The Queen was really surprised to see that Li Wanrou was so calm. +++ Girls must go to the website but they are just a fifteen-year-old girl who can behave so calmly, knowing such a shocking secret can still be very calm. She took Li Wanrou's hand and said with a smile: "You're completely different from what I imagined, really a person of dignity."

Li Wan Judo: "How can you find out about such a thing?"

"It's also a coincidence. I just entered the palace at that time and didn't understand the rules at all. The people below thought I was a queen and didn't know what to remind me to avoid, so I let me go straight in. I heard it. Their conversation was really shocking! I was unbelievable for a while, and when I didn’t move, I saw that the emperor had stood in front of me in no time, and his eyes were all cold. I knew I was damned Now."

Li Wanrou whispered: "You are innocent. You can really live yesterday, but you are innocent but can only be the one to be killed!"

"No way, ah, this is the royal family!" The queen's face looked pale and smiled faintly. She began to tell Li Wanrou in detail.

It turned out that the secret that the queen occasionally heard was that the emperor was taking a strange drug to delay the aging of life. The emperor had fever and poison from his childhood, and the first emperor had more than twenty sons. The original struggle for the throne was even cruel. At that time, the first emperor was poisoned several times when he was in the mansion, and almost died.

Later, another Taoist monk traveling around, occasionally embarking on the emperor, gave the emperor a prescription, asking for 300,000 two!

This is an astronomical number, and this person said that this medicine is the Oriental Secrets. He said that as long as this person takes this medicine, he can extend the life of one year. The priest also said that if you do not take this medicine, you will definitely die before the Mid-Autumn Festival this year. Are you still thinking about it?

At that time the emperor did not care, his body was still very strong, how could he allow people to be alarmist here!

So after hearing this person’s words, we must kill this priest. The priest regards death as his home, but says: "Mid-Autumn Festival is only a month away. If you can, just wait a month. Then you will naturally know if my words are true. Yes."

The emperor thought about it, and left this man's life alive, but he didn't take care of it. He just kept it in the house and only had a meal a day. But it was really the day before Mid-Autumn Festival. He suddenly fainted at a banquet. All the doctors were helpless and could only watch him waiting to die.

At this time, the emperor thought of the priest, and greeted the priest. The priest had given the refined pills to the emperor. After eating, the emperor was very comfortable. You can walk down the ground in the middle of the night.

Li Wanrou waved his hand: "I think even the elixir of Taishang Laojun can't have such an effect. It is clear that someone is collaborating with this Taoist priest, colluding inside and outside, wanting to harm the emperor."

"That's the case. But the emperor had believed the Taoist words at that time. And the Taoist had to open a new prescription for the emperor every other year and refine it into new pills for the emperor to take, and the life of the emperor could continue. Go on."

Li Wanrou nodded his head. This is also the cleverness of this Taoist. If a pill is given to him, it is estimated that he would have killed him long ago. Because the pill is to be made every other year, there is no way to kill it. Taoist.

"The emperor had been ascending the throne for several years at the time I arrived. And no one who walked to the Royal Garden cleared the way, so I walked in. It happened that the day the Taoist prescribes the prescription to the emperor, the list was written. After that, the emperor suddenly became furious and almost did not kick the **** priest!"

What the prescription needs is fetal blood. A total of sixteen animals of the fetal heart blood are pregnant animals, the blood of those small animals bred in the body. Animals must never be born, only blood should be taken when the animal is just pregnant.

And this animal, it's okay if birds and beasts don't get it right, but it's just a human! Human fetal blood!

Because this pill takes one year, that is to say, the emperor must eat such a monster this year, and I don’t know how many people will be killed! But if you don't eat, it's a dead end!

The Taoist also said: "You can resist this for five years by taking this medicine, and you can have no worries about life within five years. Do you want to love the people, not too late? Or are you alive for a few years? You look at yourself Do it!"

The emperor sneered: "Five years! I have eaten such a harmful thing that I can only save my life for five years!"

"Yes, only this."

"Then I can still live after five years?"

"No. Although there are other prescriptions, this Tao will not tell you, just look at how you died!" The Taoist ran into the tree, and died.

Li Wanrou frowned: "This Taoist has been following the emperor for so many years, obviously there is hatred. And it is still a kind of deep hatred, otherwise, it won't last for so many years."

"This Taoist should be the spy of Jiang Jiang. He didn't kill the emperor because he was just a prince, and it was useless until the emperor came to the throne and could control the overall situation. This revealed the original purpose!"

"Great Jiang Kingdom." Li Wanrou frowned slightly: "That's a small country that has already been wiped out. It is said that the Emperor has almost gathered all the sergeants in the country to destroy this country. The treasury is also pouring out. This can make that The country was completely destroyed, because it was determined to let this country die. The emperor killed four persuaded ministers! It was not because he wanted the country’s territory to expand, but because of this drug!"

The queen nodded: "You really are clever and knowledgeable."

At first, the wishful thinking of this country was to let this country's Chu Jun use such creepy drugs. In this way, it can be spread everywhere, so that the reputation of Dayin can be wiped out and used to threaten the emperor and allow the emperor to give the country various benefits.

Who knows that the emperor directly destroyed this country in order to cover up this crime! Really bold and careful!

In other words, the emperor has been using such drugs for five years, and I do not know how many pregnant women have been killed in these five years!

Li Wanrou felt horrified when he thought about it, but the Prince's father became such a vicious person!

The queen sighed and patted her wrist: "People, all have their own ideas and jade words. If you are ill, you are about to die, and someone will tell you, who can keep you alive. , But many people’s lives need to be sacrificed, how would you choose?”

Li Wanrou sighed: "Yeah. I have no choice. I may also be tempted, not to mention the emperor, the king of a country, who doesn't want to continue his life?"

"That's it." The Queen said: "This is the tragic situation of my situation. The husband I heard over there, the husband who was just married. He ordered the dead Taoist Ling to be put to death, and then let people put This house took the medicine. As soon as he looked up, I knew I was finished."

The emperor didn't say anything to the queen, but just said a few things about the weather. She didn't ask her why she was here or why she came, as if nothing had happened. But the queen knew she couldn't live.

The emperor hinted that if she dared to talk nonsense, she would kill all her family, and all the nine races, including the prince!

He could not allow such a thing to happen, but the queen knelt in front of the emperor: "The concubine marries the emperor, that is the man of the emperor, and the blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. Dare not forget the emperor!"

The emperor was satisfied, but she still didn't worry about just a little medicine, so that her life would die.

"But the queen, now is the time coming?" Li Wanrou thought of the prince before. The father's body still has a life of more than one year and less than two years. Obviously this is the time when this pill cannot continue to work!

The queen nodded slowly: "The emperor is afraid that I will wait until he dies, and I will tell the people about it. Naturally, I will take me away first."

"The emperor even knew what he was going to die!" Li Wanrou's heart was chilling. Since he knew it, he was still constantly recruiting people in the harem, and the beauties were carried in, not knowing if he was dead, Are these people going to be buried? It's so confusing!

"I think he may think that since there is a Taoist who can help survive, then someone has the ability to survive. But I think, since I ate such terrible things five years ago, five years later I don’t know how to survive!"

Li Wanrou pondered silently. Such a sinister and vicious thing, I am afraid that it is only in southern Xinjiang? Some of the Miao's poison curse and poisonous gut are like this. The emperor was afraid that he also had this thought. Li Wanrou suddenly thought about it, remembering that there once seemed to be something in a book but now I can't remember it for a moment.

The Queen said: "Well, I'm going to talk about it now, so go back. Wan Rou, I'm damn, knowing this kind of thing, it's good that the Emperor didn't kill me immediately, he also thought about the prince, you When you don’t know, don’t care about me. The most important thing for you now is to protect the prince. I am worried that those who know that the emperor’s body is no longer okay will take action. The only person who can help the prince is you. !"

Li Wanrou bit her lip without saying a word, thinking in her heart that the queen was going, but she still wanted the prince, such a good lady, I must let her survive!

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