The Vicious Princess Overturns the World

Chapter 185: I am also a phoenix

Li Wanrou said, "Lin Weixin is now in the palace. What can I do? It is said that she has been very popular lately, and she should be quite honest now? Is there anything to worry about?"

Murong Yun smiled faintly; "You're naive and naive, don't you know that the palace is the most complicated place? If something happens in the court, it's a matter of death or injury. ((((Catino Novel Network www.mtlnovel. com)))"

Li Wanrou frowned, she knew that something must have happened, but seeing Murong Yun was not in a hurry, it was not easy to keep asking, and she was silent.

Murong Yun said: "You can still be suffocated, I will tell you directly, she is poisoned. The poison is the evil."

Li Wanrou looked at Murong Yun in shock and astonishment, as if he heard her say something particularly horrifying. Sub-crime, but this is a poison that can only appear in the medical book. After using the poison of the sub-crisis, the woman will quickly Pregnancy, but throughout the pregnancy, the woman will be very painful. After the child is born, the child will survive, but the mother will be killed directly. Even if the child will survive, it has been very weak and will not even live past ten years old.

Murong Yun said with a faint smile: "Guess what, why do some people want to eat Lin Weixin's misfortune, what purpose do they have?"

Li Wanrou said through a little, frowning; "Does Mrs. Du want to hold the emperor to order the princes!"

"Exactly! Besides you, there are quite a few people who know that the emperor will not live for a year. Toffee Du knows that Xiangfei knows, but she is already dead, and the emperor herself, Du Tai The concubine knew that Du Taifei originally wanted to use the eighth prince, but he ran fast, and he no longer became a man, but for the emperor's blessing to become a monk. The attitude of others was obvious, that he would not fight with these emperors. They will not use a person who already understands the affair to compare with a teenager, then a newborn is not aware of anything, is a baby more suitable to succeed the throne?"

Li Wanrou didn't say anything. What she worried about was the life of the prince. They had already figured out what to do. Then the prince was already a superfluous figure! To let the little prince inherit the throne, the prince must be killed.

Li Wanrou clenched her fists, did not know that the prince already knew the news? If you are not careful...

Murong Yun said: "How about, is my message important?"

"That curse..."

"I can't get rid of the toxicity of the child disaster. I must have scammed Lin Weiping. The other party must have said that she should have a smooth birth and then give her the antidote to make her a queen. Lin Weixing did not want to be buried. I just want to survive and do this naturally, even thinking that I can abort in the middle. She won’t be sent to the grave where she was buried. What she thinks most is her own safety. The ambition is second. "Murong Yundao said.

Li Wanrou sighed. What a stupid woman Lin Weiping is. The other party has already used her to give birth to a child. It is impossible for her to have a miscarriage. Even Xiao Chan, the child will not be so venomous. She died dead, and she couldn't succeed.

"I believe she must want to ask you for help. But there is no way to spread the news. This is also a confused and pitiful woman who must not be able to survive."

Li Wanrou closed her eyes, Lin Weixin was taking medicine now, even if the fairy was alive, she could not survive, why should she be so confused! Can't I be honest in the court? Even if the emperor is dead, if you and I help you, will you be a martyr? Even if it becomes a burial object, it will not make you die so painfully!

After having a child misfortune, she was pregnant for ten months. It was a process of purgatory. From one month, she showed that she would feel sore stomach and bloating, and stomach pain. Then she had night sweats all over her body. Small spots, stiff back, no way to stand up later, as much pain as there is pain.

In ten months, it will die from an avalanche, Lin Weixin! What do you think!

Murong Yun said, "So have you promised me?"

"How did you think of me going back to southern Xinjiang?" Li Wanrou looked at Murong Yun: "If the emperor's body is not good, I can just let the prince successfully ascend the throne and achieve the great cause, and the prince will not be injured."

Murong Yun smiled slightly: "Do you know how the emperor poisoned? In such a heavily guarded palace, why is the emperor as a king of a country poisoned? It is not through food and clothing, or even without close proximity, you can be poisoned. What about your prince? It’s a weak constitution. What if it’s been calculated by someone else? Like the emperor, does it need human life to cultivate it?"

Li Wanrou said, she was really clever. She immediately told me what she was worried about. Li Wanrou didn't care about the emperor's truth. Although he was the prince's father, he was most concerned about the prince's safety.

As Murong Yun said, she was worried that people in southern Xinjiang would continue to punish the prince. How to poison the amount must be investigated, how to detoxify, and how to break the conspiracy of the other party. All these things are It takes one trip to Nanjiang to resolve these doubts. Murong Yun had already expected that Li Wanrou would express such an expression and salute gently.

"Miss Wanrou, the future prince, can you promise me? I promise, I will not give you a little trouble, and I will tell you some of the poisons I will tell, as long as you let me realize my dream."

Li Wanrou thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's make a deal. You... where are you going to stay before you leave?"

"You don't need to worry about this. Since I can escape from the Three Princes' House, let alone be a private person. You just prepare to leave. When you leave the capital, I will naturally find it. "

Li Wanrou nodded: "You really are not a simple character."

"To each other, I actually picked a Phoenix sign when I was young." Murong Yun smiled faintly.

Li Wanrou understands, does Phoenix sign? This is the fate of the Phoenix, will become the hostess in the palace, will have such a sign!

"I thought it was the Queen of the Great Yin Guo at first. After marrying the third prince, I thought about whether the third prince would become the emperor, but when I saw his pen characters, he was very cruel, and I didn't spoil me at all, I knew It’s definitely not him. I want to go to South Xinjiang now. Maybe the prince I marry is the future emperor. I believe I will be the queen and sit on par with you.” Murong Yun stood in front of Li Wanrou, although she The present beauty is covered up, and there is an ugly woman in front of her, but her eyes are still so bright and flamboyant, and there is no less energy in her eyes.

Her momentum is also full, Li Wanrou nodded: "You are indeed like a phoenix."

"You are also a phoenix. Your phoenix is ​​unique and full of vigour, but I need more effort. But I will still succeed. We will all go the same way. What do you think? Will I succeed?"

Li Wanrou nodded: "Well, maybe."

"Okay, I'll say goodbye first. We'll see you then. I suggest you go to see Lin Weixing. Although she can't live anymore, at least it can make her ten-month pregnancy process less painful."

"Well. Well, I know." Li Wanrou sighed and sent her out.

After she left, Li Wanrou greeted Furong and went back. Furong asked what was going on. Li Wanrou glared at her and said, "You'd better be less idle, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

"But miss, I worry about your safety..."

"No need, I'm fine." Li Wanrou said, looking at the many women and girls in the front road waiting in line for selection, thinking that she didn't know which one was the spy from South Xinjiang? They stared at me,

At this time, a girl came over, this is Mrs. Qing's girl, saying that Mrs. Qing hopes that she will go there, and has something to say. She nodded and passed. Mrs. Qing has been very busy recently. Liu Huan is pregnant. Many things in the house cannot be handled. So it is up to Mrs. Qing to greet herself that it must be a matter of Fuzhong.

Li Wan Judo: "Go check it out."

Mrs. Qing was walking around in the house, very anxious, seeing Li Wanrou coming, and hurriedly stopped.

"You're here, Miss II, something happened, I have something to tell you."

"Yes, don't know what?"

"Actually, a relative in my family told me that many people in the suburbs of Beijing had the infectious disease, and many people said that it may be an epidemic!"

Li Wanrou listened to her stiffness, and in the impression, there was indeed a very serious epidemic. It is said that it swept through a year and killed countless people, but this should be after Nangong Rongji took the throne, who knows that it appeared so early Isn't it wrong, why did it happen in advance?

At this time, Mrs. Qing continued to tell Li Wanrou that at the beginning, a few people who came from the south to do business got the illness. They had a fever, a painful cough, all sores, pain and itching, and many people died. Then some frail people got sick, followed by beggars, and quickly permeated.

"Although it has not spread to the capital, but many people are sick, and many people have entered the capital, maybe they will get the epidemic. How is this good?"

Li Wanrou is more worried, if Du Fei in the palace knows this week, will she use it to make a fuss? The road to the emperor must be more difficult by then! It's really difficult.

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