Everyone sighed: "Prince Concubine is really kind! Such a heinous sin, he hasn't started yet!"

Li Wanrou smiled faintly; "From a relative's point of view, she is always my aunt. ((((Cartino Novel Network www.readwn.com))) Besides, she... is not easy." She gave a meaningful glance to Mrs. Hou With Li Shifu, Li Shifu shivered and turned away without a word.

Mrs. Hou was caught and forgot to drag outside.

Mrs. Hou shouted, "Yu Chongyi, and Li Shifu, made by two people! The tea from Yu Chongyi is the problem inside!" They were all unlucky, why did they leave the victim? Shouted loudly.

"You slandered my daughter!" Madam Song was so angry that she walked over and slapped. Of course it’s my daughter’s powder, but of course it’s impossible to admit it, not to mention the fact that the prince was informed and pushed the matter to you, I naturally have to be tough!

The slave-servant behind him was also angry: "You talk nonsense, what kind of flesh and flesh are our expensive ladies, why would they kill the prince! What is the reason why you are so slandering the concubine in the palace!"

"Yes! This tea was given by the emperor! Do you mean that the emperor pitted the prince? You don't want to live?"

"It's Li Shifu, it's Yuchongyi! Yuchongyi wooh..." She was dragged out by her mouth.

Mrs. Hou was thrown into the carriage by the five-flower tie and thrown into the Han family in Hou. When the Han family saw Mrs. Hou returning, they were all startled. The first was the housekeeper of the Prince's House.

He told the prince's injury and the order of the prince: "The prince said, this matter has nothing to do with the Han family. The death of Mrs. Hou even tried to murder the prince. My sister and Yu Chongyi in the palace are really unforgivable! The crown prince means to divorce his wife, and it has nothing to do with the Han family in the future."

The people of the Han family would be stunned after hearing this, this swordsman! How much trouble is caused by jumping up and down. Fortunately, there are a lot of princesses, otherwise, can they still live? A family must be mortal!

"Why? You are not willing to divorce your wife?" The housekeeper said with a sullen face, "Then your Han family..."

"No, no, we are all stupid. This is a divorce!" Hou Ye has long been disgusted by this lady, and she still wants such a thing after such a thing? Immediately he divorced his wife, wrote a divorce, and got the dowry out. He didn't even glance at Mrs. Hou in the carriage, and threw the thing directly to a minion in the house. It was Mrs. Hou's family minion, and was a dowry.

"Okay! She has nothing to do with our family in the future! Leave now!"

The man shuddered and drove the carriage back to the Zhao family. Can the Zhao family want her?

Actually murdered the prince? It is now the crown prince who does not pursue her. If we really take responsibility, we will all be out of luck. Threw it directly into the temple.

Didn't the concubine want you to be in the temple? Just go to practice. Poor Mrs. Hou was arrogant and arrogant in her life, and she fell into such a fate. She was reluctant to shave her home, but she was helpless and could only be held down and shaved. She still had to cook and fetch water and wash clothes every day. Two months later, he died of lung disease.

Li Wanrou has no sympathy for this woman's death. In her life, Mrs. Hou was the most vicious one to herself. I wish she could kill her. If she was given another chance to live, she would only bite herself fiercely.

Time went back and there were so many things, everyone was a little panicked, but Li Wanrou didn't have to worry about it, just to have a good feast: "The incident just now was an accident. The prince is no longer concerned, everyone is settled. ."

"Yes, thanks to the prince." All of them sat down after speaking. After so many things, the atmosphere was not good.

Qing's and An Ruyi's efforts to ease the atmosphere, the prince went to the front, the three princes were not suitable to stay, and soon left, before going to take a glance at Li Shifu, indicating that she was going to take medicine.

Li Shifu said: "Everything happened, you still..."

"I'm going to get her, waste like you, the last thing you can't do, even if it's not done, you'll wait to be a concubine! I won't let waste like you do A side concubine." The three princes finished and left.

Li Shifu bit his lip without saying a word, and things can only be done with a scalp.

When she came back, Li Wanrou looked at Li Shifu lightly. The last time Liu Yurong let her go, but she still refused to give up. Only this result, this Li Shifu, now is not the time to pursue responsibility, but also quickly It's about time to hold accountable. Seeing Li Wanrou's eyes, Li Shifu was startled, and then walked with a strong spirit: "Sister, I'm not happy, don't worry, Prince Ji has his own appearance, it won't be a problem."

Li Wanrou said lightly; "Yu Chongyi is my sister. Don't worry about her in the future."

Li Shifu looked at her in surprise: "You...what do you say?"

"You think I don't know anything? If you don't know anything, why is there powder on Mrs. Hou's clothes? I tell you the truth, the prince asked someone to arrange it."

A sentence like thunder, so Li Shifu was not able to do it at that time, his tongue was open, his eyes were spitting fire: "You deliberately, Mrs. Hou was caught, you are so mean!"

"Are you still embarrassed to say that I am mean? Li Shifu, the reason you have been well now is not because you and the third prince are good. I just want you to die now, and the third prince will not care. The only reason for your survival is You are my sister, you are the Li family, I also let you go three times for the reputation of the Li family, I thought you haven't been at home for several months, but you have challenged my limits again and again, you It’s best to take away what you have to do next, or you will regret it for life!" She naturally knew that Li Shifu was going to give herself medicine and dedicate it to the three princes. But Li Shifu felt that she was alarmist and scaring people. After all, what happened just now happened in a dark place.

"I don't know what you are talking about! You think too much!" Li Shifu walked away,

Li Wanrou smiled lightly, took a sip of tea, and thought, you just wait and see.

Here, a girl gave me a variety of dishes. Everyone ate, drank, and drank. The atmosphere outside was also very lively. Even though something happened to the body of the prince, he still stood up and drank a few glasses to give the face. Xiangye is also very happy.

Lin Xue's heartless came up again. She sat beside Li Wanrou and whispered; "You are so bad, why did Prince Dao not want me, drive me away? We are all a family!"

She hated it in her heart and lost face in front of so many people, really...

My marriage will be hard to find in the future! Li Wan Judo said: "The prince does not want you, I didn't say anything."

"You are still the same today? You are really abominable! I will tell my grandmother to let her teach you well!" Lin Xue gritted her teeth, she was not convinced, Li Wanrou was so good, Xiaojia Zi, but also a woman Female, and he is the daughter of the heir, it is more than enough to be a wife, not to mention just playing a side room!

And when the green girl appeared, Li Wanrou smiled, or did not give up?

The girl said: "The prince asked the slave-servant to bring you this cup of tea." That means you can't drink it.

Li Wanrou was about to pick up the tea cup, but Lin Xue stopped him: "You give me that cup of tea."

"You can't drink this cup of tea." Li Wanrou really didn't let her drink it, because there was a problem, but Lin Xue obviously did not listen to her. I want your man, and I want your tea! She picked up the teacup desperately.

The green girl was nervous, Li Wanrou waved her hand, and Ting Ting pulled her down. Li Shifu's heart was also raised, and there was something in it! Can't let her drink it!

"Grandmother! You let Li Wanrou give me this tea!"

"Yes, Rouer, don't be so self-willed, just give her." Madam Tai said displeasedly. Is this girl unwilling to let Lin Xue serve the prince? Li Wanrou shrugged, well, since you are willing to drink it, I will drink it for you.

"Do you know what this cup of tea means? If you drink it, something may happen. Don't regret it."

"No, I won't regret it." Lin Xue took it with a smile. After drinking the prince's tea, he is the prince.

Li Wanrou is no longer stopped, just do it.

Lin Xue drank tea and felt a little dizzy after a while, thinking that it was too much fruit wine and went to the hair dryer.

She wobbled along the tree-lined road ahead. The two men in black in front saw the female ghost woman approaching, and the smell on her body was the smell of Chinese medicine. I knew in my heart that it was Li Wanrou. He hugged him from behind, and one was knocked out and taken away directly. It was already dark at this time, and the three princes were sitting in a small pavilion in front of them, watching the girl come over, and they embraced directly.

In fact, if he looked carefully, he would know that it was not Li Wanrou, but he also drank a few more glasses, because the prince was not dead, depressed, and the prince added medicine in the wine, so he directly pulled her clothes off in this pavilion This girl was wanted inside.

Lin Xue felt sore all over, someone pressed himself and rammed.

At first she thought it was a prince, her heart was full of joy, although it hurts, but there is hope in her life!

But looking closely, it turned out to be the three princes! She exclaimed in horror.

"Three princes! You let me go, let me go!"

The three princes are almost the same. In fact, half of them found that it is not, but Lin Xue is also good. The fine skin and tender meat come to the interest. Lin Xue cries out and is innocent!

The three princes were annoyed and covered her mouth with one hand: "Shut up!"

"Woo woo..." Lin Xue was miserable, she didn't want to marry the third prince! That wolf wolf!

Why is this so!

At this moment someone said, "Three princes, what are you doing?"

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