Navy Headquarters.

Warring States sat on the ground, looking at the word [End] flashing in the video with a dull expression.

He was completely unable to comprehend what horrific scene he had just witnessed.

Garp also opened his mouth wide. He didn't know how many times he had been so shocked. If he continued like this, his jaw might really be dislocated.

"Are you kidding..."

The corners of the smoker's mouth were twitching crazily.

Does an attack of this level really exist? ? ?

Those are planets...

He was actually shattered by the aftermath of that punch...

Just one, there are dozens of them! ! !

This is not the kind of thing that can be compared to a huge hole in the ground with just one punch.

At this moment, all the navies truly realized what it meant that there were people outside the world, and there was a world outside the sky...

Like the previous battles between Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan and Cell, their ability to accept them was still very strong.

But the aftermath of this punch shattered dozens of planets. They really couldn't accept it right away, bastard! !

"I think... there is no need for us to compare this kind of weird-level battle."

He was also sweating profusely, she pretended to be calm and said.

At first, they planned to learn from Ultraman's fighting skills.

After reading the results, I found...

No tricks!

It’s all about strength! !

And it is a terrifying strength that they cannot develop in their lifetime! !

The end of this video really shocked their collective outlook.

Meanwhile, the forum has exploded.

After this video ended, Wanjie Video Network opened the forum to 10,000 people.

Even though these ten thousand people seem to be a lot, when it spreads to all the worlds, no more than fifteen people can join in each world. As for more weak worlds, they are not qualified to join at all.

Boros: "Saitama, I think I need to continue training. I won't go to the earth for the time being. When I come out of seclusion, I will come to the earth to find you!"

Saitama: "Okay, bye~"

Shaka: "What a terrifying little cosmic energy this is... Ultra Warrior, what a terrifying existence."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Oh my God!!! Ultraman Saiga is so handsome!! So strong! If only I could become so powerful."

Uchiha Sasuke: "Haha, idiot."

Uzumaki Naruto: "What do you mean, bastard Sasuke!!!"

Luffy: "Oh my God!!! I'm so scared. What kind of terrifying existence is this Ultra Warrior? Is it a god???"

Xia Dou: "If there really is a god, it must be an Ultra Warrior."

Ultraman Zero: "We are not as powerful as you think, and we will also lose."

Suddenly, Zero was excited. After watching the video, his whole body was filled with enthusiasm and he was eager to become stronger.

But the King of Ultra disappeared, and Astra disappeared too. He had no way to train alone. When he was bored, he saw that he had joined the forum of the Wanjie Video Network at some point, so...

He bubbled.

Warring States: "!!!!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "!!!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "!!!"

Xia Dou: "!!! Master Zero!!!"

All the powerful people in the group were stunned for a long time when they saw the news about Zero. They even confirmed Zero's information repeatedly before they realized that they had read it correctly.

Natsu: "Oh my god!! Boss!!!!"

Nagato: “Are you a god??”

Shaka: "Ultraman Zero, your small universe energy is very powerful, so use it properly."

Xia Dou: "Oh my god!! Master Zero, you are so handsome!! I am your fan, let me introduce myself, my name is Xia Dou!! Oh my god, I really want to talk to Master Zero Take a photo with you QAQ”

Bai Yuekui: "Are you Ultraman Zero?? I want to ask what's going on with Ultraman Sega??"

Zero was also stunned. He had no idea that his appearance would cause such a big sensation in the forum. He quickly spoke:

"Ahem, hello everyone, I am Ultraman Zero. Yes, I am the Zero in the video, but my current strength is not as strong as in the video. This should be what I will encounter in the future."

"As for Ultraman Saka, I don't know what's going on, but if the King of Ultra comes back, I can help you ask, uh... Well, we Ultraman are not omnipotent gods. We will also be defeated..."


Sero replied hurriedly.

He had been receiving training from Leo and Astra and had no time to socialize at all.

So when he faced this situation for the first time, he panicked.

Uzumaki Naruto: "Oh my God! Ultraman Zero, you are so handsome!!! I think you are the most handsome among the three Ultramans. Although you are not as good as Ultraman Saiga, I think you are really handsome." He’s super handsome, so can you teach me your head-shooting move?”

Sero: "???? Sorry, you might not be able to learn."

Sun Wukong: "Hello, Mr. Zero, have you always been that big? I really want to fight you once, but unfortunately our size difference is too big (disappointed) (disappointed) (disappointed)."

Zero: "Our bodies can also become the size of ordinary humans. If we want to fight... you are still 20,000 years too early!!"

Xia Dou: "Sir Luo, why are you so handsome?"


Sero looked at the questions one after another, and his head felt heavy.

He quickly said: "Everyone, I have to continue training. Let's talk back!"


Sero ran away in panic!


In the real world, Chen Shu looked at the data in the background with great satisfaction.

The number of views on this video within one hour broke a record high!

Within one hour of the release of a single video, the number of clicks exceeded 20 million, and the data of likes, coins, flowers, and subscriptions also exceeded the 10 million mark.

It can be said that the shock given to the audience by this video is absolutely unparalleled.

Chen Shu thought about it for a moment. He didn't plan to make any more videos about Ultraman World in the short term, as he was prone to aesthetic fatigue.

But there are not many battles that are more shocking than Ultraman.

At this moment, Chen Shu began to wonder what the subject of the next video should be.

After pondering for a long time, Chen Shu suddenly had an idea.

Now that the shock of individual fights is already there, why not make a shocking battle video of group fights?

Thinking of this, Chen Shu's fighting spirit became extremely strong. After all, there are still many themes to choose from.

Whether it is Super God, Marvel or DC, it can be used as a theme.

"Anyway, they are all shocking battle scenes. Let me choose carefully..."

Chen Shu thought seriously.

But soon, he gave up.

It's already two o'clock in the morning.

Although with his current strength, it doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep for several days and nights, but today's video achieved such good results, Chen Shu decided to reward himself.

"In that case! Then I won't do this video for now, give yourself two days off and then do it properly!!"

Chen Shu lay on the bed contentedly, but he didn't know that at this time, the Awakened Association in Haicheng was bustling with activity! .

Chapter 84 New inventory! Marvel world! Avengers VS Thanos Legion! (Please customize)

"What did you say!? Real or fake!?"

In the Association of Awakeners, a bald man looked at Jiang Dao in surprise. What Jiang Dao just said sounded like a novel to him.

"Really, this Chen Shu annihilated the beast tide outside the city wall very easily, including killing the seventh-level mutant beast with one blow and annihilating millions of mutant creatures. And I found someone to confirm that the six-level mutant beasts in the south of the city and in the city He also solved the super mutant beast."

Jiang Dao nodded. What he had in his hand was Chen Shu's information. All the basic information on his life trajectory from his birth to the present was in his hands.

"This...born awakened person?"

The bald man gulped. He could not imagine that such a terrible record could be accomplished by a young man in his early twenties.

"No...he participated in the Awakening Ceremony when he was in college, and he did not awaken any abilities at that time."

Jiang Dao looked at the report in his hand and shook his head.

"This can only show that as soon as he awakens, his strength directly reaches at least the level of a seven-star awakener, or even higher."

Jiang Dao narrowed his eyes and said softly:

"So for this kind of person, we must tie him to the chariot of our Awakened Association. This will be a stabilizing needle for both the Awakened Association and the people of this city."

The bald man glanced at the woman beside him. The woman's name was Chen Xiaoyue, and the bald man's name was Pan Sen. The three of them were the only six-star awakeners in the Haicheng Awakeners Association.

At first, after they finished dealing with the sixth-level mutant beasts in the west of the city, they rushed to the south of the city without stopping. As a result, they met Jiang Dao who was returning.

At that time, they were still shocked why Jiang Dao was not stationed at the front line, but the other party told them that it had been solved.

They were confused at first, so they were a little doubtful of Jiang Dao's words.


Now that clear reports and data are in front of them, even if they don't want to admit it, they still have to recognize this powerful awakened person who was 'specially recruited' by Jiang Dao.

"What's our next step?"

Pan Sen raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Dao, his words undoubtedly meant how to tie Chen Shu to their chariot.

Jiang Dao shook his head: "This man doesn't like this kind of twists and turns. He has already promised that if there is any crisis in Haicheng that we cannot solve, he will take action."

As he spoke, Jiang Dao sighed and said, "I'm afraid right now that those people in those families will provoke each other if they don't have the foresight."

When Pan Sen heard this, he slapped the table with an unhappy face and cursed angrily:

"How dare they!!!?"

The woman on the side narrowed her eyes and sneered: "What can these decadent old guys who are addicted to pleasure not dare to do?"

"What should we do?"

Pan Sen scratched his head. He was not good at using his brain at all.

Jiang Dao's eyes exuded cold murderous intent, and he said coldly:

"If they don't have eyes, there's no need to stay in this world. We haven't moved them, mainly because the mutant beasts outside come to harass us from time to time. I don't want to cause internal and external troubles."

"But now...hum!!!"

As he spoke, Jiang Dao exuded a strong aura, a terrifying aura belonging to a six-star strong man! !

His mind is very clear and he sees things very thoroughly.

Although those families control almost 60% of Haicheng's economic lifeline, if the Awakened Association wants to touch them, it will inevitably cause huge turmoil to the entire Haicheng economy.

However, these things are not as important as making friends with a strong man who can protect Haicheng.

After all, they are only six-star awakeners, not invincible beings.

Even the most powerful one in the entire country, the 'God of War' at the peak of nine stars, has opponents that he cannot deal with.

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