The village where jiaheliu is located is located at the foot of a remote mountain in the suburbs, backed by green mountains. The scenery is pleasant, just like a paradise.

This is a private place. No outsiders are allowed to enter.

Ordinary people can't imagine that there is an ancient Ninja school that has been inherited for hundreds of years.

At this time, the village is in the middle of an island style old house.

In the living room, the two men and a woman were kneeling around the tea table, sipping tea and talking.

Two men, old and young.

One looked like he was in his sixties or seventies, and the other was in his thirties.

The two men look resolute and somewhat similar. They are the leader of Kaga Ryu and his son Masahiko Suzuki.

The remaining young woman, with a charming appearance and coquettish temperament, has a charming temperament.

This woman is Suzuki Xiongcai's wife of several years. Her name is Lingzi Seto. She is one or two years younger than Suzuki qianxia, but she is her little mother.

Suzuki is also a romantic character. He has never known many women in his life, but he has only married two wives in his life.

The first wife, Masahiko Suzuki's biological mother, has died.

The second wife is Seto Lingzi. It can be seen that he loves this woman. Otherwise, he would not marry her.

As for Suzuki qianxia's mother, who had died for many years, she was just one of his many women!

He didn't pay attention to it when he was alive, and he completely forgot it a few days after he died!

"Honey, this time, you must take good care of that girl qianxia. She is going to marry the Lord of Tengmu. She is still looking for a wild man outside. She has no virtue at all!"

Lingzi Seto took Suzuki's arm and said coyly.

Suzuki nodded, and his face was a little angry. "She's getting more and more disrespectful," he said

"It's not a good thing to be like her dead mother."

Masahiko Suzuki sneered.

Suzuki qianxia's mother was a Geisha before she followed Suzuki Xiong. Although she was an elder of Masahiko Suzuki, Masahiko Suzuki despised her very much.

When he was a child, when Chien ha Suzuki showed that he was better than him, he often took this point to attack each other.

Suzuki's face did not change.

In order to pass jiaheliu completely to his son, he could not even have his daughter. What's more, his son was just mocking a woman who had died for many years.

"Lord Liu, young master Zhengyan! Something has happened, something big has happened!"

Just then, suddenly a middle-aged man dressed as a Kaga Ninja rushed in. Before he arrived, the cry of surprise had already come.

"Baga! What are you panicking about? What's the big deal?"

Suzuki Xiong frowned and scolded. Masahiko Suzuki and lingko Seto also looked at the man who came in with doubts.

Jiaheliu is a first-class existence in the martial arts world of the island country. It is even more superior to the secular world. Even the official should give some face.

Is there anyone else who dares to trouble them?

Nagaga Ninja hurriedly said:

"We went with Mr. Miyazaki just now to bring the eldest daughter back. As a result, there was a powerful Chinese beside the eldest daughter. Mr. Miyazaki and others were killed by the man, and we drove back!"

"What did you say? Miyazaki just got killed?"

"That's impossible!"

Suzuki and Masahiko Suzuki stared wide at the same time. For a moment, they were unbelievable.

Lingzi Seto was also a little surprised.

Miyazaki Gang is one of the three great forbearances of jiaheliu. He was born a strong man in the later period. Where did Suzuki qianxia find the strong man of the Chinese nation, and he was able to kill him?

However, the ninja in front of him didn't have the courage to cheat them. Although he was surprised, they also accepted the matter.

"Baga! Qianxia is so brave!"

Suzuki stares at him with an angry face. He slaps his hands on the table. The table board a few centimeters thick is directly snapped to pieces!

Then the whole table collapsed and the tea spilled all over the floor!

After Suzuki Masahiko was surprised, a cruel smile flashed in his eyes.

He was going to find a reason to completely eliminate the hidden danger of Suzuki qianxia. Unexpectedly, this stupid sister found a good reason for herself!

With a cold snort, he said:

"My father, Qian Xia dared to collude with the Chinese people to kill our Jiahe people. In her heart, it is estimated that there is no Jiahe, nor you or me! She really deserves to die!"

With that, he secretly winked at Seto Lingzi.

Seto Ling Ziwei nodded invisibly and then sneered:

"I've seen it for a long time. We don't exist in her eyes at all. If she continues to keep her, she now dares to take someone to kill Miyazaki gang. Then she may kill us next time!"

Suzuki Hsiung actually knew what his son and wife were thinking. He wanted him to make up his mind to fight his daughter. At this time, he was also extremely angry and said in a cold voice:

"If she can't give me a satisfactory account, then no wonder I am!"

Masahiko Suzuki and lingko Seto both showed a happy look in their eyes. It was obvious that Suzuki Xiong was determined to kill Suzuki qianxia at this time!

Although it is said that the Chinese can kill Miyazaki Gang, it is undoubtedly a powerful existence.

However, in their view, as long as there is Suzuki, the God of war of Kaga Ryu, the other side can't turn over the sky!

"Stupid sister, if you are honest, you may be able to become tengmuguang's plaything and live a humble life. Now that you have done such a stupid thing, you will have to die! "

Masahiko Suzuki laughed wildly and felt very happy.

Although he and Suzuki qianxia are called brother and sister, they are half brothers and half sisters. They have been competitors since childhood.

He hated his sister, who was better than him everywhere!

If Suzuki qianxia is not a female, it is estimated that Suzuki Xiong may even want to pass on Jiahe to Suzuki qianxia.

After all, Suzuki qianxia's leadership and long-term vision are not comparable to him!

As long as Suzuki qianxia is dead, he can really feel at ease!

Suzuki Suzuki looked at Najia he ninja and said in a deep voice:

"You should immediately contact the people in the police department and pay attention to the International Airport. Quickly find out their location for me, and then report it to me. I will catch them in person!"


The Kaga Ninja nodded quickly and turned around to leave!

However, another Kaga Ninja came in and said, "Lord Liu, the eldest lady has returned. Do you want her to see you?"

The Kaga Ninja didn't know what had happened before. He just saw Suzuki qianxia coming back, and then came over for a routine briefing.

"She's back?"

Hearing this, Suzuki and others were stunned.

And the Kaga ninja who was just about to leave also stopped and looked at the man who had just entered the door in surprise.

Masahiko Suzuki sneered:

"Good! She dares to come back. Did she come back to apologize? Hum! She colluded with outsiders to kill jiaheliu's Tianren. Does she think it's over to apologize? She must pay for her life!"

Lingzi Seto echoed: "that's right! If she doesn't pay for her life, what will the people below think of us? They thought we didn't take their lives seriously at all!"

They all thought that Suzuki qianxia had come back to beg for mercy and didn't want her to escape.

Suzuki Hsiung frowned and looked at the Kaga ninja who had just entered the door and said:

"Is there a Chinese beside the eldest lady?"

"There is a young man beside the eldest young lady, but his subordinates don't know whether he is Chinese or not!" Nagaga Ninja said.


Suzuki xiongyi was stunned. Miyazaki gang was the strong man in the late congenital period. If the Chinese could kill him, it would be at least the late congenital period.

If it is a young man, it is too young.

However, at the moment, he could not think about it. He got up and said, "where are they? Take me there right away!"

"Hum! Father, I guess she definitely brought the Chinese to plead guilty. She wanted to use the Chinese's life to pay for Miyazaki's life, but she escaped! We can't let her go so easily!"

Masahiko Suzuki got up and added.

Suzuki nodded. "Don't worry, I know how to do it!"

With that, he had gone out of the room.

Masahiko Suzuki's mouth started up, showing a bloodthirsty smile! He really didn't expect that this always smart sister would be so stupid today. It's enough to collude with the Chinese people to kill Tianren. She even came back to die!

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