"What does Lin Chen do?"

Yemenghuang was shocked when she heard the speech. Lin Chen had many skills, but according to what he said, he was a bodyguard before.

Although she didn't believe it, in her opinion, Lin Chen should and shouldn't have lied.

She said: "Lin Chen wouldn't lie. Didn't he say something about his situation before?"

"All right."

Xia ningsi nodded, but she still didn't believe Lin Chen's words.

Kongbinhong was even more upset when he saw that his girlfriend obviously looked at Lin Chen differently.

He snorted coldly, "there are no female slaves these days. I guess the girl just now should be Lin Chen's friend, just playing B with him! Unexpectedly, this guy has a friend who can afford to drive SSC!"

Hearing kongbinhong's words, ye menghuang and Xia ningsi were stunned.

Soon, they agreed with kongbinhong's words. They thought that Suzuki qianxia should be Lin Chen's friend and cooperate with him in the play.

Yemenghuang knows that Lin Chen's medical skills are extraordinary, and his identity seems not so simple. It's not surprising that Lin Chen knows rich friends.

However, thinking of Suzuki qianxia's foxy face and mature and hot figure, she had something to eat in her heart.

Then a Rolls Royce phantom came towards them.

Kongbinhong's eyes lit up when he saw the car and said with a smile, "Mr. Miura has come to pick us up!"

He thought to himself, although Lin Chen doesn't seem to be such a loser, how can he compare with Mr. Miura.

As long as you introduce yemenghuang to Mr. Miura and get the important position of Mr. Miura, you may not be able to run SSC tuatara in the future!

That Lin Chen is still not qualified to compare with himself!


SSC super run.

"Master, where are you going now?"

Suzuki qianxia turns to look at Lin Chen in the passenger seat and asks.

Lin Chen just told her to pick him up, but he didn't tell her what he was doing on the island.

Lin Chen did not answer, but looked at her and said with a smile:

"To tell you the truth, I was a little surprised that you would come to pick me up. I was guessing that you might have brought people with the sun's heat to encircle me."

"Those who bring the sun's heat to encircle and suppress you?"

Suzuki qianxia was stunned, and then his face changed greatly, "master, what do you mean, are you provoked by the sun?"


Lin Chen looked at Suzuki qianxia in astonishment and said in surprise, "why, don't you know?"

Suzuki qianxia is the daughter of Jiahe Liuzhu and also controls Fujii group. She should have a high status. It's only right that she doesn't know this kind of news.

"I really don't know. I didn't expect that you, master, would get into the heat of the sun!"

Suzuki qianxia said with a wry smile: "to tell the truth, I am in a bad situation now. I can say that I am under house arrest. Although I have not restricted my daily activities, all my powers, including my subordinates and the shares of Fujii group, are no longer under my control."

She sighed, "I can't touch anything about the sun's inflammation."

Seeing that the other party didn't look like lying, Lin Chen asked, "what's going on?"

"All my things were taken away by Masahiko Suzuki!" Suzuki qianxia has some resentment.

"Masahiko Suzuki?"

"He is my half brother and the next leader of jiaheliu. He is very domineering and selfish. I never get along with him."

"Originally, the two of us did not invade the river. I managed my Fujing group well, while he helped my father manage the internal affairs of jiaheliu."

Suzuki qianxia looks unwilling and continues:

"My father Suzuki is a very son preference person. Although I have been stronger than Masahiko Suzuki in all aspects since childhood, he just likes Masahiko Suzuki more!"

"Now that he is old and in poor health, he just wants to give Masahiko Suzuki the position of the leader of Kaga flow. He even wants everything in my hands and gives it to Masahiko Suzuki!"

"Now, I have long been elevated and have no power at all!"

Lin Chen was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that this kind of thing had happened to Suzuki qianxia's family.

It seems that this Suzuki male wants to hand over all the power of the Suzuki family to his son, so as to prevent any internal struggle if he dies later.

And Suzuki qianxia became the abandoned son of Suzuki Xiong, who valued sons over daughters.

Lin Chen smiled dismissively:

"You Jia Heliu's internal family struggle is no different from those of the big families in the secular world."

"As long as the subject of the struggle is still a person, there will not be much difference in essence. No matter how strong a person becomes, people's desires are similar," Suzuki said

Lin Chen smiled and said, "if I'm not mistaken, do you take me as a straw now?"

Suzuki qianxia looked embarrassed, but then he nodded.

"Yes, I really want to rely on your master to fight a turnaround."

She said with some resentment: "my father not only took away all the things that belonged to me and gave them to Masahiko Suzuki, but even with the encouragement of Masahiko Suzuki, he planned to marry me to the leader of Beichen yidaoliu, fujiaki Guang."


Lin Chen was puzzled and said, "why don't you want to turn over by this vine light? After all, you used to get the Fujing group by marrying into the Fujing family."

Suzuki qianxia shook his head helplessly and said:

"Although tengmuguang has been thinking about me for several years, for him, women are just a kind of high-grade plaything. If I marry him, I will be just a valuable collection and will never turn over!"

"Then why do you think I can help you turn over? You look up to me so much?" Lin Chen smiled.


Suzuki qianxia couldn't go on, but Lin Chen understood what she meant.

She doesn't even know her current strength or what happened in Huashan.

In her eyes, I guess I am just an ordinary inborn peak

The reason why she chose to pick herself up was simply that she had no other life-saving straw to choose from.

In fact, Lin Chen guessed right.

In Suzuki qianxia's heart, he doesn't think Lin Chen can help him turn over. After all, he is a congenital peak and can't fight Jiahe Liu at all.

What's more, behind the Jiahe River, there is the inflammation of the sun.

She was just dying.

Compared with turning over, she hopes Lin Chen can save herself from the island country. Now she seems to be free, but she can't leave at all.

Lin Chen said lightly: "no doubt, you want to use me!"


Suzuki qianxia's face became tense and he immediately tried to explain something.

Lin Chen waved his hand. "Don't hurry to explain. You don't have to explain anything. I'm not a fool. I can guess what you're thinking."

Suzuki qianxia looks embarrassed.

Lin Chen said with a smile:

"However, I don't mind your use, or after I tell you something, I want to see if you still want to be tied to me!"

Suzuki qianxia wondered, "what is it?"

Lin Chen said positively, "I have killed many people of the sun's inflammation. Now I am a mortal enemy of the other side. This time I came here to seek revenge from the sun's inflammation! If you go with me, you will choose to be the enemy of the sun's inflammation. Have you decided?"

"What, you killed a lot of people from the sun, and you dare to come here. Do you want revenge? Are you crazy?"

Suzuki qianxia stared, and the next second his face turned white, so scared that even his master forgot to cry.

The inflammation of the sun is the organization of God, who is like a God in her eyes.

Lin Chen came to avenge the sun's fire, that is, to avenge the Lord.

What does he want? Kill God?

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