Kongbinhong suddenly looked at Lin Chen ahead and said:

"Mr. Lin, what are you going to do this time?"

Lin Chen was stunned. He turned to kongbinhong and said that we didn't seem to know each other at all? What do you care what I do?

Lin Chen doesn't know. Kongbinhong just wants ye menghuang to realize that he is chasing ye menghuang on purpose!

I hope ye menghuang kicks him away when she realizes this.

According to kongbinhong, it must have been an accident for Lin Chen to catch up with ye menghuang. Ye menghuang finally dumped Lin Chen. Naturally, she doesn't want to have a close relationship with Lin Chen anymore.

At this time, yemenghuang and Lin Chen are friendly. In his opinion, yemenghuang is just pitying each other.

Yemenghuang then said to Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, let me introduce you."

She pointed to Xia ningsi and said with a smile:

"The name of this beautiful woman is xianingsi, and the one next to her is ningsi's boyfriend kongbinhong. Ningsi is also a famous figure in our classical music industry. This time, I will go to the island country with them for a few days."

"Sister Meng Huang, are you kidding me? Where am I famous?"

Xia ningsi seemed to smile modestly, but in fact his eyes were full of pride.

She is young, but she has won many awards. Although she is far from being compared with ye menghuang, she does have a proud capital.

"Mr. Lin, you haven't answered my question yet!"

Kongbinhong looked at Lin Chen and said something indefatigable.

Lin Chen looked at kongbinhong and said, "do something private."

"Private affairs?"

Kongbinhong sneered at the speech. Lin Chen said it so clearly.

He decided that Lin Chen came to ye menghuang specially.

Xia ningsi looked at Lin Chen and shook his head slightly. It seemed as if he was mocking Lin Chen that a toad still wanted to eat swan meat. It was too much.

A while ago, ye menghuang was invited to perform zither at the Royal Grand Theater of Y country. Even those foreigners were conquered by her beauty and music and highly praised her.

Where is this kind of Goddess worthy of ordinary men?

But ye menghuang didn't think so much. She looked at Lin Chen and said:

"Where are you going? Will someone pick you up later? We'll have someone pick you up later. Otherwise, we'll ask the driver to take you there too?"

Kongbinhong turned pale. Unexpectedly, ye menghuang didn't understand his meaning at all, and seemed to care about this guy.

Xia ningsi was also suspicious.

What's the situation? Is sister Meng Huang really unforgettable for this man?

But she looked up and down at Lin Chen, and she couldn't see that this man was worth missing.

In particular, Lin Chen's climbing shoes with mud made her feel disgusted.

For a petty bourgeois woman like her who likes a delicate life, such a man who doesn't pay attention to his dress is really low to the extreme.

Basically, some losers who are incompetent and male chauvinist.

Lin Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "no, maybe someone will pick me up."

"Maybe? Yes, yes, no, No. There are still possibilities for such things?"

Kongbinhong said sarcastically.

Yemenghuang said, "who will pick you up? Is it your friend? Is he not sure if he has time?"

However, in her heart, she was thinking that Lin Chen and this friend might not have a good relationship.

Otherwise, even if he is busy with his work, he should ask for a leave to pick up the plane. After all, Lin Chen is unfamiliar with the island.

"Not a friend, she is my servant."

Lin Chen shook her head and smiled lightly:

"I gave her a multiple-choice question. To tell you the truth, I don't know how she will choose. Maybe she will come back or not. It depends on her choice."

Yemenghuang was stunned.


Kongbinhong burst into laughter and stared at Lin Chen. The yin-yang strange way:

"What a mess, servant, she was given a choice? Are you making up a story or bragging about B? There are servants in these days? Ha ha! Even if you want to talk nonsense, please use your head?"

Xia ningsi also looked at Lin Chen without a word. She said that this guy could catch up with sister Meng Huang before. It was probably by boasting.

Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "believe it or not."

He looked at kongbinhong again and said indifferently:

"Who do you think you are? Do I have to tell you something? Don't take yourself too seriously."

Kongbinhong's face froze, and then he became very angry.

Born into a wealthy family, he is also a highly educated elite in society. He works in a large enterprise in the island country and has a beautiful girlfriend. It is not too much to say that he is a winner in life.

In his opinion, Lin Chen has to look up to himself. He dares to speak to himself like this. He really has no self-knowledge!

Yemenghuang looks at kongbinhong and frowns:

"Lin Chen, he's just joking. Why are you talking so hard?"

Obviously, she didn't take Lin Chen's words seriously, but she still chose to stand by Lin Chen.

Kongbinhong did not expect ye menghuang to help Lin Chen speak, and his face became even worse.

"Well, Bin Hong, Lin Chen is just bragging. Why do you care so much?"

Xia Ning thought about pulling Kong Binhong.

In fact, she was also dissatisfied.

She has always had a good relationship with yemenghuang. Unexpectedly, yemenghuang will accuse her boyfriend for a guy full of nonsense!

"Hehe, I'm a little excited. Just don't mind Mr. Lin."

Kongbinhong's face changed for a while, and finally returned to normal. Instead, he took the initiative to apologize.

Lin Chen didn't answer him at all.

When kongbinhong saw that the other party ignored him, he was even more resentful. On his face, he smiled:

"I don't know where Mr. Lin is."

But Lin Chen hissed and stared at him:

"Are you going to ask me later about my education background and family background?"


Kongbinhong's fake smile froze again.

He really knew that Lin Chen's conditions were not good, so he wanted to Tell ye menghuang that this man was not good enough for her.

In addition, his vanity was satisfied by comparison.

But unexpectedly, Lin Chen spoke so directly that he didn't know how to answer.

Yemenghuang also found that the man seemed to be deliberately asking Lin Chen for trouble, and frowned.

She didn't know kongbinhong very well, but Xia ningsi was her best friend, and it was hard for him to lose face.

At first, I thought kongbinhong was gentle and nice, but now I feel a little disgusted.

Seeing kongbinhong stunned, Lin Chen continued:

"First, I used to be a bodyguard, but now I haven't gone to work; second, I have a high school education; third, my parents are farmers. What, are there any other problems now? If not, shut up. I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!"

In fact, if kongbinhong was not with yemenghuang, he would never have said more nonsense to the other party.

For him today, let alone kongbinhong, even the top-level giants are just ants.

With that, he turned away from kongbinhong.

Kongbinhong's face turned red with anger. The tone of the other side's speech simply didn't pay attention to him!

Hearing Lin Chen's answer, he simply disdained it to the extreme.

This kind of person is just a fighter among losers. He dares to be rampant in front of himself!

Xia ningsi looked at Lin Chen and frowned.

Like bragging, jobless vagrant, low education background, poor family background!

But also a self righteous look!

This man is so bad that she can't understand why yemenghuang once had such a boyfriend.

This kind of low-level people in society should have no intersection with their own world all their lives!

She will not deliberately look down on the people at the bottom of the society, but in her opinion, the people in the world are always divided into three, six and nine classes.

Some people are tired to death and can't afford to buy a suite all their lives, while others are trendsetters standing on the wave of the times and have a bright life!

From Xia ningsi's point of view, they are high beings, and Lin Chen is just a loser at the bottom!

Although she was dissatisfied with Lin Chen, she said to kongbinhong:

"Well, what are you going to do with him? You have to give sister Chang Xi some face."

She speaks Japanese. A person with a high school degree can't understand it, so she's not afraid of what Lin Chen hears.

Kongbinhong sneered at Lin Chen's back and said in Japanese: "I won't argue with an illiterate. This kind of person is destined to live at the bottom of the society all his life. Arguing with him will lower my level!"

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