"What's the matter? Didn't I say to calm you down, no matter what happens, you can't panic like this. +++Girls must go to the website www.ck101.tw"

"Yes, but someone from outside wants to see you."

"who is it?"

"She said she was called Murong Yun."

Li Wanrou frowned, then stood up and said, "Go and see." Furong told Li Wanrou along the way that Murong Yun came in like a grandma, because Liu Huan was choosing Xin's servant, so she coming.

Who knew that after seeing Furong, she grabbed it and said her identity, Furong was stunned.

"what did you say?"

The sixth prince was killed by Murong Yun and Lan'er together, everyone in Beijing knows this, and Furong is the big girl next to Li Wanrou, and she knows it clearly. Now, after listening to her, Murong Yun did not Dead, and found Li Wanrou, can she not be afraid?

Li Wanrou said: "Her identity is not seen by others, right?"

"No, the slave-maid shut her out of the ear room after knowing her identity."

"Well, looking around, I'm going to talk to her briefly."

Furong stopped talking, and pulled Li Wanrou to say, "Miss, do you want to think about it! She is the mastermind of murdering the prince. Once the emperor knows, we are in trouble!"

Li Wanrou smiled; "Murong Yun is dead and died in front of everyone. Who thought she was Murong Yun? It doesn't matter as long as you don't say it, you understand? Can't you say it unless you want to see me died."

"The slave-servant does not dare!" Furong said seriously: "Even if the slave-servant died, he would not want to see the master."

Li Wanrou touched her head: "Relax, I believe you." At the worst of her previous life, she did not betray herself, and finally died tragically. In this life, Li Wanrou wanted to give Furong a good life.

Li Wanrou walked to the front of the ear room and walked in quietly.

I saw an old woman sitting at the table, saw her come in, stood up and walked over; "You deserve to be the future crown prince, you are really smart and witty! I don't worry about my bad heart, that's it Come here, I don’t know if you’re smart, or you’re treacherous, or stupid.”

"Don't say that, you want to see me, I'm here, why ask more." Li Wanrou walked in.

Murong Yun said: "You know I'm not dead at all? I thought you would be great, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

"Well." Li Wanrou said; "You are a master of poison, I know."

In my last life, I have seen the use of the poison of malaria, and it is also a master of poison. How can it be so easy to die!

Murong Yun said: "I'm here to help me."

Li Wanrou said: "What do you want? Just say it, do you want me to send you back to the country? Now that you are dead, you are not favored in the backyard of the three princes. You might as well go back to the country."

Murong Yun said lightly, "Do you know why I was sent to Da Yin Guo? Just because I am not favored, my mother is not favored, and my father will not take it seriously, if I go back to the country It is estimated that he will be poisoned to death the next day. Our country is not bad at all. I don’t care who I am. I will not go back.

Li Wanrou frowned; "So what do you want to do? Would you like to come and manage me to borrow money? I can give you thirty-two thousand silver? This is the limit of what I can afford."

Murong Yun couldn't help but smiled: "I don't lack money. Although I am not cherished in the Three Princes' House, I have a lot of monthly money. I have a lot of money in my private house and I can enjoy my life forever. Yes, don’t worry about this. I’m here to hope you do me a favor. How about sending me to Nanjiang?"

Li Wanrou looked at Murong Yun in surprise: "What does this request have to do with me? Why should I..."

"No one else knows, but Murong Yun is very clear. You want to go to South Xinjiang at all. You will leave soon. I hope you will hide me in the team and send it to South Xinjiang, although you It’s a disguise, but it still needs someone to serve, so I’m good to be in it?"

Li Wanrou's face was cold: "Did you dare to talk nonsense? When did I say that I was going to Nanjiang! If the emperor knew it, he would definitely be guilty of it. Leave now, and you should leave as soon as possible. My Li family doesn’t want to mess with things now. You can do it for yourself!" Li Wanrou said to go outside. Who knew Murong Yun was caught in two or three steps and stopped Li Wanrou. Direction: "Don't go first! I want to talk to you."

Li Wanrou looked up and down at her: "What the **** do you want to say? Do you want to be arrogant in front of me in a dead identity? Don't think that my good temper can make you do whatever you want!!"

"You really have the future imperial concubine's momentum, I really admire, but I can't be wrong. Because I have got the news. The emperor will not survive, and Mrs. Du colludes with the people of southern Xinjiang. Together, if you want to control Da Yinguo, you must go to Nanjiang in order to change your condition, looking for the reason and solution to the treatment of the highly toxic poison in the upper body, I guess it’s good? I know that the crown prince is not the kind A hypocritical person, so I said all the reasons. How?

Li Wanrou frowned, did not speak for a while, and could not think of her as a little concubine. Can she still know these secret things in the backyard of the third prince all day long, and really looked down upon her!

"How do you know these things?" she asked.

"It's still the reason, there are silvers. I have a lot of silvers, so I buy more people. Although Mrs. Du is very powerful and she manages a lot of people, she is just a concubine. Many people are not cruel. It’s not surprising that I bought a rough messenger around her and gradually stole some news."

Murong Yun was not only benefited from the backyard of the Three Princes, but more because her country was rich in a lot of crystal stones and tourmaline stones, all precious jewels. Although her father did not like her, she was married She still gave her the same dowry as her sister, a mine of crystal stones.

When they entered the vicinity of Dayinguo, the two sold the two crystal mines and took hundreds of thousands of silver tickets to their roads. Later, because her sister died, her money was also given to Murong Yun Too.

Murong Yun bought a few more shops in Beijing, where money makes money, so he has always been very rich. This is what the three princes said.

Many concubines and concubines are doing business.

Li Wanrou said: "No wonder you, a concubine, was so good in the backyard that you have never been mortified. You are a smart person, and I admire it." Such as Li Shifu, who lives in Beijing, his father is still a grandfather. After that, the one who was given a grind was almost dead, but Murong Yun, as a foreigner, had no foundation at all, but because of the generous money, he had a very good life.

Of course, not only is she rich, but her sister is rich, but the important reason for her death is that she is vicious and cold-hearted!

Li Wanrou understands this.

Murong Yun’s previous life helped Nangong Rongji to break the malaria poison, and killed 300,000 people in his hometown, and almost wiped out the country. This is her vicious heart. Who dares to bully her in the backyard, on the surface she does not care, But not long after, I will get seriously ill, or even die directly. Someone told Nangong Rongji, but as soon as Nangong Rongji was busy, where did I have time to manage such a thing? The person has been tested. Murongyun has no poison there. The doctor can't see it. It can be seen that it was an accident. After such a few times, no one would dare to bully Murong Yun, who knows whether she will start secretly.

Li Wanrou said: "So what do you want to do? Go to Nanjiang and hurt people?"

Murong Yunge smiled: "I won't hurt anyone. I just fell in love with a prince in southern Xinjiang and wanted to be his side concubine."

Li Wanrou was taken aback and looked in the direction of Murong Yun: "You...you are so ambitious!"

"Well, Nanjiang has rich real estate and is also a powerful country. Although I have been married, I haven’t been spoiled for long, and it’s not a big deal for me. I change my status and I can be spoiled by my good looks. "

"Why are you looking for lord? Not the emperor."

Murong Yun waved his hand: "The emperor can't do it, she will investigate the origin of every palace concubine. I'm not fooled, but if it is just a prince, there will not be so many scruples, and the prince I want to marry, It is famous and ambitious, as long as I get his heart, I can definitely get what I want."

Li Wanrou said sincerely, this daughter is really ambitious! Have you been a concubine's life in both lives?

The difference is that the previous life was in the Great Yin Kingdom, and this life went to Southern Xinjiang!

"Will you help me?"

Li Wanrou looked at her: "What do you want to get, do you also have to adapt it to something? I won't help you in vain. What's more, if your identity is so sensitive, if the emperor knows it, am I not bullying King?"

She thought for a while and said: "Tell you who really killed the Sixth Prince, is it count?"

Li Wanrou was stunned: "Isn't the southern prince killed the Sixth Prince?"

"No, this person has been hiding in the palace for a long time, and also knows about things in southern Xinjiang, so his presence is also a huge challenge for the prince."

Li Wanrou was surprised: "What the **** is going on?"

"It seems that you don't know. If I tell you about this, you can help me. If I don't agree with me, I won't tell you this information for you. And about Lin Wei, I also want Words." Murong Yun said.


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