Kongbinhong's words startled the public at first, but then nodded, thinking that Lin Chen was talking nonsense before.

How can a person with a high school education know so many languages.

Li Qinghui also looked at Lin Chen curiously.

"Lin Chen, did you actually graduate from a famous school?"

Even ye menghuang had some doubts.

Lin Chen shook his head and looked at kongbinhong again

"Idiot, as a genius like me, you can learn everything as soon as you learn it. You never forget it. You don't need to go to school at all, okay?"

People: "...."

Kongbinhong was scolded as a fool again, which made his face a little twisted. He gnashed his teeth and said, "don't pretend!"


However, Lin Chen suddenly pointed to a magazine beside kongbinhong and said, "just open a page of this magazine and give it to me!"

Kongbinhong frowned and said, "what do you want to do?"

Although he didn't understand, he still did, took out the magazine, opened a page casually, and handed it to Lin Chen.

The rest of the crowd also looked at Lin Chen with some puzzlement. They didn't know what trick he was going to play.

Lin Chen took the magazine and glanced at it, then threw it aside.

Then he opened his mouth and read aloud. It was estimated that there were more than 1000 words. He spoke very fast. He finished reading it in a short time, but it made everyone confused.

They heard that Lin Chen was reading an article on urban emotion.

But he still couldn't figure out what he was going to do. Why did he suddenly recite the article?

Yemenghuang first thought of something. She took the magazine, looked at the page that Bin Hong had just opened, and then said in shock:

"Lin Chen, are you reciting the articles in this magazine? You can remember them at a glance. This is so powerful?"

She was so surprised that her words were incoherent.

The rest of the people were shocked by lightning and looked foolish again.

"How can this be possible? I can remember more than a thousand words at a glance. Can I still recite them? Let me have a look!"

Xia ningsi hurriedly took the magazine over. After looking at it for a few times, she looked at Lin Chen in surprise. "Never forget, you can never forget!"

"I don't believe it!"

Kongbinhong's face was so ugly that he immediately grabbed the magazine, but after a few eyes, his face turned red.

People around him will know what happened when they see his reaction!

The young man actually remembered all the words in the magazine at a glance and could recite them!

Nima, genius!

This is the real genius!

Li Qinghui was also surprised and said: "I didn't expect that there should be such a thing as never forgetting. No wonder you are so young that you can master so many languages!"

”As I said, I am a genius. " Lin Chen smiled.

This made everyone twitch in the corners of their mouths.

However, they looked at Lin Chen with admiration and envy.

No one said that Lin Chen deliberately lied that he had a high school degree.

This kind of genius is not what they can imagine. Maybe people don't even bother to go to college!

"Remember, don't use your stupid brain to question my genius in the future!"

Lin Chen said coldly to kongbinhong, and then turned his head back.

"You -"

Kongbinhong was so angry that his IQ was over 120, much higher than that of normal people. As a result, the guy said he was stupid!

But he could not refute it.

Xia ningsi looked at Lin Chen with a different color. She said that it seemed that Lin Chen was not as unbearable as she thought. No wonder sister Meng Huang once took a fancy to him!

Next, the vice president of Gangcheng University, Li Qinghui, asked Lin Chen for a phone number and wanted to make friends with him. Lin Chen didn't refuse and exchanged numbers with him.

"Lin Chen, I didn't expect you to be so powerful! How can your brain grow?"

Yemenghuang said enviously, and even reached out to touch Lin Chen's head.

"Why do you think I have a problem with my mind?"

Lin Chen smiled. "Also, do you know that a man's head can't be touched indiscriminately. If you touch it again, I'll touch it back."

With that, his eyes fell on yemenghuang somewhere, and a bad smile appeared on his face.

Yemenghuang quickly took back her hand and blocked it in front of her chest. She blushed and spat at him, "what nonsense are you talking about!"

"Ha ha."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "well, if you have any trouble after you arrive in the island country, just call me, you know? No matter what the problem is, I can help you solve it!"

The reason why he said this was because he really didn't have a good impression of kongbinhong. Yemenghuang and the other party played together, which made him a little uneasy.

"Line." Yemenghuang nodded with a smile, showing a trace of happiness in her eyes.

Because Lin Chen obviously took her to heart, he would care about her safety.

Lin Chen's words fell in the ears of kongbinhong and Xia ningsi, and kongbinhong looked disdainful.

Xia ningsi also frowned slightly. Although Lin Chen had some skills, his boasting habit was a fact.

He is a Chinese. When he arrived in the island country, he said that no matter what problems can be solved, what is this not bragging?

Even high-ranking officials and rich businessmen in China dare not speak such big words when they come to the island country!

"Pretending to be true, after all, isn't it still the idea of Ye menghuang to get her started again?"

Kongbinhong sneered in his heart, "don't dream, you little boy. When I introduce yemenghuang to Mr. Miura, there's nothing more about you!"

Although Lin Chen just showed his terrible language ability and incredible memory, he still felt that Lin Chen was not as good as himself.

In any case, the other party is a jobless vagrant, or a small peasant, how can he be compared with such a successful person!

At more than 3 p.m., the plane landed at Shizuoka airport.

Linchen, yemenghuang and others walked out of the airport together.

Yemenghuang said reluctantly, "Lin Chen, did your friend come to pick you up? If not, why don't you come with us?"

It was not easy to meet Lin Chen. She was really reluctant to be separated.

Lin Chen looked around and said with a smile:

"She hasn't come yet. Maybe she chose not to come, but you don't have to be careful of me. Although I'm not familiar here, I won't lose anywhere with my ability."

Yemenghuang nodded and did not doubt Lin Chen's words.

She knew that Lin Chen was not an ordinary person with strong skills. Now she knew that he could speak Japanese, but she didn't worry about it. She just wanted to stay with him for a while.

When kongbinhong heard this, he sneered: "why, your servant won't come to pick you up? I said how did you say the other party might not come. Dare you think of a way out for yourself at the beginning! Hehe! I said you can't be more reliable. When will you pretend to be a servant? Do you really think you are an ancient master?

At this time, Xia ningsi suddenly said, "Lin Chen, you really have some skills. If you work hard, you should also make some achievements in the future. However, you must not think that your brain is smart. You must know that your brain is smart does not mean you can achieve much. You'd better change your boasting habit

Come on! "

"Lin Chen was just joking. Why are you so serious?"

Yemenghuang frowned and looked unhappy. She seemed to be protecting her calf.

"Well, I'm talkative. Sister Meng Huang, can't I be wrong?"

Xia ningsi was helpless.

She really doesn't understand why ye menghuang, who is usually very smart, is so stupid that she looks like an underage girl at this time.

This Lin Chen is totally talking nonsense. She even defends for the other party. Just then, a cool silver SSC super car suddenly came towards them and stopped beside them!

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