Xia ningsi and Miura ho also said hello, then went to kongbinhong's ear and whispered something about Lin Chen's coming.

"What are you talking about? Yemenghuang wants her ex boyfriend to come to the dance? Does she think anyone can come to the dance?"

Kongbinhong felt dissatisfied at the speech, as if Lin Chen had come and lowered the grade of the dance in his mouth.

He was so excited that his voice was louder and fell into the ears of Miura Heye.

Immediately, Miura ho also looked over and frowned:

"You mean whose ex boyfriend is coming to the dance? Miss Ye's?"

Kongbinhong had not mentioned the matter about Lin Chen with Miura he before. He was afraid it would cause his displeasure. At this time, he had to say it.

"Yes, that guy's name is Lin Chen. He's smart, but he feels like a loser. He just doesn't know how to make a friend who can afford to run SSC!"

Kongbinhong nodded hurriedly, walked to Miura Heye, hunched down, and almost looked like a slave. Then he told him what had happened on the plane before, and that a kimono beauty had come to pick him up after Lin Chen left the airport.

In words, he disdains Lin Chen very much. Obviously, he also holds a grudge against Lin Chen for the things that made him lose face before!

After hearing this, Miura ho sneered:

"Nowadays, no matter how high your IQ is, you will end up a poor man living in a school or a laboratory! As for a friend who can drive SSC? Hehe, it's not worth mentioning to me!"

Kongbinhong, with a flattering smile on his face, nodded repeatedly:

"That's right! That guy is not qualified to compare with Mr. Miura. Even if ten of them add up, they can't compare with one of your toes!"

Miura also said with a joking smile: "since Miss Ye's ex boyfriend is coming to the dance, let him come. I will let him know how far there is between him and me. Miss ye will also understand that I am the best choice!"

His eyes are fierce. He has already seen from ye menghuang's eyebrows and walking posture that she is a virgin. How can he care that ye menghuang has an ex boyfriend.

When a Chinese comes to the island country, let alone a nobody, even if he is a dragon crossing the river, Miura ho is confident that he can clean up the other side well!

He directly took Lin Chen as his foil, just to highlight his strength!


About 7:30 p.m.

A Bentley car stopped at the gate of Shizuoka Yidong resort hotel. Then the driver ran down and opened the rear door respectfully.

When Lin Chen got out of the car, the driver said respectfully:

"Sir, why don't you let your friends out and I'll take you to the dance place?"

"No, you can do your job. I'll call you when the dance is over."

Lin Chen shook her head, then walked to the door of the hotel and dialed ye menghuang.

After a while, ye menghuang and Xia ningsi and kongbinhong came out of the hotel.

"Lin Chen, here you are!"

When yemenghuang saw Lin Chen, her face brightened, and she trotted to Lin Chen. Then she found Lin Chen dressed up formally, her eyes lit up, and smiled:

"Don't say, you are still handsome in a suit!"

"I'm a handsome guy, but I don't bother to dress up and I'm not used to wearing formal clothes. Otherwise, when walking on the road, many beautiful women have to come to chat up!"

Lin Chen blushed and said with a smile, "I changed my clothes to save you face. Those women at the party will be jealous of you!"

"Stinky beauty!"

Yemenghuang couldn't help laughing at his thick skin. However, hearing that Lin Chen said that he changed his clothes for her, he was still very happy and sweet.

Xia ningsi looked at Lin Chen at this time. She was also a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen changed her dress. It was really a big change. Her temperament was also unique. She really had the capital to fascinate women!

Unfortunately, his rival in love this time, but Mr. Miura, he is doomed to be a loser!

Kongbinhong had a sneer on his face and looked like he was waiting to see a good play.

"Well, everyone is here, so I'll call Mr. Miura and ask him to send someone to pick us up. He lives in a place that ordinary vehicles can't enter!"

Kongbinhong said and dialed a phone.

When he hung up, another ten minutes later, a lengthened Lincoln car slowly drove to the door of the hotel.

The door opened and a woman in a white evening dress stepped out of the car.

"Ah! It's Kitagawa Qingmei! Sister Meng Huang, this man seems to be Kitagawa Qingmei, a big star of the island country!"

Seeing this woman, Xia ningsi immediately showed a surprised expression on her face.

Although she is a little famous in the Chinese classical music industry, she is also like ordinary people to pursue stars. She has idols. At this time, she accidentally meets big stars, and the whole person is very excited.

"Yes, it's really her!"

Yemenghuang was also a little surprised. She didn't expect to see this island star here!

Kitagawa Qingmei is one of the hottest female stars in the island country in recent years. A few days ago, she just won the first place of the most popular female star in the island country's online voting.

She is now less than 30 years old, but she is already a well deserved diva in the film and television industry of the island country. Even though ye menghuang is not a Star chaser, she has seen many reports about this woman on domestic TV!

In mainland China, she also has a huge fan group. Although she is an island actress, her Weibo account fans are comparable to the first-line stars in China!

Then, something even more surprised them happened. Kitagawa Qingmei even walked towards them with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Kitagawa Qingmei. Are you miss ye? Mr. Miura asked me to pick you up."

Kitagawa Qingmei, with an elegant smile on her face, walked in front of Ye menghuang.

Hearing that the woman was really Beichuan Qingmei, Xia ningsi was even more excited, but she was startled when she heard the words behind her.

She did not expect that Miura ho could even let the island star pick them up to the dance. What a terrible influence!

It's impossible for ordinary people to see Kitagawa Qingmei, and Miura ho has the ability to ask Kitagawa Qingmei to come and help him pick up people!

The power and financial resources of Miura Heye can be seen from this!

Previously, kongbinhong just told Xia ningsi that Miura is also a big man with relationships across all walks of life on the island, but she doesn't have a direct concept. At this moment, she finally realized the terror of Miura!

Thinking of this, she looked at Lin Chen with some sympathy.

Kongbinhong, on the other hand, is proud of himself. Miura ho is also his boss. In his opinion, he also has face!

He looked at Lin Chen with disdain, and his heart was even more disdainful.

After being surprised at the beginning, yemenghuang nodded and said, "Hello, Miss Beichuan. Yes, I am yemenghuang!"

"OK, Miss ye, please get on the bus with your friends. We'll go to the dance now."

Kitagawa Qingmei smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

Yemenghuang glanced at Lin Chen beside her, but she was already regretting.

Miura ho is also interested in her. Of course, she can see it. But originally, in her opinion, Miura ho is only an ordinary rich businessman. Lin Chen is also very skilled and should not be afraid of him.

Take Lin Chen there and tell him that Lin Chen is his boyfriend. The other party should give up. Even if he is angry, he can't take Lin Chen!

However, now it seems that she has made a mistake, a big mistake!

The power behind Miura Hoya must be terrible. Besides, this is an island country and the territory of others. Will it hurt Lin Chen if you take Lin Chen there?

She hesitated in her heart. At this time, Lin Chen instead held his hand and walked towards the Lincoln car. He said with a smile: "go, don't you want to go to the dance? Then don't delay!"

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