Chapter 892 Lu Jing’s clever mind started to work

 During this period, he really felt that he was inadequate in the company.

  also knew very clearly that he had really let go of Sun Ying'er.

Then it is really difficult for me to find someone as capable as Sun Ying'er, and not to mention anything else.

 It is impossible to find it at all.

Although Lu Jing's mind is not very bright, he still knows this matter very clearly.

“What does this matter have to do with you? Hey, I’m telling you, don’t meddle in things you shouldn’t meddle in. If you really meddle in things, then...”

Li Beichen gave Lu Jing a look directly.

 When he saw the look in Li Beichen's eyes, Lu Jing immediately shut up.

"I'm not interested in what you said about Sun Ying'er at all, but you deceived Sun Ying'er and let my wife handle the company's affairs alone. Don't you think you are a little too much?"

 If it weren’t for this, how could Li Beichen take care of it?

Su Nian is very serious about everything.

 There are so many things to deal with, and Su Nian is a good mother and has no less energy on Mo Bao. This situation can only reduce the time they spend together as a couple.

 Even married life.

Li Beichen could endure it at the beginning, but as time went by, he really couldn't endure it anymore and had to go to the culprit.

 “Your wife is so powerful, so what will you do if you deal with it?”

Li Beichen came over with a sharp look.

Lu Jing subconsciously shut up.

 But even so, Lu Jing would not let Sun Ying'er go.

I am also thinking about what I should do so that Sun Ying'er can help me willingly.

 How to coax.

 Sigh, this woman is so troublesome, I don’t know how to coax her.

Hey, it’s really troublesome.

"Don't you, the Lu family, want to develop towards the north of the city?" When Lu Jing heard this, he raised his head and looked at Li Beichen.

 Li Beichen What does this mean?

What does it mean.

 I heard you right.

 “If you can really satisfy my idea, then I can really satisfy your idea.”

Lu Jing's eyes suddenly lit up: "What do you mean by this? Let me tell you, I just like to take your words seriously. If I really take them seriously, then you are really finished."

But he didn't expect that when Li Beichen heard this, he gave him a look: "Do you think I'm like you?"

 “What do you mean by this? What do you mean by being like me? What’s wrong with me?”

Li Beichen didn't want to talk to this guy, so he turned around and walked to the side: "That's what I mean anyway, you can do whatever you want. It depends on you, but I hope you don't mess around. If you mess around It’s okay, but I hope you can bear the consequences.”

Lu Jing snorted coldly when he saw Li Beichen's back.

This guy's behavior is really too much.

That someone is so pretentious.

But Lu Jing’s clever mind started to work.

Li Beichen is obviously afraid of women in this state. As long as he coaxes Sun Ying'er, doesn't that mean he has coaxed Su Nian?

If you really coax Su Nian, then any project will be easy to grasp.


If you really do what Li Beichen wants, then Li Beichen will only cooperate with him once.

Such a simple truth, how could such a smart mind like me not think of it!

Thinking of this, Lu Jing's eyes revealed a witty look.

 (End of this chapter)

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