The Vicious Princess Overturns the World

Chapter 167: Emperor's Rage

In fact, Li Shifu has been unlucky and did not have no credit for Li Wanrou, but this is only a minor detail. After all, there is no over-doing of Li Shifu in the previous life, killing Li Wanrou's child, killing Li Wanrou's girl, leaving her alone and dying alone in the cold palace. She is so vicious. ---End of the story, the romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan But still killed Li Shifu's mother, and Li Shifu's life.

She sighed: "The person who should hate the most is Nangong Rongji, he is the source of the tragedy of the two of us. I will not let him go." She poured the glass on the ground. After being sad for a while, Li Shifu will have a new arrangement.

The current situation is changing rapidly, to see what is going on inside the palace, and the prince told Li Wanrou to wait until Yucca sent back the news, and just the next morning, someone sent a packet of fresh jasmine powder and said it was in the palace Lin Weixin sent it to Li Wanrou to wipe his face. After Li Wanrou took it, he went back and opened the powder. There was a small note in it. Take it out and take a look. Then he said, "It's such a silly woman!"

"Who is this lady?" Furong asked curiously.

Li Wanrou closed her eyes and said, "It is Yuchongyi!"

Tingting hurriedly said, "What's wrong, what did Yuchongyi do?"

"Using incense!" Li Wanrou gritted her teeth, what a fool!

Furong first considered Li Wanrou: "Will she drag you?"

Li Wan Judao said: "No, I don't know art at all in the eyes of the emperor. Besides, this incense is a special spice from the Western Regions. I can't get it, but I can't guarantee that Yu Chongyi won't because I am a friend with her. , Let me help you as a lobbyist!"

As I was saying, a little man came out in a panic and said, "Miss II! Yu Chongyi's parents came to Xiangfu and said they wanted to see Miss II, and they had to meet each other anyway. Please save them. !"

Li Wanrou slapped the table: "Is it really reasonable? Now I think of it to save my life? How did I tell Yu Chongyi at that time? Was it all turned into a deaf ear? And how can I save her with witnesses and evidence?"


As he was saying, another little servant ran in: "Miss 2 is not good! Yuchongyi's mother is going to commit suicide, saying that if you just came to see her, she will fall in front of our house!"

Li Wanrou felt angry in his heart! It really makes no sense, I helped Yu Chongyi once, but now I rely on me? If you want to live a good life, just hold on to what I said and act with caution, why should it be so! It's okay now, it has caused a monstrous crime, and let me help you!

"Will you go, Miss II?"

Li Wanrou smiled bitterly: "Everyone is here, why don't I go? Go, after all, it's the parents of the ladies in the palace and the parents' officials of the court. It wouldn't look good if they died at our door of the Li family." She took two The girl passed by, thinking on the road, Yu Chongyi was really smart, knowing to report to me, but what if she did report? I can't help her anymore. After all, the emperor hated such humiliating tricks, and to what extent the emperor's mood and badness these days, how could he hit the gun at this time!

When we reached the front, we saw Yu Chongyi's mother, Mrs. Song, who was already being pulled over there, and Mrs. Tai was crying, and Mrs. Song was still wiping her tears and sitting on the seat tremblingly.

They learned about the accident last night. A cleaning **** in the palace next door knew the news, and then it was sent out to the old grandma who left the palace.

This is also the person that Mrs. Song arranged before, and her daughter must be protected. After all, Song Waner is still immature. Anything should be known as soon as possible.

After they knew the news, they almost did not die. The old lady said that the emperor had sealed the palace where her daughter lived. They almost didn't die, what's this called! My daughter, who had just entered the palace less than half a year, had such a thing! Once something goes wrong, it is a trivial matter, and what is more scary is, what if the emperor held the Song family accountable? Are hundreds of people in the Song family going to die together?

The more I thought, the more I was afraid, but I didn’t know who to ask, and I was going to die, but soon Madam Song thought, when I first entered the palace, I got the love and help of the Crown Princess. This time, if I asked her to be Can it be better?

"But what if the princess is bitten to death?"

Mrs. Song cried; “Anyway, it’s a dead one. If the prince doesn’t care, we have to die together. It’s our fault to make the prince embarrassed. But how many of us are the Song family? If they were killed together and sold, After being exiled, don’t we really want to end? The face is not important!"

Master Song thinks about it too. Hurry to bring his wife. Li Wanrou is a soft-hearted girl and will definitely help.

When Li Wanrou saw the two of them, she said helplessly: "You just look at me for bullying?"

"Prince Princess!" Mrs. Song knelt down and knocked her head like garlic, and soon her forehead was full of blood; "I'm wrong! I shouldn't embarrass you like this, but I... I really can't ignore our Song family life!"

Li Xiang didn't say a word and couldn't control it at all!

But Master Song has hinted that if you don’t care about me, I will tell the emperor that you and I had formed a party. I can’t live anyway, and you don’t want to live, so Li Xiang can’t drive everyone out.

"Speak, what's going on?" Li Wanrou said lightly.

"Yes, it's my daughter who doesn't scramble!" Madam Song sobbed.

It turned out that the emperor returned to the palace last night and was in a very bad mood. He went to the concubine Xian first to comfort him. The concubine lost her child and was crying miserably. She fainted a few times and woke up to continue crying. Such a son in his life, he also hopes to inherit the throne, Guangzong Yaozu, who knows that he died in the third brother's house, if he fought in the battlefield, he still has a reputation for dying, but he died in a small concubine. At hand!

It really makes no sense! The more she thought about it, the more she felt heartache. She wondered if it was the third son, but she thought it should not be. If he really did, the emperor must be the first to hate him! So who did it? From Concubine De, Concubine, always thinking of Concubine Xiang and Prince, she felt that anyone could kill her son! She hated the followers, protected the Sixth Prince from being careless, and hated the Emperor. She didn’t care about herself and her son. She thought about the six prince’s women in the backyard, although two were pregnant. Knowing that it was a man or a woman, there was no grandson until now, and her heart twitched in pain.

After the emperor came, the princess fell directly into his arms: "Emperor! The concubine hurts."

The emperor also sighed. After all, he is the old man in his palace. He has been with him for so many years. Although he is not a woman he likes very much, it is also good. He comforted him and promised that as long as those two concubines could give birth to the six princes. He gave birth to the king of the county, so that they would have no worries throughout their lives.

The princess was full of hate, but on the surface, she was grateful: "Thank you, emperor! The concubine thanked the emperor for those orphans and widows! They will see the emperor in their lifetime!" How can people kill people like this! The emperor accompanied the concubine most of the night. The emperor did not leave until the concubine fell asleep.

The emperor was not in a mood to spoil the concubine, but who knew that Yu Chongyi was instigated by his men, used spices, and took up powder in his cuffs, and then wandered around the garden. This is the only way for the emperor to go back. The emperor came and saluted in a hurry. The emperor waved her hand lightly to get her up and left.

Yu Chongyi hurriedly passed: "Emperor, it's late at night, you haven't used supper yet. The concubine's house made a little peach cake, I wonder if you can go there once? The concubine hopes that the emperor can eat well. "

The emperor glanced at Yuchongyi, and went with it. After all, he was Wang Zhaoyi’s friend. He had been better with her. Wang Zhaoyi lost her child. I should have had a good look, but it just happened to catch up with the queen. Now The sixth son is dead again, so I can only let Wang Zhaoyi get wrapped in cotton on his sick bed. If he is better at Yu Chongyi, let her take the place of me and take care of it.

Yu Chongyi went to the palace with the emperor. After eating the snack that night, the emperor was leaving, but I didn't know why, but I felt hazy. He held Yuchongyi and collapsed, having a good meal, but when the emperor woke up, he was angry and slapped Yuchongyi.

"What I hate the most is these crooked ways, what are you talking about!"

Yu Chongyi shivered, thinking that the emperor would like it. Who knew he beat himself: "Concubine, concubine used spices, is a spice that concentrates his spirit..."

"This is concentrating?" the emperor said angrily. "What do you think of me?"

"Emperor, the concubine was wrong!" Yu Chongyi had no courage, and was scared to crawl out of bed and kowtowed.

The emperor looked down on Yu Chongyi's bleak look, and the hatred in her heart was suppressed. After all, she was also a woman who had a good relationship with Wang Zhaoyi.

"Now that I have sealed your palace, let people find out what is going on! If you are wronged and framed, just stop for a month. If you know the problem of aroma, you still need to use it. How about entering your cold palace after your seat?"

Yu Chongyi was paralyzed on the ground, didn't he say that this scent is just the usual scent, why did the emperor recognize it directly, didn't he say that Tai Chi didn't know? That girl was wrong!

Looking around, where is that girl? !

The emperor snorted and walked away.

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