Suzuki and the other three men walked out of the door a few steps and saw Suzuki qianxia and Lin Chen who were also coming this way in the yard.

At that moment, Suzuki Hsiung scowled and glared at Suzuki qianxia and shouted:

"Baga! Qianxia, how dare you collude with outsiders to murder Tianren!"

At this time, there are other Kaga ninjas in the yard.

After they heard this, they all looked at Suzuki qianxia badly, and consciously surrounded Lin Chen and Suzuki qianxia.

Others took the initiative to call people over. After a while, many Jiahe ninjas came to surround Lin Chen and Suzuki qianxia, and stared at them with bad eyes!

Although, Suzuki qianxia had controlled Fujii group before, which provided a huge source of income for jiaheliu.

However, in the eyes of jiaheliu people, Fujii group, a secular enterprise, has no way to give Suzuki qianxia more points.

In fact, Suzuki qianxia's position in jiaheliu is not very high.

When Suzuki qianxia saw Suzuki Xiong, his face showed some frightened expression.

From small to large, Suzuki Xiong left her an impression of invincibility. At this time, he scolded her, and her heart began to panic.

She explained: "my father, it's not that I want to kill Miyazaki. It's because he wants to kill me. I can only choose to protect myself!"

"Stop sophistry! No matter what the matter is, if you kill Tianren, you must fight for your life with your life!"

Masahiko Suzuki can't wait to sneer. He looks like he has a winning ticket.

Lingzi Seto also snorted coldly:

"Who knows if what you said is true? Maybe it's because Miyazaki Tianren ran into you and this wild man, so you deliberately wanted to kill people!"

As she spoke, she glanced contemptuously at Lin Chen beside Suzuki qianxia, as if Lin Chen were the smelly garbage on the side of the road, which would pollute her eyes.

"You are really disgusting. You can even see Chinese men!" Seto Lingzi sneered.

Suzuki Chixia glares at Seto Lingzi fiercely. She and her stepmother, who is one or two years younger than her, are just like enemies. They both dislike each other.

At this time, Suzuki Hsiung flashed a resolute look in his eyes and stared at Suzuki qianxia, saying in a cold voice:

"It seems that I can only destroy my family today!"

Suzuki qianxia trembled, looked at Suzuki Xiong in disbelief, and then smiled miserably:

"Miyazaki Gang really didn't talk nonsense. Father, are you really going to kill me and pave the way for your good son? Kill your family in righteousness? Ha ha! What you said is really nice!"

Suzuki Hsiung's eyes flashed a touch of guilt, but he still said in a deep voice: "I must do this!"

Masahiko Suzuki and lingko Seto are smiling smugly.

In their opinion, Suzuki qianxia, a usually smart opponent, has taken a bad move today. Now they are the winners!

At this time, it was a voice that was somewhat incongruous.

"I said, are you done talking nonsense? If you're done, it's time to get down to business."

Lin Chen's tone was a little impatient. He glanced at Suzuki and other three faces. His face was indifferent, and he didn't seem to notice those Kaga ninjas who surrounded them with fierce eyes.

Suzuki Hsiung and Masahiko Suzuki and others were stunned when they heard that Lin Chen had come to die. What else could he do?

"Business? What business?"

Masahiko Suzuki hissed, then looked at Lin Chen with a joking smile and said:

"You are the Chinese who killed Miyazaki Gang, right? Your business is to let us send you to reincarnation?"

Suzuki Hsiung stares at Lin Chen coldly, as if staring at a corpse.

Lin Chen ignored Masahiko Suzuki's sarcasm and said casually:

"Originally, I was going to kill all the main characters and find out if there was anything I wanted. But now I've changed my mind. I'm going to let Suzuki qianxia control jiaheliu and become a card under my hand."

His eyes fell on Suzuki, Masahiko Suzuki and Lingzi Seto. "I'll give you a chance. Each of you will break his arm and get out of here. I'll spare your life!"

As soon as Lin Chen said this, there was silence.

Whether Suzuki, Masahiko Suzuki, and lingko Seto, or the other Kaga ninjas, they were stunned.

Suzuki qianxia's face was startled, then the corners of his mouth twitched, and finally turned into a wry smile.

In her opinion, Lin Chen came here to seek death.

Now, with such arrogance, it's hard to die quickly. Jiaheliu has no shortage of ways to make life worse than death!

Lingzi Seto burst out, laughing so hard that he fell back and forth. He trembled all over and even burst into tears.

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, looked at Suzuki qianxia and said sarcastically:

"Suzuki qianxia, where did you find the psychopath? It's so happy. Do you want to bring him here and laugh us to death?"

Masahiko Suzuki directly looked at Lin Chen with an idiot's eyes and said:

"You can kill Miyazaki just shows that your strength is good, but now it seems that you have some problems in your mind! It's a pity that you don't go to the circus to be a clown!"

The rest of the people, who were full of sarcasm, didn't take Lin Chen's words seriously at all.

This is the village of jiaheliu, and their leader Suzuki Hsiung is one of the strongest in the island. This man even said that he would let Suzuki Hsiung and others break their arms and get out of here.

This is either ignorance or a brain problem!

"Since you don't cherish the opportunity, let it be. I'll send you to die later."

Lin Chen nodded slowly, then a smile appeared on his face, saying:

"Do you think what I just said is very funny? Now I have found a more funny thing related to the three of you. Do you want to listen to it?"

Lin Chen's eyes fell on Suzuki, Masahiko Suzuki and lingko Seto. The three people in his mouth were undoubtedly the three.

Masahiko Suzuki and others didn't take Lin Chen's words about killing them seriously at all. However, hearing Lin Chen say that he found something funny and related to them, he was a little suspicious.

"Play tricks and say whatever you want!" Masahiko Suzuki said coldly.

Suzuki qianxia also looked at Lin Chen in doubt. At this time, Lin Chen even said that he had found something funny.

Does he still want to tell a joke?

The key is that in this situation, even if his jokes are funny, he can't laugh!

Suzuki qianxia is depressed and feels that Lin Chen is unreliable!

"If you have anything to say, I will send you to hell!"

Suzuki Xiong stared at Lin Chen coldly. While talking, he took a samurai sword from a Kaga ninja.

In addition to being good at Kaga ninja, he is also a master of kendo. He can be called the strongest leader of Kaga for hundreds of years.

Therefore, with him, no one took Lin Chen seriously.

All think Lin Chen is just a clown!

"You are Suzuki's wife, lingko Seto, aren't you?"

Lin Chen smiled and looked at Lingzi Seto thoughtfully. On the way here just now, Suzuki qianxia had told him about this woman.

Suzuki also said that he loved this woman very much!

"So what? What's your business?" Lingzi Seto frowned with disdain.

Lin Chen nodded, ignored her, turned to Suzuki, and said with a smile:

"Ha ha! It seems that I am not mistaken. You are really a joke. You think about passing Jiahe Liu to your son all day, but your son sleeps your wife!" As soon as Lin Chen's words were uttered, lingo Seto and Masahiko Suzuki's faces froze.

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