All of these people were terrified, but the emperor said in a word that they were going to die to death, so they all racked their brains and began to think carefully about who had contacted the Laner concubine. (((Kartino Novel Network

Li Wanrou looked around and said, "I don't know where Murong Yun is now?"

Everyone was stunned, Lin Xue said hurriedly: "Does Miss Er know Murong Yun?" How do you know the concubine in our house? Did she say her name directly?

Li Wanrou naturally would not tell her that she always sent Lan'er to monitor Murong Yun. Originally Lan'er was the best **** placed next to this woman, but who knew that it was so dead, was it the person who started it? You have to know that the country where Murong Yun is located is the best at using drugs, but after just looking for a long time, he didn't see Murong Yun? It stands to reason that the two are in a yard, and they also asked, in order to have a good life, Lan'er will definitely get together with Murong Yun, right?

The three princes looked at Li Wanrou and thought, the woman was so treacherous, she even knew Murong Yun? Could it be that Huan and Murong Yun have nothing to do with each other? When did these two people meet?

Li Wanrou said: "Because this Murong Yun had a conflict with my sister, my sister often mentioned her when she returned to the house. She also said that Lan'er and Murong Yun lived together and often looked after each other." Li Shifu now anyway Dead, no matter what you say, no one will refute. Li Shifu's relationship with the people in Fuzhong is not good. Presumably, it will not be good with Murong Yun, and there will be some discrepancies, so he will not be regarded as lying.

Li Wanrou guessed right. When Li Shifu first married, the three princes were still respectful, after all, they were side concubines. And Li Shifu has also exerted his domineering spirit, and has always abused the concubines and concubines in the government. Murong Yun's family is not here, and there is no foundation, so they are stared at.

Everyone thought she would be miserably miserable. Who knows that Murong Yun was bedridden even after kneeling for the first time. He had a high fever. He talked nonsense at the end and died several times.

Although Murong Yun’s status is not high, after all, it is a woman sent in from abroad. If she dies unexpectedly, it is impossible to say that her sisters have all died, and will they die again? So the three princes scolded Li Shifu.

"You don't always bully people. You have time to see how the books in your house are managed, and manage the Three Princes' House for the main hall, instead of knowing that something is going to happen every day!"

Li Shifu was also very wronged, I just let her kneel for an hour! There is nothing great, nor a cold day!

But since then, I dare not look for Murong Yun's troubles. After all, this one is Jiao Didi. If he dies again, there will be a problem. She doesn't care about her life, but what she cares more is the love of the three princes. And regardless of this woman, Murong Yun quickly recovered.

After listening to Lin Xue's words, Li Wanrou understood that Murongyun must have died because of the medicine he gave himself. If he was tortured by the side concubine, the three princes would not care, this person has always been mean. Widowed, despicable, where would care about a woman being bullied.

But if it dies, it is a big problem. The three princes did not want to have an accident, so they simply made a ruth. Li Shifu did not dare to mess around. Bullying others, bullying her failed.

Li Wan Judao said: "Call Murong Yun, I want to ask her."

The third prince looked coldly at Li Wanrou: "Miss Two, can you see if you are the woman in the main hall? Murong Yun has not attended the banquet just now, and has not appeared here. How can she poison Laner? "

Li Wanrou looked at the provocation in the eyes of the third prince, and said lightly: "I suspect Murong Yun, I didn't think it was her. The banquet was just a lot of eyes, and Murong Yun was mixed up if he couldn't keep it. . Why, Your Highness is so protective of Murong Yun, does she know something?"

"Unpretentious!" The three princes have always been uncomfortable with Li Wanrou. From the beginning, this woman was reckless and contemptuous. She never looked up to herself. She wanted to give her a good face. Who knows always Being restrained by the prince was not unscrupulous, but he was hid every time by this splashing man! Seeing her clean up her face now, he hated his teeth. If it wasn’t Li Shifu who was married back at the time, but Li Wanrou’s words, at least there would be no such confusion.

But is this woman willing to marry herself? The answer is obvious. Of course, I don’t want to. Li Wanrou doesn’t want to, and she doesn’t bother to marry herself. So, does she hate herself? So it will let me find Murong Yun back and let the murderer become a person in my house? Isn't this making my father emperor angry with me? So she can't let her succeed anyway!

Thinking of the three princes saying to the emperor here: "Father emperor, Murong Yun has never appeared."

"Do you dare to use your prince's reputation as a guarantee?" Li Wanrou looked at the three princes aggressively: "You like Murong Yun so much, in case Murong Yun is really the murderer? I just didn't want to give her the sight of Murong Yun. What does it mean to be framed. Why do you need to be so nervous? His Royal Highness the Three Princes, beautiful **** is wrong!"

Nangong Rongji's blood almost didn't spit out, where is my beauty! I just don’t want you to take care of our family! He hurriedly wanted to explain to the emperor.

The emperor waved his hands and listened for a long time. He also understood the intentions of the two people. Li Wanrou wanted to check this Murongyun thing, and the three princes looked bad.

He said: "Non-my family, its heart must be different, you should understand what I mean by this sentence. You don't need to mind. Even if it is really a killer from your house, I will not doubt you." Which Someone hurts in his own house, the three princes still want the throne! Where would such a stupid mistake! Which emperor would be willing to set up a man who killed his brother as prince?

"Yes, it is the children who understand." The three princes said quickly: "Call Murong Yun!"

He has followed the father emperor for so many years, so he understood the father emperor's meaning a little, which means not letting him protect him, and also telling him, I know your worries, I will not let you be wronged, the three emperors very happy.

Not long after, Murong Yun was brought in. She was obviously terrified, panicked, without makeup, and her hair was even a little scattered. The slaves around her supported her: "My wife is uncomfortable and has long rested After hearing the call, he dared to come in a hurry and asked the emperor to atone."

"Why don't you speak?" Li Wanrou looked at Murong Yun: "Let your girl speak, don't you dare to say?"

Murong Yun cried, and the slave-servants around her also cried: "I don't know why, my wife hasn't been able to speak since just now, and she has vomited a lot of blood. But we thought about something going on in Fufu, and we didn't dare to ask a doctor... "

The talking Kungfu Murongyun coughed a few times and spit out another blood.

Everyone exclaimed. There were more guards around the emperor. The emperor frowned and looked at the three princes. Your backyard is really complicated! The third prince was also anxious: "What's going on, is someone poisoned? Too doctor!"

"Yes, the minister will diagnose the pulse for his wife." Several people hurried over. The three princes' houses were lively enough for a few years. They died a few times. They all panicked after the pulse, and they all shuddered.

"What the hell?"

"Yes, Mrs. Murong was poisoned, but we don't know what the poison is... but it should be live soon."

In Li Wanrou's heart, this is really different from the previous life. Is he dead now? Are she and Li Shifu dead?

In this case, who can accompany the three princes to the south and go to war in the future to make suggestions!

Murong Yun kept crying, looking at the three princes in tears: "Woo woo..."

The slave-servant also kowtowed constantly to beg the doctor to save the master.

Li Wanrou passed in a big step: "Despite the poor medical skills, she still wants to see if it is really poisoned. Please ask the Emperor Enjun." The Emperor nodded. Anyway, he can't live anymore. Just watch it. .

Li Wanrou gave Murongyun a pulse, and then suddenly thought, he looked at Murongyun. Murongyun's beautiful eyes were all tears, and he looked at Li Wanrou pleadingly. Li Wanrou shook his head, Murong Yun grabbed Li Wanrou, crying constantly. Seems to beg her to save herself.

Li Wanrou stood up: "Are you really fierce?"

Murong Yun nodded and took a stone to write on the ground: Lan Concubine was too deceiving, I wanted her to hurt, but I didn't want her to kill the six princes, writing while coughing violently With.

Li Wanrou said: "Murong Yun should just want to give Lan'er a lesson. Who knows that the amount of medicine is not well controlled, so she rushed to the six princes, so it led to the tragedy. Murong Yun admitted the crime and took the poison in advance Now."

Li Wanrou asked the slave-maid a few questions, knowing that she had sneaked into the banquet and took the medicine.

The slave-maid cried: "At that time, the slave-maid just thought it was some medicine for diarrhea. Who knows... The slave-maid followed her wife from an early age. She died, and I will never live alone!"

The three princes kicked this slave-maid: "Do you want to live after such a thing?"

The slave-maid rolled to the ground, spit out blood, and passed out directly. Everyone else was terrified, but they dared not speak, and Taiji also knelt over there.

The emperor frowned: "Is this an accident?"

"Yes, it should be an accident." Li Wanrou watched Murong Yun collapsed on the ground and had twitched a few times before moving. Sigh.

The two concubines quarreled continually, and then it became like this one framed the other.

The emperor was very annoyed and looked at the third prince, who all kneeled down.


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