The next morning.

Lin Chen appeared at the Gangcheng airport. He booked a direct flight from here to the island of Shizuoka.

After thinking about it carefully, he finally left a mind to let bairongxuan book a ticket to the island country with a fake ID number here in the port city.

The reason why he did this was because he was afraid that the sun's flame would come under another personal flesh bomb attack when he learned that he was going to the island country by plane.

In that case, not only would he be unlucky, but also he would involve innocent people on a plane.

Lin Chen found his own seat. After sitting down, he closed his eyes and looked up.

Yesterday, he came to the port city from Huashan overnight. He didn't sleep all night. Although it was nothing to him, he was also tired after all.

"When I really step into the realm of transcendence, I won't have to fear the air crash."

Lin Chen murmured in his heart.

At this time, a pleasant female voice full of surprises sounded nearby.

"Lin Chen, why are you here?"

Lin Chen opened his eyes and turned to see a woman with dark glasses looking at him.

Her skin is better than snow. Although she wears sunglasses, she is definitely a beautiful woman with her mouth, nose and face contour, as long as her eyes are not too ugly.

The most valuable thing is that her classical temperament is rare in modern society.

Lin Chen's face was also surprised, and then he said with a smile, "Meng Huang, why are you here?"

This woman is yemenghuang, who has the title of classical goddess.

Although she was wearing sunglasses, Lin Chen and Lin Chen recognized him at a glance. Besides, yemenghuang just asked him.

Yemenghuang is a national zither and Guqin master. Although she is not a star in the entertainment industry, she is also well-known. Wearing sunglasses makes it easy to explain.

"It's really you!"

Yemenghuang looked happy and excited

"Naturally, I also went to Shizuoka, an island country. Do you want to go there too?"

She hasn't seen Lin Chen since she left Guangyang last time.

On the one hand, she is busy herself. On the other hand, she sometimes calls Lin Chen. This guy seems to be busier than her.

For example, when she finally had some free time this time, she planned to go to Yuehai city and called this guy.

As a result, this guy said that he had very important things to do, not in Yuehai city.

I'm sorry. His very important thing is to go to Shizuoka, an island country?

She wanted to go to the island country to play, so she thought Lin Chen was the same. Naturally, she would not think that Lin Chen went to the island country not to play, but to seek revenge.

Thinking of this, she gave Lin Chen a look of discontent. "She also said that you had something important to do. It turned out that you were going to play in the island country!"

She was a little depressed, because during this period of time, she contacted this guy on her own initiative, and this guy didn't know how to contact herself.

Now I know I'm free, but I don't even ask if I want to go.

Are you so unattractive?

Naturally, Lin Chen doesn't know ye menghuang's complex and careful thinking, and doesn't want to explain why he went to the island this time. He doesn't want to involve ye menghuang.

He said with a smile, "I go to the island country to do something, not to play."

"Sister Meng Huang, is this your ex boyfriend?"

At this time, another female voice came from the side.


Lin Chen was stunned and found that there was another man and a woman beside ye menghuang.

A man in his twenties and eighties, dressed in a suit and a typical workplace elite, looks good, and should be regarded as high, handsome and rich.

A woman of twenty-threeorfour years old, with beautiful appearance and elegant temperament, just looked at herself strangely.

What she said just now is obviously what she said.

Lin Chen also just reflected that he should be Meng Huang's boyfriend in the other party's mouth.

His relationship with yemenghuang is her fake boyfriend.

What's the situation? I've been laid off. I don't know yet? Lin Chen murmured in her heart.

But I didn't care much. After all, I was a fake.

"Meditation, don't talk nonsense. The relationship between Lin Chen and me is not what you think!"

Yemenghuang looked at the girl and said.

In fact, Lin Chen was not laid off by her.

Previously, with Lin Chen, a fake boyfriend, when a man chased her, she told the other party that she had a boyfriend and let the other party give up.

Soon, everyone knew that she had a boyfriend.

However, the boyfriend in her mouth never appeared.

It's OK occasionally for a few days, but I haven't seen ye menghuang's boyfriend in a month or two.

Everyone soon guessed that ye menghuang had broken up with her boyfriend.

Lin Chen, for no reason whatsoever, changed from a fake boyfriend to an ex boyfriend!

Yemenghuang also knew about the private discussion, but did not pay attention.

However, at this time, she was a little anxious. She didn't want Lin Chen to feel that she was eager to get rid of the relationship with him.

"Oh, well, I'm talkative."

Xia ningsi smiled, but she still looked at Lin Chen with curiosity. It was obvious that Lin Chen was yemenghuang's ex boyfriend.

The former boyfriend and girlfriend met, but they were able to chat so harmoniously. Is it a peaceful separation?

Or is it because the man wanted to pester sister Meng Huang and asked her in advance that she was going to visit the island country with him, so he followed her?

At the thought of this, Xia ningsi's eyes lit up. It should be so!

Anyone who loses such a beautiful woman as yemenghuang will be unwilling to come back.

She glanced at kongbinhong, her boyfriend beside her, and saw that his eyebrows were already frowning. It was obvious that she wanted to go with her.

The reason why she forced ye menghuang to go to the island country with her was that kongbinhong wanted to introduce a big man to ye menghuang.

If that big man likes ye menghuang, kongbinhong will be highly valued by that man.

The unexpected appearance of Lin Chen, an "ex boyfriend", naturally upset kongbinhong.

However, without waiting for them to communicate, the plane reminded them to fasten their seat belts, and the sound of taking off soon sounded.

Yemenghuang's seat is beside Lin Chen.

The seats of Xia ningsi and kongbinhong were just behind them.

Soon, the plane left the port city and flew to the island country.

And ye menghuang is also in Lin Chen's ear, explaining the origin of the "ex boyfriend" to him, which makes Lin Chen feel a little embarrassed.

I am a fake boyfriend. It seems that I am a little incompetent.

Kongbinhong in the back row pointed to Lin Chen with his chin and whispered in Xia ningsi's ear:

"Sisi, look at this guy's shoes. He's really inferior."

Xia ningsi looked down at Lin Chen's shoes when she heard the speech, and then a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes.

She found that Lin Chen was not only dressed in ordinary clothes, but also wore a pair of climbing shoes stained with soil, as if she had just come out of the mountain or the countryside.

The so-called mud legs are probably nothing more than that!

However, she said in kongbinhong's ear, "don't worry about him. No matter how low he is, it has nothing to do with us."

Kongbinhong snorted: "this guy looks like a poor man. I don't know how yemenghuang fell in love with him before, but it's good that he's divided now."

"If I saw this kind of guy on the street, I wouldn't bother to look at it more. But he probably came after ye menghuang. I can't let him ruin my good deeds!"

Xia ningsi knew that this matter was related to her boyfriend's future, and whispered:

"It's good for sister Chang Xi if you introduce that big man to her. I don't object. After all, if you really get back together with Lin Chen, it's her misfortune."

"But we should also pay attention to discretion. Don't let sister Chang Xi dislike her. She is too soft hearted. Even if she really encounters a piece of garbage, she is too embarrassed to kick it away." "Don't worry, look at me." Kongbinhong smiled.

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