While talking, a little maid came in and said: "The queen's lady is not good!" She was panicked and the rules were messed up, and there were tears in her eyes: "A big thing happened!"

The Queen and Li Wanrou were talking. Hearing this, they quickly stood up; "What's wrong? What happened?"

Li Wanrou stood up, knowing, this should be Wang Zhaoyi's fetus there. (((Kartino Novel Network www.readwn.com)))

Sure enough, I heard that the woman in the small palace said: "Wang Zhaoyi has a miscarriage!"

The queen's brain buzzed, and the whole person almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Li Wanrou was close to hurry to hold it.

"Niangniang! You pack your weight!"

"No, although I am ill, but there is such a thing in the harem, how can I not be anxious! Is it outside or artificial, check it out?" said the queen weakly. Wang Zhaoyi is a woman loved by the emperor. He naturally took care of this fetus. Now that he is said to have a miscarriage, how can the emperor be happy? I don’t know how many people will die because of this matter!

And Li Wanrou is also guilty, what's going on? I haven’t moved here yet. Why did I have a miscarriage? It’s clearly set, and I’ll do it in half an hour. How can the plan be disrupted at once? And she didn't think about letting the child just have a miscarriage. Is this a complete accident?

Who knows that girl said: "It is said that it was artificial. At that time, the concubine of the concubine was walking in the garden. It happened to be with Wang Zhaoyi. Now the concubine has been locked up by the emperor, saying that he is going to die in the cold palace!"

This news is really terrible! The concubine among the four concubines! How emperor valued and loved woman has become such a fate. If things are not clear, then the imperial concubine should be disposed of? It can be seen that the emperor is more angry.

Li Wanrou was also completely blinded. Originally, this matter was used to kill the concubine Xiang, but how did the empress concubine be involved?

The girl said, "So the emperor called all the masters with more than four ranks in the palace. You must go too."

The Queen said: "Help this palace up, I'm going to see it." She said a few words, and she was planted on the ground

"No! Queen, you can't do anything!" Li Wanrou said anxiously: "You may not come back if you go like this!"

The emperor is now in the wrath of thunder, and no one will have a good face when he sees it, not to mention that the emperor was originally interested in sending her down. What if the emperor is also given death, even if it is criticized by the harem, it can’t be done. Let the queen die!

"No, I can only go by." The queen said she would go outside. She was the queen, and she was responsible. If she didn't go, she would be killed by the emperor.

Li Wanrou thought about it, pulled a hosta on his head and pointed it directly at the queen's temple, and the queen quickly passed out. Li Wanrou's movement quickly pretended to be supporting the lady. This movement was stunned that even the little maid didn't see it.

Li Wanrou said: "You are supporting the lady, and I will tell the emperor that she is seriously ill and cannot go out."

The little maid said quickly: "Thank you sister, but sister, which palace are you from, so imposing!" She looked enviously at Li Wanrou, everyone was a maid, but this sister was so capable and patient, It is very courageous to say it in one sentence. I can't learn it anyway.

Li Wan Judao said: "I am the concubine, you don’t want to move around, don’t talk nonsense, let alone the queen sees someone else, if you say, the emperor will kill you in death. No, you have a little bit of heart!"

The little maiden shivered: "Yes, I know, thank you sister." She understood in her heart that outsiders said how good the emperor is to the queen, but these are all coaxing those outside, these people who are waiting in the temple Who doesn't know if the emperor has any feelings for the queen? It is simply a decoration. If the emperor is not happy, it is estimated that we will all be killed by the stick. One more thing is worse than one less.

Li Wanrou went out and hurried over with Ting Ting. Naturally, Ting Ting didn't know anything. When she said the secret just now, she gave Ting Ting a withdrawal and she didn't ask too much. She just followed Li Wan Rou. Go forward.

The two saw a lot of panicked concubines and girls go to one place, that is Wang Zhaoyi's palace l, and Yu Chongyi's very close. Li Wanrou could only choose to detour, and went to Yu Chongyi's side first.

When I saw Li Wanrou, I grabbed it and said, "How come you haven't come back after such a long time! What should I do?"

"What are you nervous about? This matter has nothing to do with you."

Yuchongyi hurriedly said, "How could it be okay? I had a good relationship with Wang Zhaoyi before. I had given her a lot of things. There are all things to eat, and the emperor won't believe me!"

It turned out that the emperor was very angry and must be poor!

"It's not just that the concubine is suspected, everyone is suspicious! How is it good, the fetal appearance has been stabilized, and a child said that it will be gone? Even if the concubine hit, how hard can it be, let alone There are still people around Zhaoyi who are protecting it, how could they be miscarried! It must be a problem!"

After such an investigation, it was found that a few little concubines sent something to Zhaoyi, but it was only some decoration, what a pomegranate tree, a son of Guanyin, but the emperor was still detained, saying that he did not understand Whatever the cause of miscarriage, all are directly stabbed to death! These little concubines, all crying and confessing, but no one dared to disobey the emperor's intention, and all were shut up first. Of course, they didn't dare to use torture, but they are all very expensive, when have they been wronged!

At that time, Jie Yu had a fever, and a small instrument was very unconscious.

Yuchong Yidao said: "I sent the most things! If the emperor knows, I must kill me!"

"Sovereign Road is not looking for you now, it means nothing, how can you scare yourself?"

"But only one person has eaten it. In case the illness comes in from the mouth, it is believed that I killed her child. Am I going to be finished? Prince Princess, help me!"

Li Wanrou persuaded several times, that is, the emperor absolutely did not doubt her, otherwise now for a while, can you still talk to me well here? You have a good relationship with me. At the time, Zhaoyi was also maintained. I just entered the palace for a few days! There is no foundation. You just don’t have the ability to kill her child! But anyway, Yu Chongyi was crying and afraid.

Li Wanrou didn't bother to say anything to her, just changed her clothes, and then took Yu Chongyi to the front pavilion.

Along the way, Yu Chongyi's legs were trembling, and as soon as he entered the hall, he heard the screams of a palace concubine.

"Emperor, there is no concubine! Concubine is wrong!"

The emperor sneered; "That's wrong! Why do you have musk in the sachet on your body and a lot of safflowers? It's a sharp weapon for people to be born!"

The palace concubine was trembling: "The concubine really doesn't know, I don't know who brought me to me, I have never met this sachet!"

"Shut up, you lived so close to Zhaoyi, and came to see her almost every day, it's almost heartfelt! Come on! Take Fu Zhaoyuan down!"

Everyone quickly agreed, grabbing the palace concubine and grabbing out.

"I'm locked in the palace and I can't go out in one step! I can't let her die! If she dies, I will wipe out the Nine Nine all of you who have been in close service!" She couldn't say a word.

Fu Zhaoyuan's beautiful face was full of panic and sorrow, and she kept shouting injustice, but no one dared to plead and took it away.

Li Wanren looked at Yu Chongyi's gaze, and Yu Chongyi shook his head and said, how could it be Fu Zhaoyuan? She also told herself what formula she wanted to have a child before, even if she really had Zhaoyi's womb, she couldn't carry those things herself, hurting Zhaoyi, she couldn't have children, and couldn't make more mistakes. what?

Li Wanrou naturally understands what it means, but she is only a junior, the emperor's future daughter-in-law, and can only manage these things! Can only be dumb.

She dared not speak, where else did the rest of the little palace concubines speak? They couldn't even put their heads into the cracks in the floor tiles. How far did the maidens and grandmothers of each palace stand, and the concubines of the four concubines were arrested. What's so bad about them?

To the concubine Xiang Fei, De Fei and others, they all dared not speak, they were guilty, because everyone had done something, Xiang Fei bought the people around Zhao Yi to give medicine, but only a few days later It was originally planned to come to a big one today and plant it on other people, but whoever thought that someone would do it first!

De Fei was jealous and once pricked the villain and cursed Zhao Yi's fetus, but she dared not do anything else. The concubine was pale. She occasionally came to Zhaoyi a few days ago. When she was talking, Zhaoyi kept hiding behind her, as if she was afraid that she was, she was very angry and slapped Zhaoyi's girl. Scared?

The emperor glanced around: "How about the queen? There was such a big thing in the palace. She, as the mother of a country, didn't come!"

A little girl hurried in from outside: "The emperor, the queen fainted, and the hospital said... I'm afraid it won't work!"

The emperor and the entire palace were shocked. Li Wanrou was cold and looked at Tingting. It was just fine!

Tingting was shocked too, wouldn't it be so fast?

The emperor had no time to care about Zhaoyi's fetus and hurried out.

There was a Guipin standing closer to the emperor, and quickly gave way, but he and the emperor happened to be in the same direction exactly twice. The angry emperor kicked away and walked forward without looking at her.

Guibin, hey, lying on the ground, but there is no one but the girl who served her, the emperor is angry at this time, who dares to say more?

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