Kongbinhong became more and more satisfied with what he said and continued to say in Japanese:

"This guy is a pure loser. A toad wants to eat a swan. How great do you really think you are? Just a birth difference. What's the difference between a high school education and a retarded person?"

"In my opinion, he is a joke! You see, I am scolding him now, but he doesn't even understand what we are talking about!"

His words were not whispered, but he was not afraid that ye menghuang and Lin Chen in front of him would hear them.

Yemenghuang doesn't know Japanese. They know it. As for Lin Chen.

How can a guy with a high school education know Japanese?

The people around just noticed what was happening here.

At this time, when I heard kongbinhong's words, I understood that he was bullying Lin Chen. He didn't understand Japanese, so he deliberately used Japanese to swear.

Some people frowned and thought that kongbinhong's behavior was hateful and a villain's behavior.

There are also some faces showing a smile of schadenfreude.

These people are highly educated people who know Japanese. Seeing Lin Chen, a guy with a high school education, sitting with a beautiful woman and chatting, they are not happy. At this time, they are naturally happy to see him ridiculed.

"When he arrived in the island country, people pointed at him and scolded him for being stupid. He didn't know they were scolding him. He thought they were praising him!"

A young man in a suit and shoes with glasses pointed to Lin Chen and smiled at his girlfriend in Japanese.

"You, even if he has a low degree, you can't bully people like that!"

His girlfriend covered her mouth and smiled. What she said seemed to say that her boyfriend was wrong, but in fact, she looked at Lin Chen with disdain.

She also speaks Japanese.

At this time, Lin Chen suddenly turned his head and looked at kongbinhong. His eyes were cold.

Kongbinhong was shocked. What happened? Did this guy hear that he was mocking him and became angry?

But on second thought, he felt that he was too worried.

It is estimated that this illiterate person can only speak, hear, read and write Chinese. How can he understand Japanese?

He smiled and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, what's up?"

Xia ningsi looked into Lin Chen's eyes and made fun of him.

Yemenghuang then turned her head and frowned. Although she didn't understand kongbinhong's words just now, she also felt that they should not be good words.

But you can't blame others just by feeling!

Lin Chen suddenly grinned and said to kongbinhong: "¥% ~% * * *% &..."

Kongbinhong: "...."

Xia ningsi: "...."

People: "...."

All the people were confused. Lin Chen talked a lot and spoke very fast. They didn't understand what Lin Chen was talking about.

"Lin Chen, what are you talking about?" Yemenghuang was surprised.

After Lin Chen said so much, she understood an English word you, which means you.

Not waiting for Lin Chen to answer, but suddenly a startled cry rang out.

"Young man, you... How can you know so many languages?"

When they heard the speech, they all looked in the direction of the voice. They saw a white haired old man staring at Lin Chen, as if he were a ghost.

Seeing it, a middle-aged woman beside the old man took the initiative to say:

"This is Mr. liqinghui, vice president of Gangcheng University. He is an internationally renowned linguist."

With that, she said nothing more and looked at Lin Chen in disbelief.

She is a student of Li Qinghui. She is also a linguist. She is also confused by what Lin Chen just said

"Yes! This is our vice president of Gangcheng University, President Li. I didn't expect you to be here!"

"President Li is an authority on human linguistics who is proficient in 32 languages!"

"What did you mean by what you said just now, principal Li? Didn't this man just say a lot of things, but he was barking?"


Inside the plane, there were also several students from Gangcheng University who spoke one after another.

Hearing the speech, people no longer have any doubt about the identity of the old man. The old man has a strong literati temperament, which also convinces them.

But what did President Li mean just now?

This kid with a high school degree knows many languages?

Everyone looked at Lin Chen, but they didn't believe him.

Kongbinhong froze for a moment, then looked at the old man and shook his head, joking:

"Headmaster Li, you are always mistaken. This man hasn't graduated from high school!"

Xia ningsi was surprised.

In addition to Japanese and Chinese, she is also proficient in English and French. Just now, the other party's words seem to include English and French.

She just spoke too fast, and she didn't quite catch it.

Hearing this, Li Qinghui looked as if his authority had been questioned. He stared at kongbinhong and said angrily:

"What are you talking about? I've spent my whole life studying human language. How can I get it wrong? I don't know how many languages this gentleman said just now, but I can hear 27!"


Kongbinhong was confused.

The rest of the people were also stupid, and their chins were about to fall to the ground.

Li Qinghui's identity is definitely not nonsense.

And what he means is that this guy with a high school degree can speak at least 27 languages, which is estimated to be more than that?

How is this possible?

People just feel that their world outlook is about to collapse!

If this is true, what high school did this guy go to? More than Harvard and Oxford!

"To be exact, there are 43 kinds in total, excluding Chinese and Japanese."

Lin Chen then smiled.

He didn't expect that there was a man in the plane who could recognize so many languages.

For him today, learning a language is simply too easy. He also took the time to learn all the languages that are widely used in the world.

I dare not say I am proficient, but there is absolutely no problem with daily listening, speaking, reading and writing.


At this moment, even Li Qinghui's eyes widened.

He has learned 32 languages all his life, but the young man in front of him, young, can speak 43 languages?

No, with the addition of Chinese and Japanese, there are 45 kinds in total.

This is incredible!

The people beside him are also famous linguists in Hong Kong and the city. This time, they accompanied him to the island for academic exchanges.

At this time, these people were also staring at Lin Chen dumbfounded.

"I don't believe it! Headmaster Li, are you mistaken? He just made a lot of noise. He was just barking!"

Kongbinhong's face turned red. He couldn't believe what Li Qinghui said was true.

Li Qinghui frowned and looked at him. "People are not barking. They are repeating the same sentence with words in many languages!"

"What?" Kongbinhong was still unwilling to believe it.

Li Qinghui said seriously, "is it great to speak Japanese? You idiot."


Everyone was stunned. They couldn't figure out how Li Qinghui suddenly cursed.

But then it came back.

Instead of Li Qinghui swearing, Lin Chen is repeating this sentence in dozens of languages.

Kongbinhong's face turned pig liver, but he was stunned and couldn't say anything.

I just feel my face slapped by an invisible hand!

Xia ningsi's face was also extremely embarrassed. Just now, they thought Lin Chen couldn't speak Japanese, so they mocked him in Japanese.

Now think of it, it's just that the sage sells three character scriptures in front of his door, just like a clown jumping over a beam!

Although the 43 languages Lin Chen just spoke did not include Japanese, at this moment, no one would doubt whether Lin Chen really understands Japanese!

Previously, those who followed the Schadenfreude, especially the couple who followed and despised Lin Chen, were all hot faced and wanted to find a hole in the ground.

Yemenghuang stared at Lin Chen, then smiled and looked at him with some admiration. She said that this guy can shock herself every time, as if he is omnipotent!

"You were lying to me just now, weren't you? Didn't you say you had a high school degree? Hum! You lied! You must have graduated from a language major. You didn't mean well and deliberately wanted to make us look bad, right?" Kongbinhong suddenly looked at Lin Chen with hatred, as if all this was Lin Chen's fault from beginning to end!

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