"You don't care if you're crazy. Just answer me. Now you still have to choose to stay on the same boat with me." Lin Chen said faintly.

Lin Chen didn't specifically say who he killed. He didn't intend to emphasize how strong he was, but directly let Suzuki qianxia choose.

He and Suzuki qianxia could not say how familiar they were, and they were not interested in helping her.

And her future depends on how she chooses!

Suzuki qianxia's face changed again and again. In her opinion, Lin Chen went to the island to seek revenge for the sun's inflammation. It was no different from dying.

Finally, a flash of madness flashed across her face, nodded and said, "I'm with you!"

Lin Chen was surprised and said, "do you think I can succeed in revenge against the sun?"

Suzuki qianxia shook his head and said:

"I don't think you can succeed. You can't imagine the power of God! But I think you must have something to rely on since you came to the island for revenge."

"Although I still think your dependence is just a joke before the sun. However, I am still willing to gamble! I would rather die than be a plaything collected by a man!"

"Ha ha, it seems that you are tied to me with the determination to die."

Lin Chen smiled, "but don't worry, you can't die. You made the right choice, and your life will be completely changed!"

Suzuki qianxia didn't listen to this. Her eyes darkened after a moment of madness.

She felt that she had entered a dead end, and there was only a dead end waiting for her.

At this time, several black cars suddenly came up behind, and the SSC supercar was surrounded.

"Stop!" Someone shouted in Japanese.

At the same time, two black cars have driven to the front of SSC super run and stopped directly.

Hiss -!

"What's the matter?"

Suzuki qianxia's face suddenly changed, and she quickly stepped on the brake. SSC ran too fast, and then she stopped. She almost crashed into the black car in front of her.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

With an angry look on her face, she opened the door and asked several men who had already stepped out of the car.

But then she was stunned, because she noticed that these people were wearing their family Ninja clothes.

"Are you from jiaheliu? How dare you stop my car?"

Suzuki qianxia frowned and finally felt something was wrong.

At this time, Lin Chen also got out of the car and looked at the people who suddenly appeared.

It is located in a remote place without any pedestrians or other vehicles. The other party should deliberately choose to stop them here.

"It seems that this is going to cause trouble." Lin Chen whispered.

A middle-aged man with an inch in his head walked out of a black car.

Seeing this man, Suzuki qianxia's face changed: "Miyazaki Gang, what are you doing here? Why did you let someone stop my car?"

There was some uneasiness in her heart.

This Miyazaki Gang is one of the three great forbearances of Kaga Ryu. He is the strong one in the later stage of his life and belongs to the confidant of her brother Masahiko Suzuki.

Lin Chen is here. She is not afraid of this person. However, the other party's presence here shows that they have been targeted by Masahiko Suzuki!

Miyazaki just looked at Suzuki qianxia, pointed to Lin Chen and said coldly:

"Young lady, you are going to marry the leader of Tengmu sect in a while, and you are still hanging out with wild men. It is a disgrace to jiaheliu! You should go back to jiaheliu with me now and accept the punishment of the leader and young master Masahiko!"

He nodded Lin Chen with his fingers and said, "as for you, just die here!"

He spoke casually, as if he wanted to die alone. It was just a trivial matter.

"What wild man, what are you talking about? You are pure slander!"

Suzuki qianxia looked angry. "Don't think I don't know. Masahiko Suzuki can't tolerate me at all. As long as I'm still alive, he's afraid that I might threaten his position and marry me to Fuji Guang. He probably wants to kill me?"

Miyazaki just smiled and said, "you said that yourself, miss. But if you don't want to go back with me, don't blame me for being rude!"

Suzuki qianxia stared and said in a cold voice, "I want to see how rude you are. Do you really want to kill me?"

Miyazaki just smiled grimly in his eyes, "if you are really unwilling to cooperate, I can only do so!"

"You -"

Suzuki qianxia turned pale. She really wanted to kill her after listening to the other party's words.

She stared at Miyazaki and said angrily, "do you know what you are talking about? Even if you are Tianren, you are just a dog of our Suzuki family. You still want to kill your master. Are you wrong?"

"Baga! Smelly watch, how dare you call me a dog?"

Miyazaki's face was very angry, and he didn't speak politely. He sneered:

"Do you still think you are a powerful young lady jiaheliu? I tell you, young master Zhengyan really wants to kill you, and the leader knows this, but he turned a blind eye and didn't stop it! Do you know what this means?"

"What did you say?"

Suzuki qianxia turned pale in an instant.

With her mind, she knows what's going on!

She knew that her father was cruel, and he even robbed his son of everything he owned. But she didn't expect that he would acquiesce to Masahiko Suzuki to kill himself, just to avoid his son's worries!

"He is so cruel!"

Suzuki qianxia's tone was almost growling with resentment.

Her mother is just one of Suzuki's many women. She died when she was very young. For her, Suzuki is an important family member.

But now, this relative, her father, even acquiesced to someone else to kill her!

It really broke her heart!

"Hum! Now that you know everything, I'd better deal with you directly!"

Miyazaki just snorted coldly.

Since everything had been said, he simply killed the woman.

"And before I kill you, I can have a taste of you, young lady. To tell the truth, I've wanted to play with you for a long time! Usually you are high above me. When I put you under my weight, I wonder if you can still be noble? Is it just like an ordinary woman in heat?"

Miyazaki just stared at Suzuki qianxia. His eyes became evil. He stopped at the sensitive part of Suzuki qianxia, as if looking at his prey.

The rest of the people who came with him all looked a little excited, thinking that maybe they could have a bite of soup if Miyazaki had just eaten meat?

For this young lady, they are also very greedy!

For a moment, their eyes, like hungry wolves, fell on Suzuki qianxia.

Suzuki qianxia saw these people staring at him with lustful eyes. He was so angry that he gnashed his teeth. Before he spoke, he listened to Lin Chen who was beside him say:

"Have you asked me for my advice on moving my female slaves?"

"Your slave girl? Ask your opinion?"

Miyazaki gang and others were stunned and looked at Lin Chen.

The next second, Miyazaki Gang scoffed:

"Why, it seems that you are really a wild man of the eldest young lady? The eldest young lady's eyesight is really bad. She even found a little white face who is useless!"

The female slave in Lin Chen's mouth was understood by him as a fun title between lovers.

Miyazaki just stared at Lin Chen and said with a grim smile, "in that case, it would be better. I will have fun with your woman in front of you!"

Lin Chen shrugged and said, "you islanders have a lot of abnormal hobbies. You are going to die soon. Do you have any last words to say?"

Miyazaki was stunned. "Boy, are you not from our island country?"

Because Lin Chen also speaks fluent Japanese at this time, he really didn't find out that Lin Chen is not an Islander just now.

Lin Chen sneered: "of course I'm not an Islander. I'm Chinese."

"Chinese people?"

Miyazaki just heard the speech, and his face was full of disdain. "How did you stray into our country? The eldest lady even looked up to Chinese men. You really have no eyes!"

"Well, that seems to be your last words, isn't it?" Lin Chen's eyes were cold.

"Cut off his hands and feet!" Miyazaki's eyes were cold, and then he said slowly.


A Jia He Ninja beside Lin Chen answered, and then suddenly took out a handful of bitterness from him and stabbed Lin Chen in the shoulder!

He is going to cut off Lin Chen's limbs with this bitterness!

"Chinese people, dare to run to our island country and be arrogant. Go to hell!"

His tone was disdainful, and his face wore a grim smile.

In the blink of an eye, he had rushed to Lin Chen and was about to insert himself into Lin Chen's shoulder when he saw that he was suffering nothing. The rest of the Ninjas were sneering.

Poof! The next moment, the sound of pain stabbing into the flesh sounded, and the blood flew!

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