would really let them go to the challenge arena.

If they go to the challenge arena, they will be killed with one punch!

"No one speaks? OK! There are no people who disagree. Our dragon team will register you later!" Lin Chen nodded.

Everyone was speechless again.

Is this no one against it? Dare you be shameless again?

Is it because you intimidate nobody to refuse?

However, in the future, as long as Lin Chen, the Dragon Fang, is still alive, no matter how they refuse, they have to endure to listen to the orders of the dragon group.

This dragon Fang, the strength and violence shown today, has stunned all those who do not deal with the dragon group!

The next thing, Lin Chen gave it to Jiang Lao.

When he got off the challenge arena, Mr. Jiang went up and said some high sounding words. To form the ancient martial arts alliance, it was natural to establish some rules.

However, Lin Chen was too lazy to take care of these specific things.

Seeing Lin Chen coming, Qin Changxi couldn't help staring at him and said:

"I thought something really happened to you. After a long time, I was worried for nothing."

Yuan Yuan ran directly to Lin Chen and hugged her arm. Her eyes were shining. She looked at Lin Chen and said:

"Lord Longya, I knew you would be fine! You are so good!"

Lin Chen smiled and rubbed Yuan Yuan's head, then looked at Qin Changxi and said with a smile:

"Why, are you worried about me? Aren't you afraid that the person you like is jealous?"

Until now, he still thought that Qin Changxi was in love with another man, so he directly sent a good man card to Chen Lin, who pretended to be him.

Qin Changxi blushed, but then became a little anxious.

She doesn't want Lin Chen to misunderstand that she likes other men.

However, she is always embarrassed to say that the person I like is you.

Of course, she doesn't know whether she likes it or not. After all, she hasn't been in love.

However, she was embarrassed, but someone else said it for her.

Yuanyuan looked at Lin Chen in doubt and said:

"Dragon tooth, isn't it you that sister Chang Xi likes? Hee hee, can you still eat your own vinegar?"

"Uh... Me?" Lin Chen was shocked and pointed to his nose.

Yuanyuan nodded like a chicken pecking rice. "Yes, after the news of your accident came, sister Chang Xi was so worried that she couldn't eat. Of course, the people she liked - HMM!"

Before she finished, Qin Changxi immediately covered her small mouth with her hand and stared at her in shame:

"You little girl, don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Chen looked at the iceberg imperial sister's ashamed look, and was shocked again. He murmured in his heart, does this woman really like herself.

Do you really want to be a bed warming maid for yourself? Qin Changxi saw Lin Chen looking at him suspiciously, his cheeks flushed, and she couldn't help staring at him with shame. It was really a romantic affair, and Lin Chen's heart beat faster.

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