"Go! You are just a eunuch! Dare to talk to me like this! I am the side concubine, I am the emperor's daughter-in-law, I am the daughter of Xiang Guo, my sister is the crown prince, can't die! Sister, you Help me talk and plead, why don’t you help me, you splatter, you want me to be out of luck!" Li Shifu was completely mad and wanted to rush out, but she was caught back by the **** and she slapped her head back: "You Dare to slap me? What is your low status, and dare to slap me?" She has always been tall, and has long been unreasonable and unreasonable, raised by the Zhao family, where can I see the eunuch!

The **** is annoyed: "Hurry up! Kill her!" I am a eunuch, I am lowly, but I am still alive, you are already dead, what are you showing? Didn’t you see that you were going to die, no one spoke for you?

Several eunuchs did not even care how noble she was. (((Catino Novel Network www.readwn.com))) Roughly grabbed Li Shifu and poured a large pot of poisoned wine into it. She kept twitching until she spit out a blood stain. When I can't, I realize that I am really dying.

"I don't want to die, mother, I don't want to die... I want to be a queen, I am a queen, I don't want to die..." Li Shifu seemed to see Nangong Rongji becoming the emperor, spoiling her and killing her Li Wanrou, and Li Wanrou's children. She's a little strange, isn't Li Wanrou going to marry the prince? Why did you marry Nangong Rongji?

She was confused to see Nangong Rongji holding her hand: "You are my next queen."

Li Shifu smiled with satisfaction: "Thank you emperor, thank you emperor..."

She died like this. His face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were all blood. But still with a strange smile.

The **** wiped Li Shifu and returned to his life.

The emperor said: "What did she say before she died?"

"Yes, she said thank you Emperor."

"Ah?" The emperor froze for a moment, then sneered: "I can still understand before death, it's not bad, I thought she didn't repent of her death." In fact, this is a misunderstanding. But because of this, the emperor's hatred for Xiangfu was also a little smaller.

He feels that I have married your daughters to the royal family one by one. You should be grateful to Dade and take good care of it. Who knows that you have brought up such a disaster, is it because you are deliberate? Now that the person is dead, the mood is better.

Li Wanrou knew that Li Shifu had finally killed himself, and he was sighing. He was less than 20 years old. The result was tragic fate. Unfortunately, neither of us can be sisters, nor do we know whose fault it is.

The emperor secretly observed, and found that Li Wanrou had no big surprises, and she was also satisfied. If at this time, she secretly rejoiced, and finally killed the indisputable sister, he would also be disappointed.

The three princes were also sad and sad. He knew the emperor best and knew what to do.

The emperor said: "Since it has been prosecuted, her family members will not be held accountable. Find someone to send the body back to Xiangfu and bury it well. In addition, I will send a female to the wife, how to raise such a daughter. . Be sure to reflect on it."

"Thank you, Emperor." Li Wanrou whispered: "Mrs. Madam has always been in a bad shape. Sister Li has always been brought up by Zhao's personally. It is better to... My sister Nuan Yu, we are all going to marry someone, we must study hard."

That means that Li Shifu's contribution to this will be the credit of the Zhao family and has nothing to do with my grandmother. If you give a female to Mrs. Madam, it is estimated that Mrs. Madonna will be angry and vomited to death, and she will appear in front of everyone in the future?

The emperor said: "You have filial piety. Well, just give the two of you a daughter and study hard. Such mistakes can't be made. Otherwise, I won't easily spare you!"

"Yes, thank you Emperor for your reward." Li Wanrou knelt down and kowtowed.

Tingting thought, all this **** Li Shifu! Almost killed Xiangfu. What else does it mean for Miss II to be ridiculed? Isn’t she just dissatisfied with her?

After the emperor had finished handling Li Shifu's affairs, he continued to look at everyone: "Okay, is there any news on the side of the doctor?"

The doctor came over; "According to the results seen by the officials and others, the weapon was indeed poisonous, and it was a rare poison that came from southern Xinjiang and was not visible in the territory of the Great Yin Kingdom."

The emperor looked at Lan'er: "Who the **** are you? How did you get this dagger!"

Laner anxiously said: "No, I don't know! I just felt dizzy at that time, and then I have no memory. It happened when I woke up! The dagger didn't know how it fell on me. I don’t know..."

"Come on! How dare you call me in front of the emperor!" An **** slaps fiercely in the past. Lan'er fell to the ground, his cheeks all swollen. Lan'er cried, "The slave-servant really doesn't know! The Crown Princess saved me!"

Li Wanrou also frowned, and in the current situation, how could she be rescued, even if she was drugged, but after all, the six princes died in your hands, not letting you linger, already the best result, how can I save you? Lan'er was also wronged. But what should I do? The emperor said: "Laner Chinese medicine?"

The doctor said: "Yes, Chen waited to take the pulse just now. It is indeed like a Chinese medicine. Moreover, this medicine is spreading very quickly. Now the pulse is not visible. It is estimated that it can only be left in the body for about one hour. But the medicine The effect is fierce."

The emperor nodded: "That means the people who actually killed the six princes are still in the palace?"

"Father and Emperor, after the accident, the son sealed off all the people in it, including those who followed the six younger brothers, and all of them were isolated. The Father and Emperor nevertheless inspected! The son is absolutely not distracted!"

Lin Xue also said: "The women in the house, the girl-in-law and the concubine are all banned. No one is allowed to connect back and forth."

"You understand, well, check it out! Who gave her the medicine!"

Laner shuddered, the emperor did not say that he killed himself, nor did he say that he let himself go, can he still live? She looked at Li Wanrou, she really didn't want to die!

I already knew why I had to climb the bed. At first, the girl who served Li Shifu, although some of them had not had a good time following the marriage, but the end result was being sold, but they could also save their lives. Those who did not follow the marriage, they can all stay in Xiangfu. When they are old, they marry out. Their looks are ordinary, and they are not liked by Li Shifu. Ten **s are stayed in the palace. Why do they faint, three princes? If you want to go by yourself?

Knowing that the third prince just wanted this woman to stimulate Li Shifu, but also came up to be a concubine, and the murdered child could not have a baby. The third prince didn’t care about himself except for the freshness at the beginning. , Kill the six princes!

In a trance, she heard Li Wan Judao said: "Sisters and daughters have something to ask her, don't you know?"

Laner hurriedly looked up at Li Wanrou, with an eager look on her face, she really didn't want to die!

Li Wanrou sighed, she also understood, but what could be done? You don't want to die. I can't help you either. Can only help you get a better way of death. The emperor nodded and asked her to ask.

Li Wanrou walked over and said, "Lan'er, I want you to recall the person you contacted at the end. The memory behind you is gone and there is no way to ask, but what I want you to remember is before. What have you done? ."

"Slave slaves are watching songs and dancing, enjoying music." Laner shuddered in memory.

"But someone gave you something to eat and drink?"

"No." Laner said quickly.

Lin Xue also hurriedly said: "Because the Sixth Prince was there at that time, we were not good enough to let too many people in, and the fruits, pastries and alcohol placed on the table were all seen by the doctor. There is no toxicity at all."

Li Wanrou frowned, either by eating or drinking, or by something else?

She thought about it and said, "What kind of fragrance?"

"Yes, there was Tan Zhi's fragrance in the palace at that time." Tan Zhi is a fragrance often found in temples. It is very quiet and peaceful, and is used by many noble families. The emperor said: "Even if there is a problem with the aroma, but there are so many people here, it is impossible that she alone is poisoned. I think you are in the wrong direction."

Li Wanrou hurriedly said: "Emperor, Tan Zhi is not poisonous, but if Tan Zhi and some things are poisonous, can there be a reaction? The courtgirls had seen a story before looking at the painting book, one person ate one thing and ate a lot Years, it’s okay, but another fruit is related to that thing, and as a result, an enemy will give him the food to eat, and he will die in a few years. So the courtier also thought, would there be anything and This Xiang Xiangke?"

She said in my heart, I have reminded me to such a degree that Taiji didn't know yet, it was really damn.

Sure enough, after listening to Li Wanrou's words, several people shouted together: "Emperor! The minister knows!"

The emperor hurriedly said, "What the **** is that?"

"It's a kind of exquisite incense! The mixture of the two incenses will make people feel confused. In the hazy, the person asked to do whatever they want, it must be that the other party randomly found this woman, and then let her assassinate. Because This incense is also from South Xinjiang. Because it is scarce in Dayin Kingdom. So few people have noticed that Linglong incense is only available to royal people in South Xinjiang. The number is scarce. We have never heard of it. Come, it should be the assassination of Da Yinguo!"

"How does this fragrance work?"

"Just wake up slightly in front of you."

Laner hurriedly said: "The slave-servant remembered it. The slave-servant once felt that her hair was messed up. Someone helped the slave-clearer to sort it out."

"Who is it?" the crowd asked together.

Laner was about to speak, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart, and then a large burst of blood spattered out, and the whole person fell towards the front,

In a cry of exclamation, he crawled directly to the ground and died.

The emperor's rage: "Kill someone in front of me!"

A doctor said: "I'm afraid it has been poisoned long ago, until the poison is poisonous. It's just a bit slow. It's a pity! No one heard her last words."

Lin Xue hurriedly said, "No! Laner was sitting at the back, and many slave-servants would also notice her, and the people around them would also notice. Who the **** is she finishing her hair!"

"Well, I'm waiting here to see who is blatantly framing the prince!" said the emperor with a sullen face.

All the slave-in-laws who were at the scene were brought over, and the singers who played musical instruments were also brought over to meet each other.

The emperor said, "If I find it, I will let you go. If I can't, I will go with my family."

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