Li Shifu, who thought about it at the beginning, was exhausted by the family's likes and loves. Almost all the love and pains were given to the daughter-in-law at home. The food was the best and the best. Mr. Nu came to teach her piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but also how to manage the house, how to socialize with the nobles and royals of all walks of life, all are what the Zhaos want to do. ---End of the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

And Mrs. Tai agrees. There is no man in Xiangfu. There is only such an emperor. It is necessary to train her wholeheartedly for the future. In addition, Li Shifu's appearance is all in all, and it does not waste everyone's expectations. As for Li Wanrou, she just barely starved her to death. Even warm jade is basically a face-saving energy consumption. No one cares.

But who knows that Feng Shui Liu turns, Li Wanrou, who has never been in charge, is now dazzling, and the Emperor speaks in front of him with weight, who feels that she is despised? And Li Shifu? Before marrying into the third prince's mansion, it was a step wrong, step by step wrong, and later lost his life. If Li Wanrou coordinated from it, it is estimated that the Li family will be unlucky!

Mrs. Tai felt tired and helpless and waved her hand: "How is the situation like this now? Please give me an opinion, second girl. I am an old man now, and I don't know what to do." She already knew If it weren’t for Li Wanrou’s words, she would be rewarded by the emperor with a copy of the female rule. At such an old age, it is also a fateful death. This reward is really for myself. I am afraid that it will be overwhelmed by the humiliation of the life woman in the capital. Will you vomit blood at that time?

In fact, her feelings for her granddaughter are very indifferent, and she only feels that they have useful value to be better for them. What is more important is her own face and glory and wealth! So she heard that when the emperor did this, she was going to faint at that time. Fortunately, Li Wanrou gave the girl back, so her attitude towards Li Wanrou can now be said to be in harmony with Yan Yue.

Li Xiang is also a little shocked now, he has already made a fold, saying that he is seriously ill to control, so he is still good for the time being, and he thought that the emperor would be retained several times. This is also a general rule, but knowing the emperor, he was directly Then I sent a discount and said yes, Li Xiang just took off his public office and recuperated at home!

Although it is said that he also wants to avoid the sharp edge of this period, and the death of the Sixth Prince, let Li Xiang know how smart his daughter is! The timing of the withdrawal is really great! But although they all understand the truth, they don’t want to stay in the court and the opposition, and they are not the same as being driven out! Now the emperor is obviously so unwilling to see himself! How is this good?

He also had no idea and could only look at Li Wanrou. See what her daughter is saying.

Li Wanrou said: "Since the emperor has killed her sister, she can't handle the funeral solemnly. I think it's a low profile. The emperor just went to Aiko. Li Shifu was still killed by her. We have to try Zhang Luo's funeral this time. Isn’t this just the face of the Emperor? In addition, we must restrain the servants, don’t go around, and don’t say the length of the lady.

Both Mrs. Madam and Grandpa nodded and said yes, yes, Li Wanrou was right, you must pay attention to it, otherwise, there are so many people in the house, an inattentive, what kind of scourge will happen in the future!

Li Wanrou said: "In addition, the people who used to serve Li Shifu in our house must deal with it as soon as possible. Who knows if these people will talk nonsense. The relationship with the three princes must be cleared as soon as possible."

Everyone is dead, and Li Xiang is no longer the father-in-law of the three princes, so he cannot get close.

After this sentence, the two people's faces became a bit ugly. They didn't want to be unconnected with the three princes. After all, they were relatives of the emperor. Such a name can solve many things, especially the wife. The Lin family still has one. Lin Xue, became a side concubine in the palace of the Three Princes! How good is this?

Mrs. Tai said: "Lin Xue is said to be spoiled now, and you can tell from the things you just said that the third prince still trusts her. Don't such relatives do it? With the third prince, you and the prince will be married later. The palace is also..."

Li Wanrou said: "The woman of the third prince killed the six princes. Can such a person become the prince of the emperor's importance? And the three princes discovered the gold mine before, but they refused to speak and did not tell anyone, such a person, the emperor. Would you like it? The reason why the emperor let him go out to be a vassal king is because he has discovered his wolf ambition."

Mrs. Tai was so scared that she spit out blood, what? The gold mine was found to be hidden! How is this going? If ordinary people have such a move, the emperor copying the family to kill the genocide is light! Did the three princes do this?

Li Xiang also shivered: "I didn't even know about it?" Although he is currently recovering from injury, he is not a person without his own in the Chaoye. No one said such a big thing! Seeing that I am old and dying, so don't take me seriously?

Li Wanrou said: "The father is angry, not that they did not tell you but that this matter was not told in the court and the opposition, but that the emperor saw the three princes in private."

"So, the emperor already knows this?"

Li Wanrou nodded. In fact, this matter was leaked by the prince to find someone, but of course it is impossible to sell the prince at this time. It is said that the prince discovered it privately, which is good for everyone.

Mrs. Tai said: "Does it make sense, the three princes want to do **** horses!"

"Of course I want to get the crown of the prince." Li Wanrou opened the words and said: "Because the prince is not good from a young age, many princes want to inherit the throne, and the three princes have the most power, so there is this The idea is not uncommon, but the first person he faces now is not the prince, but the emperor! The emperor is now in full bloom..."

She paused for a while, but in fact, it could not be said that it was the heyday, because the emperor's illness has been unable to live for long, and if no prescription for detoxification can be found, it is estimated that it will be a year and two years of life. But no one knows about this matter, so it cannot be said.

Mrs. Tai nodded: "Yes, the emperor can't let the prince usurp the throne! It's even more impossible to make himself an overhead emperor!"

"That's it, so this time the emperor suddenly proposed to set up the princes and let these princes leave the capital one after another. The only purpose is to let them leave quickly. The right cannot be given to them. When the power of the emperor is strong enough, You can try to subdue them all."

The emperor's order that they did not listen was a rebellion! In this case, the princes are dead. But the prince really ordered out of the capital. Whether you can come back in this life is second. Even if you come back, it is so pitiful that the idle royal family has been abolished for a generation of women's rights!

And all this is because the three princes found the gold mine, and did not tell the emperor what happened.

So many gold mines, what are the three princes doing? Definitely not for sightseeing! It must be military spending! What should we do to support the army with so much military expenditure? Naturally want to be emperor!

"The approach of the third prince has greatly angered the emperor, so now he will not be rectified, and sooner or later he will be rectified. No one knows this, and the three princes do not admit their death. The emperor has no evidence, but it does not mean that he will not be rectified in the future. Should the Li family still support such three princes? If the emperor will be angry together in the future..."

Li Xiang waved his hand: "No need to say, I understand, don't go to and from the Three Princes' House in the future!"

"Yes, you are right." Madam Tai said hurriedly; "We not only can't communicate, but we also have to take our attitudes out, and we must be hostile to the three princes. We must never be together. Such a person killed me. 'S granddaughter also killed a girl, Lan'er, who was in the house. She once wanted to touch you.

Li Wanrou was silent and thought, you just gave the support of the three princes just now, but now you just give up on the time of a tea. It's really sad.

Although the two of them are also good to themselves now, but if there is no use value in the future, I am afraid they can throw it faster. This is the right. This is their father and grandmother!

But Li Wanrou is already used to it. She also has a lot of things to hide from the two people. After all, she is her elder. Li Wanrou has to do so that they can have a hospice. Nothing else can help.

"Wan Rou, go back and let them do the rest. It is not appropriate for you to host Li Shifu's future." Madam Tai said very mildly.

Li Wanrou hurriedly thanked her, and then took the girl back.

Mrs. Tai, as Li Wanrou said, let people casually confine Li Shifu, and she made a grave next to her mother’s grave, and buried it with a thin coffin, and there was no worship activity. As for Li Shifu The girl, the confidant, and the death that had helped out the idea, gave these girls a lot of money. Those who are not close, sold them directly, and did not stay in the Prime Minister’s House, but some in the Three Princes’ House. The rough user was also sold by Lin Xue, and soon neither the Li family nor the three princes could find any trace of Li Shifu.

In the middle of the night, Li Wanrou sat at the window and looked at the bright moon outside with a glass of wine: "Li Shifu, we have been entangled in our two lives. You have caused me to be a stranger in my head. I haven't had time to harm you in your life. I made myself dead, but this is your own problem. You are dead, I will not feel sad at all, this is your life, and you deserve it, but we are always sisters, and I respect you a bar! "

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