Qianhe Villa District, Shizuoka city.

The elongated Lincoln drove in from the door. In the car, Xia ningsi looked at the patrol passing by the car with some surprise and smacked:

"How can I feel that this place is even more strict than the leading compound in our mainland, and there are patrols? It's like a scene on TV!"

In addition to Kitagawa Qingmei and Lin Chen, the other people on the bus were also surprised, while kongbinhong's eyes were full of envy.

Kongbinhong said, "this is not a place that ordinary people can afford to live here!"

When Beichuan Qingmei saw Xia ningsi and yemenghuang, she was surprised. Her eyes flashed a touch of disdain, and her face nodded and smiled: "yes, it's true that ordinary people can't afford to live here. Qianhe villa area covers an area of nearly 50000 square meters, but there are only a dozen villas in it. Those who can afford to live here are basically big people with great prestige in China. They can't live here just because they have money. They must have enough money

Only with your power! "

When she said this, she glanced at Lin Chen's face and felt that Lin Chen would definitely show a look of shock and envy.

However, Lin Chen still looks pale.

A little doubt flashed in Kitagawa Qingmei's eyes. This guy seems to be different!

She has already seen that the relationship between this man and yemenghuang is obviously different, and yemenghuang is a woman whom Miura ho also likes!

As long as the woman whom Miura ho also likes, where can she run away?

In fact, although she is a famous star in the island country, she is just a plaything in the eyes of such a top power figure as Miura Hoya!

Kitagawa Qingmei shook her head. In his eyes, Lin Chen was nothing but a tragic existence.

Soon, the Lincoln car stopped in front of a villa.

When Xia ningsi and kongbinhong got off the bus and saw the luxurious villa with an estimated area of more than 1000 square meters in front of them, they were again a little stunned.

Every inch of land in Shizuoka city is worth an inch of money. The house price is not much worse than that in the first tier cities in China. Besides, there are swimming pools, fitness centers, parks and other facilities around the villa. The value of the villa in front of us is unimaginable!

Although their family wealth is good, they are only tens of millions of people. At this time, grandma Liu felt like she was in the Grand View Garden!

When yemenghuang saw the villa in front of her, she was also surprised. She was even more worried. It was obviously not easy. She had known that the other party was so big, so she refused to come to the dance!

However, Lin Chen was still indifferent, but no one had to look at him at this time.

Led by Kitagawa Qingmei, they soon reached the top floor of the villa, where the dance was held!

On the way upstairs, Xia ningsi and kongbinhong were shocked and envied by the luxurious decoration they saw.

On the top floor of the villa, the dance has begun. The men in formal clothes are drinking and talking to each other. These men are basically surrounded by a beautiful woman.

Moreover, the woman's age is basically ten or twenty years younger than that of the man who was hugged by her shoulder, or even thirty or forty years old!

Look at the intimacy. It's definitely not a father daughter relationship or a grandson relationship!

As soon as they reached the top floor, Xia ningsi and yemenghuang found many famous people in the crowd.

"That man seems to be Lizi Sakai. Ah! There are also two Palace taohui, shangtiao Yamei, and... Many big stars!" Xia ningsi was dumbfounded.

Yemenghuang was also surprised. Among these people, not only were there big stars, but she also found many famous figures in the island political arena she had seen in the newspapers!

And island business tycoons!

The pomp and pageantry of the Sanpu Heye's dance was rather terrible.

At this time, Kitagawa Qingmei lost no time laughing:

"Mr. Miura had a hard time holding a dance. His face is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Those who can come here are also prominent figures in various industries in China!"

Kitagawa Qingmei knew the idea of Miura Heye and added a fire at this time!

Miura ho is nothing more than to use his terrible contacts to reflect his ability. He directly confused yemenghuang and worshiped him!

When a woman worships a man, how can she refuse his request?

It has to be said that the means of Miura Hoya are much better than some second-generation people who only give things to show off their wealth!

At this time, Miura Ho was also in the center of the dance, surrounded by the stars and the moon. Seeing yemenghuang and others coming, he looked at Lin Chen with cold eyes, and then he smiled warmly and walked towards them.

All the people around him followed with a smile!

"Ha ha! Bin Hong, Miss Xia, Miss ye, you are here!"

Miura ho also walked up to them and said with a laugh, but he directly filtered out Lin Chen standing at yemenghuang.

"Yes! President, here we are!"

Kongbinhong, with a humble face, quickly stooped down to flatter and smile.

Xia ningsi also immediately said hello. At this moment, she realized that Miura Ho was also much stronger than she had guessed. She was a little scared!

"Hello, Mr. Miura. Thank you for inviting us to the dance."

Yemenghuang just said in a regular way. Although she was shocked by the energy of Miura Ho, it didn't make her feel good about this person.

When Lin Chen saw that the man was ignoring himself, he found that his eyes were burning toward ye menghuang. He immediately realized what the man wanted to do.

This guy is in his 40s. He even wants to eat tender grass. He is a fake boyfriend. He came to the right place today!

He was not in a hurry to say anything. He was going to wait and see what good play the Miura ho had prepared!

Miura ho also didn't see the expression he wanted from ye menghuang's face, slightly frowned, but still smiled:

"Miss ye, let me introduce some of my friends to you."

With that, he began to introduce the people around him one by one.

Among these people, some are the chairmen of listed companies, some are celebrities in the political arena, and some are figures of island families. All of them are the existence that ordinary people can not climb high!

When Miura ho introduced them, these people all smiled kindly at ye menghuang.

At this moment, Xia ningsi looked at ye menghuang with envy.

Although Miura ho is older, he is definitely a first-class figure in the island. Such a man can no longer be measured by his age and appearance!

Becoming his woman is like becoming a queen. A group of celebrities are all around you. As long as a woman has a little vanity, she can't refuse a man like Miura Hoya!

Just after Miura ho introduced the crowd, an old man suddenly laughed and said:

"Ha ha! Sanpu Jun, is this miss ye the lady you said you liked? She is really a beautiful woman. You are blessed!"

According to the introduction of Miura Heye, he is the chairman of a listed company with a market value of billions.

Beichuan Qingmei looked at ye menghuang with envy and said:

"Miss ye, you are so lucky. You don't know how many big stars in our circle dream of marrying Miura Jun, but he fell in love with you at first sight!"

"Yes! Miss ye, ha ha! In the future, you will be a shining star in the island society. I don't know how many women envy you!"

Someone smiled and complimented.

The rest of the people all agreed. They were noble, but now they were like pimps.

Not to mention ordinary women, even beautiful women who have been courted by countless men since childhood have long been said to be dizzy in the face of so many big people's compliments. They will feel that they are right, and Miura ho is the best choice.

"Hehe, you guys, don't scare Miss Ye!"

Miura Heye smiled on his fat face, but did not deny anything, but suddenly held out a hand to ye menghuang and said:

"Miss ye, may I invite you to a dance?"

"Yes! Dance!"

"Ha ha! Sanpu Jun is very good at dancing!"

"Men and women, Sanpu Jun and miss ye are a perfect match!"


Everyone agreed again, smiling. Many beautiful women in the dance also looked at ye menghuang with envious eyes.

Xia Ning thought about pulling ye menghuang's clothes and said excitedly, "sister menghuang, if you don't accept the invitation soon, people are worried about you!" Lin Chen, beside yemenghuang, seems to have been forgotten from beginning to end. It seems that there is no such person!

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