During the conversation, I saw Li Wanrou tearing a piece of human skin from behind the woman's ear. The butler was about to exclaim, and the woman immediately became a strange woman, twenty-five or sixty years old, with a fat face , It looks like a bad family at first glance. (((Kartino Novel Network www.readwn.com)))

Li Wanrou said: "Go to the nearby lighthouse and ask if the girl is missing."

"Yes, we went here." The housekeeper realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately ordered people to do things.

Li Wanrou instructed to take good care of people. After letting Shuntianfu Yin come, she hurried out to the room. She had just gone by herself, and now she needed to change her clothes. After seeing Fuyin, she was an unmarried woman. Therefore, it is still best to let Qing's see. So as soon as she came to her yard, she asked someone to invite the Qings.

Let Furong and Tingting wait for themselves to change their clothes, and they were very nervous when they saw Li Wanrou.

"What's the matter, Miss II, is it something wrong?"

"Yes, and it's a big thing." Li Wanrou looked in the direction of his wrist. That imprint, as heard by Nangong Rongji in the previous life, was called Gardenia. It was an assassination organization in southern Xinjiang, and they were directly controlled by the prince in southern Xinjiang. The footprints are all over Da Yinguo. They are mainly acting as spies, spying on intelligence, killing more people and stealing important documents.

Not only some servants, some are trained as beautiful women, piano chess and calligraphy and painting, poetry and song, and then sent to the lighthouse Chuguan, otherwise it is the backyard of various bureaucrats, many people are so silently corroded or assassinated of. South Xinjiang is a very powerful country. Even if Nangong Rongji is bloodthirsty, it is impossible to easily move South Xinjiang. Before Li Wanrou died, South Xinjiang was still a powerful country.

The gardenia's logo is the flower logo on the wrist. It is estimated that the red valley was about to deal with a stupid aunt, so he forgot to hide it for a while, and it leaked out. She had already expected that Aunt Fish would die, we wouldn’t even interrogate it, so we didn’t take it seriously. Even if you asked, she would not remember it. Even if it did, who would know?

But who thought Li Wanrou was a woman who was born again. She used to be the queen of a country, and Nangong Rongji once trusted her for a while, so she told Li Wanrou a lot of information from southern Xinjiang. Only then will she know about Gardenia.

Before she changed her clothes, she saw Mrs. Qing hurried in, and her tone of speech changed. She had never seen her like this. Li Wanrou just wanted to speak, and she saw Mrs. Qing holding Li Wanrou's hand. Very nervous.

"Li Wanrou, something went wrong! Six princes were assassinated!"

Li Wanrou frowned: "Assassinated? Six Princes? Then?"

"Yes... It was the concubine Laner who we sent to the third prince's house assassinated, and the sixth prince was killed on the spot."

Li Wanrou's brain buzzed, who is calculating the house!

Was it made by people in southern Xinjiang, or the three princes are also insiders? Fortunately, my father was seriously ill at this time, otherwise, there would be a big trouble. The prince of a country was assassinated, and it still came from the backyard of the three princes, which is not a good thing.

Compared to the whole city is messy!

Seeing Mrs. Qing's pale face, Li Wanrou held back: "Madam, now Xiangfu is like this, you can't fall down, everything depends on your aunt, so you have to be strong."

"Yes, I know. I know..." Mrs. Qing smiled reluctantly: "Is something strange happening at home?"

"Yes, I suspect that it has something to do with the assassination of the six princes."

Fu Yinshan was late and he was too busy now. It is said that the news came out that the concubine of the six princes, the concubine and the concubine, passed out, and she has not yet awakened.

The emperor was furious and ordered martial law throughout the city, so he must understand the matter.

Sin Tianfu Yin naturally had to take good care of this matter, but the Xiangfu accident could not be ignored, only came quickly.

Li Wanrou said sincerely, the seizure of his wife in this life has been much harsher than last time!

At least those princes of the previous life have been abolished a lot, and it is not a problem to see their lives. Only one eleven prince died, but it is also his own death. But this is good, the six princes are explained at once!

"Miss II? What do you want?"

Li Wanrou recovered, "Fu Yin, please come with me. If it is not an emergency, I would not dare to let you come. Now my wife in Fufu is too pregnant for stability, my father is unconscious, and the result is like this. The thing is really scary, I can only hope that Fu Yin can help me get rid of it." She said everything, and assassinating the small fish to the master became confounded by the influence of the drug. Although Lan'er came out of Xiangfu, there is absolutely no possibility that it will be shot and killed, because he almost died himself.

And Li Wanrou also said the thing marked on her wrist: "Although I am a woman, I have heard people talk about the gardenia organization. Today, the woman even found a light-hearted woman who wanted to pass through. I suspect that the Sixth Prince was killed by the woman poisoning Lan'er."

Fu Yin had nothing to do with it. He heard the clue and was immediately excited: "Okay, Miss II took me to see it."

The two checked in the past, and asked the servants around them to know about the woman. Then Fu Yin hurried back to write a chapter to tell the emperor that there had been significant progress. At the same time, Li Wanrou rushed to the palace of the third prince.

Because Lan'er was out of Xiangfu, he had to ask questions no matter what. It was the most important thing to clarify his responsibilities. He could not let Xiangfu get in. Otherwise, it will affect the prince.

At this time, the three princes were also stunned. Today, they invited the six princes to drink at home, because someone gave a few beautiful concubines to Ji Gu, who is best at playing zither, and his six younger brothers also like beautiful women. The same thing, so please come over, let Lin Xue take care of it, put on the acting, the two enjoy singing and dancing. And let the concubine Ji in the backyard come out to appreciate, everyone except Li Shifu came out.

The third prince is still jealous of Li Shifu, but now her face is pale and aging is not good. The backyard of the third prince is always known for her beautiful concubine. Shameless? So he did not allow Li Shifu to come out.

Li Shifu must have blown up the temple before, but now she is seriously ill, and she knows that her appearance is not good. Before that, she was scared by the Taofu matter. Once, she wrote to her family several times and asked her father to take him back, but the stone sank into the sea. There is no one to control herself at all, she also understands that she is now in a difficult situation.

The secret hatred in her heart must have been instigated by Li Wanrou! I wish I could swallow Li Wanrou. In fact, this time she was really wronged by Li Wanrou. The letter she wrote fell on the hands of the third prince before sending it out. When she saw the contents inside, she complained and resented the three princes. Leave yourself alone and don't want to stay in the backyard of the third prince.

The three princes sneered. I didn't want you at first. You must marry me. You want to leave now? dream! Therefore, the letter was destroyed, and the order was continued. Later Princess Fei's letter did not need to be shown to me, just burned it.

So Xiangfu didn't know at all, Li Shifu still hated Li Wanrou.

The third prince and the sixth prince are enjoying the singing and dancing with the beautiful women, and suddenly see the concubine Laner coming out from behind the banquet. She is very gorgeous, although she can't look good, but she is also very charming.

"The slave maid toasted the six princes."

Ji concubine around was startled, Lin Xue also frowned slightly, is this crazy? But seeing the three princes still, they can't say anything, they can only be patient.

The six princes smiled and watched the woman coming. They thought you were brave enough to come over if you weren't allowed to come. Are you afraid that your three princes will kill you?

The three princes don't care, but it's just a gadget, even if the six princes like to send them now.

Who knows when Laner passed by holding the wine glass in one hand, he suddenly shot, and a dagger directly penetrated the neck of the Sixth Prince. It was quick and vicious. The Sixth Prince only felt a numbness in his neck, and his heart was bad! poisonous!

But in a flash, he fell directly to the ground.

The three princes were all frightened, but after all, they were powerful contenders for the throne. They immediately caught Lan'er not to commit suicide and slapped her on the face with a slap: "Sword Man!"

The women in the backyard were all frightened and screamed. They ran around and were stopped by the three princes: "Who is running around, this hall will kill you all! Give me honestly, no one is allowed to leave!"

Lan'er passed away without saying a word. This matter was so big that it would not work without telling the emperor, and immediately sent it to the palace. The three princes also had plain clothes waiting to be questioned by the emperor. Scolding myself over and over again, why didn't I find Lan'er the swordman is an assassin!

Lin Xuedao: "Your Highness! We have to ask the meaning of Xiangfu."

"Ask Xiang Xiang? What are you saying is useless?"

Lin Xue was not angry and said indifferently: "This woman was brought out of Xiangfu, something went wrong, and it was not your responsibility. It was naturally their responsibility to send it to you."

The third prince looked at Lin Xue and thought, this woman's way is very smart. At that time, people sent news, so Xiangfu was also terrified.

Li Wanrou came for this incident, and heard that the future crown prince came in person. The three princes sneered.

"Yes, I happened to meet her and see how she quibble!"

Lin Xuedao: "The concubine avoided it first."

The third prince saw that Lin Xue was neither humble nor overwhelming, and what happened just now, she was not as flustered as other women, and was very satisfied.

"You have the style of a side concubine."

Lin Xuedao: "Because the concubine's dependence is the three princes, as long as your highness is fine, the concubine will be fine."

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