The Vicious Princess Overturns the World

Chapter 106: Married Lin Xue

The man's voice was not high or low, and he was not too alarmed, it was the voice of the prince. ---End of the beauty of the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance Nangong Rongji did not care, but just finished a woman's business, so I pushed away Lin Xue unhurriedly, finishing Take a look at your clothes.

"Oh? The prince is here too. Come to enjoy the night view?"

"Three princes, are you doing this too much?" The prince glanced at the embarrassed Lin Xue and frowned slightly.

Lin Xue's face was painful at this time, and there were traces of bruise on his body, and it was so painful that he never knew that it was such a painful thing to be a woman. The three princes only knew that they were happy, they did not care for themselves at all, and they were outdoors What do you think of her as you want yourself? Lin Xue is a woman with high spirits, who wants to become a very powerful person, who is married to the prince as a concubine or side concubine, who would have been given by the three princes...

The third prince said: "Don't be angry, it's just a woman. If you're really upset, I'll just take her back and it won't be worth anything." Lin Xue is just the daughter of a little official. Her mother had the ability to ask the wife to send her to the prince, so the three princes did not care.

Lin Xue heard this and ran to the prince and cried, "Prince! I don't want to marry the third prince! Prince, I want to follow you!"

The three princes sneered: "What do you mean? I think the main hall is wronging you? Tell you, there are countless women in the main hall, but there are very few who can become my concubine. Do you think I like you very much? Give the Lis a face! Are you a woman who still wants to be a prince?

This swordsman is not content with me, and wants to please the prince. Do you think I am not as promising as the prince? I really underestimate you! He was very angry. But he didn't want to show up in front of the prince just sneer.

The prince said: "I'm afraid it's not that easy. This Lin Xue is the wife's granddaughter. If she is married, she will be upright. Isn't it appropriate for you to ask her to be a little concubine? "

"How about the prince?"

"At least a side concubine."

"Forget it!" the three princes said: "I don't like Lin Xue! Besides, one Zhao Menglan and one Li Shifu are already side concubines. I only have two side concubines. I can't add a side concubine."

Unless the three princes become princes, there can be four side concubines, otherwise, at most two side concubines. Of course, if it's necessary, just say yes to the emperor and marry home, but the three princes want the throne and the prince's position more, and they don't want the emperor to think that he is a good man. Many side concubines.

"You can make Li Shifu the concubine."

"No." The third prince looked at the prince: "I like her very much."

The prince smiled: "What do you prefer is that she helps you, and the man behind her?"

"How is it? Lin Xue is nothing, I can't. Let her be a concubine, don't dream. I will go first, prince, go back to the front, drink too much, I want to wake up." He smiled and left, and didn't care that Lin Xue was still there. Although Li Shifu was bored, she did have a bit of a brain. Although things failed today, the prince should have taken precautions in advance. It is also because Li Shifu has no power relationship. Once she and Li Shifu do things together, she makes an idea. To implement, I am afraid that you can do more with less. Plus she is the sister of the princess, I can also benefit later.

Li Xiang can't ignore me, so he decided to let her be a concubine, plus a Zhao Menglan, her father, but the real person who controls the soldiers in Beijing, must marry home!

The prince looked at Lin Xue: "Do you want to be the concubine of the third prince."

Lin Xue knelt there and his head buzzed. The prince wanted me to be a side concubine? Now that she has reflected, she is already the person of the three princes, and it is impossible to have any relationship with the prince. But if I can become the concubine of the three princes, it doesn't matter if I'm not favored! Countless slave-servants are waiting, the entry and exit are of the highest specifications, and there are many gold and silver jewelry, satin. It was also the best to eat. The third prince was still so healthy. If the third prince became the prince... her fists clenched tightly.

"I'll ask you something." The prince said: "No matter what, you are also the cousin of the prince. I won't let you be wronged. Just say, are you willing to be the third concubine?"

"Yes, the courtiers are willing!" Lin Xue looked up at the prince; "I am already the third prince, I just hope for a good future!"

The concubines and concubines are too low-level, how good is the concubine, and you can enter the palace!

The prince said: "Okay, since you are willing, the loneliness will fulfill you, but you have to do what I say."

"Yes, all the courtiers and daughters listen to the prince."

"It doesn't matter if you don't pamper after entering the door? You know that the third prince might be irritated by this. If you want to be a side concubine, you will have to squeeze a person down. The third prince will not be happy."

Lin Xue hurriedly said: "Sisters and daughters only seek glory and wealth, not petting."

The third prince made herself so painful that she didn't care for Xiangyu, she didn't want it! It still matters what matters. The prince is very satisfied, after all, such a woman without a brain is hard to find.

The prince commanded a few words and then left.

That night, Li Xiang and Liu Huan married Yan'er, and they were very happy. Li Wanrou and others will naturally not bother.

Only Xiaoyu was sitting alone outside her room. She is still a room girl. She is not an aunt. She can't help her aunt when she is not married. So her residence is very simple now, she looks at the main house not far away, the decoration is so festive and lively, the red candle is high, many of the servants have never been back and forth, at first glance is very happy, who Will you care about a girl who passes the house?

Xiaoyu touched his face, not an ugly girl, a beautiful girl, still so young, why can't I fight it once? Even if the other party is a descendant of the official family, it is just a girl, and she has no skill. It is not that she can marry in smoothly with the help of Li Wanrou. It is not her. It is estimated that the decent gift can not be taken out?

I must find a way to get the favor of the old man and give birth to a child. This is my home. I want to be the person in charge of the entire Prime Minister's House! She made up her mind and went into the room.

Looking at the small bed, there were only a few snacks on the table, all of which were of poor quality. There was no one serving himself, and I hated it even more, but nothing appeared on the surface, and I fell asleep directly.

In the new house, Xiangye and Liuhuan also became husband and wife. Liu Huan wept bitterly. Li Xiang was very distressed and touched her hair: "Is it too hard just now, I'm sorry."

"No, lord, you are very gentle." Liu Huan leaned in the direction of Li Xiang.

Although he is a little older, he looks okay, he is not very old, and he is also very humble and treats himself well. There are no other requirements.

Li Xiangdao: "Ma'am, do you have anything to say? Feeling sorry for marrying me?"

Liu Huan smiled: "Nothing, I just thought of my mother, she couldn't sleep, she had no chance to see me marry."

Her biological mother was killed by Mrs. Liu, and she hated it when she thought of it.

"I, too, suffered a lot of insults at the Liu family. Fortunately, I was married to Xiangye, and I had no idea. If it weren't for Xiangye to beg for marriage, I might have to marry the waste relative of my mother-in-law. So scared."

Li Xiang sighed: "Sleep. I know you are wronged, I can't do anything else, but I will help you in the future, you are Mrs. Cheng Xiang, if someone dares to deal with you, you will tell me ."

Before Mrs. Liu was poisoned, and there was still a dowry, why didn't Li Xiang know? It’s just that I don’t know what to do. I’m already a family now, so of course I have to help her. Liu Huan yelled, "Thank you, husband."

"I... I have a new concubine called Xiao Yu, who serves tea in front. If you don't like it, just give it away. I was in a bad mood that day, so... I didn't wait a few times."

The wife-in-law is qualified to manage this matter. I heard that Li Xiang had only one girl in the house, so I was relieved.

She smiled and shook her head: "I'm not that kind of incompetent. Since it's a girl, it must be a person with no skill, even if you go back, there is no good home. It's better to be in the government, I will let it in a few days. She respects the tea and just works as an aunt. But I can’t let her have a baby... in front of me, I hope my husband will succeed."

"I naturally understand. Madam, don't worry." Xiangye said hurriedly.

Liu Huan was satisfied and leaned on Xiangye to sleep.

It was a good thing for Xiangfu, who knew the next day, but there was news that the three princes were hugging a girl while attending the wedding banquet. The girl was thrown into the well last night. Fortunately, she was rescued It's coming, and I'm currently having a fever.

Mrs. Madam knew that she almost did not die: "Why?" Lin Xue was well given by the three princes..."

She suspected it was Li Wanrou's hands and feet, and did not want to let her and the prince, she simply pushed it to others, but dare not say it.

Li Wanrou said: "I'm also surprised that a good Lin Xue collided with the third prince? And it is said that she is also confused, don't know if she drinks too much?"

"No!" Mrs. Qing hurriedly denied: "I had a table with Lin Xue. She hadn't drunk, but she snatched a cup of tea with you in the end."

"Tea?" Li Wanrou pondered: "Is there something in the tea? There should be some things like ** in it? After drinking it, something went wrong."

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