"Does anyone else have a problem?"

Suzuki qianxia spoke again.

At this moment, none of the Kaga ninjas dared to answer.


"I agree that the eldest lady should become a new leader!"

"Yes! There is no doubt about the leadership of the eldest lady, and I agree with her!"

"The eldest young lady herself is a congenital early strongman. She is much stronger than Masahiko Suzuki in all aspects. Compared with him, the eldest young lady should become a leader!"


First oneortwo people spoke sporadically, and then others followed.

They were really frightened by Lin Chen's methods just now.

Moreover, they also want to understand that if Suzuki qianxia and the Chinese can't deal with the "inflammation of the sun", Suzuki qianxia won't be a leader for a few days.

And if they can deal with the "sun's fire", the Chinese are stronger than the God, then they would like Suzuki qianxia to be the God!



There are natural hot springs in jiaheliu village.

At this time, Lin Chen was soaking in the hot spring, leaning back against the rock and resting with his eyes closed. The fog around him was dense, just like a fairyland.

He went to Hong Kong last night. He didn't sleep all night. At this time, he can relax by taking a hot spring.

At this moment, a footstep came.

When Lin Chen opened his eyes, he saw Suzuki qianxia, who was only wrapped in a bathrobe, coming over.

At this time, she showed a large amount of white skin on her hands and feet, and her figure shocked her eyes. She was compared with Su Xi ran and Lin Qizhi. With a peach blossom like face, she was definitely a poison that made men crazy.

However, such a perfect woman behaved like a servant at this time.

"Master, have you seen the medicinal materials collected by jiaheliu? Are you satisfied?"

Suzuki qianxia walked to Lin Chen, stood respectfully, and looked at Lin Chen with a kind of fanaticism and worship.

Lin Chen is speechless. How does she feel that she is a woman and the other party is a sex wolf? She wants to rape herself

He nodded and said, "yes, purple blood lotus, blue moon flower, thousand year old ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, etc. are of great use to me. I have selected all those that are useful to me. You can directly arrange someone to send them to Yunwu villa in Yuehai city."


The names of the medicinal materials Lin Chen said were all of high value. Some of them even had no market. However, at this time, Suzuki qianxia didn't hesitate and nodded his head.

Even at this time, Lin Chen asked her to die for him, and she would do so.

At this time, her feelings for Lin Chen are a kind of abnormal feelings, mixed with worship and admiration.

"Master, let me massage your shoulders."

Suzuki qianxia's face showed a touch of red glow, then walked into the hot spring and kneaded his hands on Lin Chen's shoulders.

Lin Chen originally wanted to refuse. He was not used to other people's service. However, Suzuki qianxia took the initiative to serve him without waiting for him to speak. He could not order her to stop.

Besides, the woman's kneading is quite comfortable.

Lin Chen closed his eyes and enjoyed it. He looked like the evil landlord in ancient times.

Suzuki qianxia naturally pressed her shoulders and began massaging Lin Chen's head. She knelt beside Lin Chen and hugged Lin Chen's whole head in her arms. Lin Chen just felt that his head seemed to be on top of something.

Then, Suzuki qianxia seemed to lower his body intentionally. The softness leaned against Lin Chen's head, and Lin Chen finally realized what it was.

Suddenly, his heart beat faster.

What does this woman mean? Playing seduction? Lin Chen murmured in her heart.

"Master, are you comfortable?" At this time, Suzuki qianxia's voice was judo.

"It's very comfortable. Your technique is good." Lin Chen is very honest.

Suzuki qianxia's face showed a happy look, and she was shy and said:

"Will they make you more comfortable?"

"More comfortable?"

Linchen didn't react for a moment. At the next moment, she turned her head to the eyes of Suzuki qianxia, who seemed to be dripping water. Her heart couldn't help jumping.

This woman wants to sleep with her master?

At this time, Lin Chen's mobile phone ringing at the edge of the hot spring pool.

Lin Chen takes her cell phone and looks at the screen. She finds that it is yemenghuang who called. She starts to answer the phone.

"Meng Huang, what's up?"

Suzuki qianxia's eyes flashed a disappointed color, and he gently massaged Lin Chen again.

"Lin Chen, can you come over and accompany me to a dance tonight?" Ye menghuang's voice came from the other side.

"Prom? Forget it. I can't dance either."

Lin Chen came to the island to do business. He was really not interested in the dance.

"No! You have to come. You are still my fake boyfriend! It is the boyfriend's responsibility to accompany his girlfriend to the dance!"

The tone of yemenghuang's voice, however, became rigid, and said jealously: "are you so busy working with your beautiful friend?"


Lin Chen couldn't laugh or cry, but he thought that if ye menghuang didn't call, he might have something to do with Suzuki qianxia

"Well, tell me your address and I'll go and find you."

Lin Chen finally agreed to come down. After ye menghuang told him the hotel address, Lin Chen hung up and looked at Suzuki qianxia and said:

"How much time do you have to deal with the problem of jiaheliu?"

"It'll all be ready tomorrow morning!" Suzuki qianxia is busy.

Lin Chen nodded, "then tomorrow afternoon, you and I will go to yiheliu. There should also be some herbs I need. Then, we will go to Shendao mountain!"

Suzuki qianxia's pupil suddenly shrinks. It's nothing to go to yiheliu, but Shinto mountain is the nest of the sun's inflammation and the place where God is!


Shizuoka Yidong resort.

In hotel rooms.

Yemenghuang hangs up and smiles.

That guy Lin Chen promised her to come to the dance with her, which showed that he still had her in his heart. Maybe he really wanted to change from a fake boyfriend to his real boyfriend?

At the thought of this, ye menghuang's delicate Qiong nose wrinkled, a little proud, and very happy.

At this time, Xia ningsi came in from the door. Seeing her like this, she said curiously:

"Sister Meng Huang, what good thing has happened to you, smiling so happily?"

Yemenghuang turned to Xia ningsi and said:

"Meditation, let me tell you something. Lin Chen will come here later. He will also go to the dance with us tonight."

"Lin Chen wants to come over and go with him?"

Xia ningsi's face changed.

She knows that this dance was held by Mr. Miura, and Mr. Miura has a crush on yemenghuang. Isn't it annoying for her to bring an ex boyfriend there?

However, she nodded, "OK, sister Meng Huang, I'll talk to Binhong and Mr. Miura about this!"

With that, she turned and hurried out of the room.

Xia ningsi walked to the next room. At this time, there were two people in the room. Besides kongbinhong, there was also a man in his 40s.

He is short and fat, some bald, and looks mediocre. However, he has the momentum of being a superior person raised by a high position. He is not angry and self threatening, and people dare not underestimate him.

In particular, with a suit of private customization and high value, even if he is ordinary, he will not lack beautiful women to squeeze him!

This man, whose name is Miura Hoya, is the president of Miura Co., Ltd. he is not only in Shizuoka City, but also in the whole island country. He is a man of high prestige.

It has a great influence in both political and business circles, as well as in the three branches of education. For ordinary people, it is definitely a giant that can only be looked up to.

Miura ho is also romantic by nature. The women he has played with in his life are unknown. He has never thought of getting married before. However, as men get older, they eventually want to have a family.

When he was too high-minded, although he wanted to get married, he never found a woman he was satisfied with. Kongbinhong took the initiative to show yemenghuang's photos to him. Miura Ho was also moved to see yemenghuang's photos. Today, he saw yemenghuang's real person.

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