Chapter 891: Drag on, I don’t want to see him

Su Nian looked angry after Sun Ying'er said this.

The more this happened, Lu Jing felt really uneasy: "Two aunts, two big shots, no, I should say two ancestors, you can do whatever you want. I don't have any so-called opinions on this matter. But you gods can fight without involving me, a brat. It’s really unfair for you to do this to me, very unfair.”

“But since we are gods, can’t we say something that we like?”

Lu Jing silently came to Li Beichen's side.

 Lu Jing is still smart when he should be smart.

 After all, it is impossible for me to be the only man in this place now.

If these two ancestors are really angry, then by holding Li Beichen by their side, they can still resist the so-called anger a little.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lu Jing walked to Li Beichen's side, the guy flashed away.

 That's right, it means flashing. If you want to flash as much as possible, flash as much as possible.

Such a situation really made Lu Jing couldn't help but roll his eyes silently in his heart.

This Li Beichen is really a bit too hateful.

He is simply not a man and has no sense of responsibility as a man.

"If you two ladies really want to do something, then Li can do it for you. After all, you two are elegant ladies. If you do something bad, it will affect your mood. It's really bad." Li Beichen's gentle voice sounded.

Li Beichen's gentle voice really made Lu Jing's expression completely change.

This guy knows what he's talking about.

 Not only are they not helping themselves, but they are also selling themselves out.

This guy is really a bit too much.

"You, you, you, you are really kind." "Pull him down, I don't want to see him." Sun Ying'er looked serious.

After Sun Ying'er finished speaking, Li Beichen stretched out his hand and lifted the person up like a quail.

 When they got outside, Li Beichen threw the person to the ground without any courtesy.

When Lu Jing was thrown to the ground like this, he really felt like his **** was smashed into several pieces.

Lu Jing looked at Li Beichen very angrily: "You are really a bit too hateful, and are you a man? You really don't look like a man at all. You are still a man. As a man, you are treated like this." Are you riding on your head? As a man, I’m really ashamed of you.”

 “You need to find yourself a wife first.”

 Lu Jing: ...killing people to punish the heart...really killing people to punish the heart...

Li Beichen did not forget his important things. He immediately walked to Lu Jing's side and squatted down: "Lu Jing, there are some things that I really need to talk to you about."

When Lu Jing heard this, he didn't know why, but he suddenly felt that this guy was really permeable, that kind of indescribable permeability.

But Lu Jing knew that he couldn't be cowardly. He definitely couldn't be cowardly. He immediately took a deep breath and said, "What do you want to say? If you have anything to say, just say it directly. You don't want such ink. We are all men. You have What can’t be said.”

 Lu Jing said it quite well.

But Lu Jing moved his body honestly.

 Ahem, cough, cough, even if it’s just a little bit of movement, it’s not too much. It’s really not the so-called too much.

"Lu Jing, you are also an adult. You really don't know that there is a saying that you should do your own thing. It is indeed not a problem for you to be so dependent on Sun Ying'er. And I really feel that it will harm your reputation if word spreads like this. It’s really not that good.”

 (End of this chapter)

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