The third prince saw that the woman was not a beautiful face and smiled and said, "You are so clever and sensible, but have more appetite than Li Shifu. ---End of the beauty, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance"

Lin Xue said respectfully: "The concubine only cares about the third prince. No matter how, the third prince is the fate of the concubine. If you have an accident, our entire government will be over. Seeing the messy appearance of your sisters, the concubine understood , How happy is usually." She has been waiting for this opportunity in her heart, and she can only see the ability of people when it is chaotic.

The third prince was unwilling to marry the woman of ordinary background. When the woman pedaled the boat to play, she found someone drowning the woman, but she was afraid that the emperor suspected that even the boat would be killed, causing the boat to subvert the hometown. The fierceness of the three princes can be said at a glance. If you want to live well in front of Nangong Rongji, you must abandon all unrealistic ideas.

What kind of love you love, I’m good, not good, what Lin Xue can seize is the right, as long as the three princes are okay, she can manage things in the government. Unlike Li Shifu, who wants to climb up, wants to be a queen, and wants to kill Li Wanrou, the more such people, the worse the outcome.

The three princes patted her on the shoulder: "You can rest assured that your Highness will never treat you badly. As long as you guard the palace, even if the concubine enters the door, I will treat you well."

Lin Xue smiled and said, "Thank you three princes. It's just that this level is not good!"

"Huh! This temple knows, but this person is not my person, but it was sent by Li Xiangfu. What did I do? Even if something went wrong, it is also their problem. You don’t need to worry about it. Get up, don’t be ridiculed by the emperor.”

"It's the concubine that's gone, don't worry." She said as she stood up: "The emperor will be here after a while, and it's inappropriate for the family to hide. Let's just ask some sisters to wait together."

He thought for a while and said: "Don't let the loudest voices come out. What's the use of being timid as a mouse?"

Lin Xue said: "The concubine's idea is the opposite of yours, let them come, and let sister Li Shifu come with him."

"What do you mean?" The three princes said unpleasantly: "So I know the person who made me embarrassing..." He understood it after he finished speaking. That's true! The more frightened and frightened the more, the more you prove that you are wronged, not the real murderer.

As for Li Shifu, since Li Wanrou is coming soon, it is also good for the sisters to meet. Maybe Li Shifu sees the enemy, what can he think of for the prince? Besides, she looked haggard at this time, and she would definitely not look good. When the emperor saw it, she would only be distressed. The relationship between the three princes and Li Shifu is not good. Once it proves that the government has sent people to do it, their suspicions will be gone, and it is really a good strategy!

Thinking that the three princes nodded here, they followed Lin Xue's thoughts.

Lin Xuedao: "Please change your clothes too."

"What do you mean? This is a suit, the most appropriate." The third prince frowned.

"Your brother was assassinated and panicked, and there is still time to change clothes? This only proves that you are not sincere, or wear the clothes from the moment you were assassinated, and cry if possible."

The third prince nodded, Lin Xue was really clever. He felt nothing about the death of the sixth prince. The common interest of the two people was so astringent, there was nothing in common, but the emperor would not be happy when he saw it. I think they don't care about family. So the third prince listened to her advice and changed her clothes. She wiped her eyes with ginger's veil and her tears kept falling. The hair was messed up and appeared a little haggard. Just when they were ready, a bodyguard ran in.

"Your Highness! The emperor's car is already here."

"Quick! Let's go outside the second door to meet the driver." The three princes went out.

The arranged concubine of Ji Ji trembled and passed nervously. There are so many women in the courtyard of the third prince, those who can't fit all are sent outside of Zhuangzi. The third prince often goes out to enjoy the Yingyingyanyan. But this time there were five or six courageous women who were the least brave and crying, and there was a Li Shifu.

Li Shifu didn’t even know that something happened. After she was called out by Lin Xue, she realized that something big happened in her home. She was furious and pointed at Lin Xuedao: "You just don’t know what to do! I am a side concubine like you. Why don’t you let me know by hiding from me? Do you want to take credit alone? You are simply bad!"

Lin Xue smiled faintly: "This is credit? Are you crazy? The six princes were killed in the palace. The emperor is now suspected to be terrible. Are you saying credit?"

Li Shifu said, quickly, angrily: "Even if this is the case, why didn't you tell me before that the emperor arrived when you said? Do you really take my side concubine seriously?"

"Of course it won't be serious, who do you think you are? If the emperor wasn't looking at you poorly, he wouldn't let the three princes restore your side concubine's name, do you really treat yourself as a dish? Don't dream, you will be the most incompetent, childish and ridiculous character by then!" Lin Xue laughed coldly.

Li Shifu was stunned, and then even more angry, rushed to Lin Xue: "What are you, you are just a dog boarding in my house, if not our Li family, not my father's power, you will marry the third prince Clearly it is dreaming!"

"You are right! It's a pity, just like my dog, can you help me?" Lin Xue smiled and said: "Today, the people of Xiangfu still care about you? Remember you? Destroy Xiangfu, and treat them as backers? After you get married, you should look at your husband, but you still think of Xiangfu as a family. What are you?"

Lin Xue flicked her away easily, and when Li Shifu was about to hit someone, she rushed over behind her to push Li Shifu to the wall. Li Shifu's illness was not cured, she kept panting, and her eyes appeared. Hate like murder.

"How dare you do this to me!"

"How am I to treat you like this? It is time for the three princes to live and die, you are still confused, you should not be beaten? You better shut your mouth for me, otherwise you know what will happen to me !" Her voice was cold like ice cubes.

"Lin Xue!" Li Shifu shouted with dissatisfaction: "You are like me, you are not even as good as you, you have no dowry, no family power, you are just a humble dog-like character, you and the three princes have no match!"

"Careful, shut up! How dare you say side concubine!" the girl beside several side concubines shouted.

"Dare you guys dare to say me? I am the side concubine of Zheng'er Eight Classics, and I am the lady of Xiangfu!" Li Shifu couldn't get out of it. Lin Xue is also very itchy, and the thing she hates the most in her life is that. Isn’t it Li Shifu, can he be like the third prince? It is clear that she has been ruined all her life and still sneered by her.

Just about to get angry, seeing the three princes standing quietly by the Moon Gate, they said, "I and the three princes are already married, no matter how low my status is, how bad the way is, as long as I think about it with all my heart The three princes, then it’s okay, unlike you! Now every step of your lord’s path is so difficult to go, you dare to think only of yourself, don’t want to know the big picture, so splashing people, the three princes really love you for nothing!

"Shut up and splatter, who will allow you to talk like that, I will tear your mouth!"

The three princes shouted: "I'm allowed, you shut up!"

Everyone saluted, Li Shifu grieved: "Why is my side concubine, even I don't know anything, and the banquet will not let me attend, the six princes..."

Papa! Two slaps hit Li Shifu's face. If it wasn't for the Emperor, it was estimated that they could kill her. Now they are only two gentle slaps, but it is enough to scare Li Shifu. She knelt in front of the third prince and married him these days, she already knew how cold this person was.

The three princes said, "The main hall will hold your side concubine dumplings, so that you can live in peace and prosperity. But, besides that, you don't want to get other things from the main hall. Do you understand?"

"Three princes..."

"For a while, you will be honest with me no matter what happens! You are not allowed to talk nonsense once, if you dare to violate my orders, you know what I will do to you."

"I'm a prime minister! How can you treat me like this!" she cried.

The three princes sneered: "If you weren't a prime minister, you would have died long ago. But if you marry me, you won't be a prime minister. It's better to forget it, or you will die even worse, Lin Xue, one Will stop watching her, if you dare talk nonsense..."

"Yes, the concubine knew."

The three princes strode away, he was the man to go out to meet.

Lin Xue let a few strong wives hold her back and let her go around. No matter how dissatisfied Li Shifu was, he could not speak. Otherwise, it knocked out.

Li Shifu's eyes turned red: "Dare you treat me this way, you better not let me have a day to turn over!"

Lin Xue smiled faintly; "You offended Li Wanrou and let the three princes not like it. The jade-filled instrument in the palace hates you! You are still alive and dead, and you still want to have a day to turn over? Who are you counting on? The dead mother is resurrected? I am humble, but I must not sin, unlike you, who have already offended everyone and want to turn over? What a joke!"

Li Shifu's brain was buzzing, she was really unconvinced, why did all the **** slaves climbed up to her head, but she said it was still true, when began, she turned out to be all around, Father is injured!

How to do? What should I do? ! She burst into tears.

Lin Xue gave her a contemptuous glance, crying, crying is better than talking nonsense.

The car of the emperor and Li Wanrou arrived almost at the same time. Li Wanrou was taken aback and took Tingting to salute.

"See your emperor."

The emperor saw her barely smile: "It's you, how did you come? If you don't take a good rest at home, isn't you sick?"

In fact, the emperor already knew that the man who assassinated the six princes came out of the government. If he didn't ask clearly, that wouldn't work. Xiang Fu can't stay away, but Li Xiang was also assassinated and seriously injured, so it is normal for Miss II to come out.

Li Wanrou knelt down and said: "The body of the servant girl is better. Today, the servant girl came to ask for guilt. The woman was a former girl in our house, but it really has nothing to do with our government. Please check with the emperor! My father is still in a coma, and there is such a thing again. The daughter-in-law is worried that the next person to deal with will be someone else? This matter is too serious. The Prime Minister and the Sixth Prince have never been in contact. It is really not us! If we continue If this is the case, don’t you want everyone to risk yourself...

"No." The emperor waved his hand: "I will not let anyone do it. No matter who is so arrogant, I will not let her live!"

"The emperor is our prime minister..." Li Wanrou was really worried. If the emperor was angry, he checked the prime minister and killed a lot of people. Her fists clenched tightly.

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