Therefore, it is self-evident which one is more important, Chen Shu or those blood-sucking families.

Then, the three people started the next round of discussion in the conference room.

Today's disaster is a big blow to Haicheng, and they must immediately come up with countermeasures to rebuild after the disaster.

The next day.

Chen Shu opened his eyes. The spiritual bird outside the window sang a sweet and clear song. The sun was shining on the earth. People were coming and going on the street. It was impossible to tell that this was a city that had just experienced a beast tide.

Opening the curtains, Chen Shu looked up at the blue spiritual birds flying among the treetops. He was actually very interested in the creatures in this world.

Because of the resurgence of spiritual energy, many creatures have opened certain limitations, giving birth to wisdom that is similar to humans, or even more terrifying.

However, there are also a large number of creatures that have also been enlightened with intelligence, but they have not mutated like those mutated creatures.

Although they are similar to those mutated creatures in terms of intelligence, they are far inferior in terms of strength.

These peaceful creatures are called spiritual beasts by humans.

Therefore, Chen Shu was very curious. It was obviously the same creature, but it went to two completely opposite extremes. This made him couldn't help but sigh at the wonder of nature.

Walking to the yard, Chen Shu tore the bread in his hand into small pieces and fed them to the flying birds nearby, then seriously enjoyed his free time in the morning.

"Chen Shu!"

Suddenly, just as Chen Shu was quietly enjoying the tranquility, a cry of immense joy broke into his ears.

Chen Shu raised his head, turned around and saw a young girl standing in front of the gate of his courtyard.

"Chen Muyu?"

Chen Shu looked over with a confused look. He didn't know how this woman knew that he lived here.

"Well... I also live in this community. I saw you last night."

Chen Muyu blushed and said with some embarrassment: "I came here this time to thank you for saving me yesterday...that..."

Chen Shu frowned, shook his head and said, "Thank you for receiving it, you're welcome."

Chen Muyu was stunned. She never expected that Chen Shu would respond to her with such an indifferent attitude.

You know, she has been the sweet girl of heaven since she was a child, a presence that attracts attention among the crowd.


Why does this man seem completely uninterested in her?

Chen Shu had a headache. He knew that he and Chen Muyu were not the same kind of people at all. Chen Muyu had many suitors, and even the young masters of the five families in Haicheng were obsessed with her.

It's not that Chen Shu is afraid of these families, it's mainly that he doesn't care about these boring things at all now, and all he can think about is making Wanjie Video Network a good job.

And dealing with Chen Muyu will definitely attract the attention of those young masters.

This is very troublesome and completely different from the life Chen Shu wants.

Chen Muyu bit her lower lip. Chen Shu's attitude towards her was completely different from others, as if he didn't regard her as a special being.


It was Chen Shu like this that caused ripples in her heart.

"Chen Shu...are you free today?"

"Eh? Mu Yu?"

Chen Muyu thought for a moment and decided to make a huge decision. As soon as she finished speaking, a voice came from behind that gave her a headache.

Chen Shu didn't care at all about what happened outside, and he even chose to block Chen Muyu's words.

There is no woman in my heart, so I draw my sword to the God of Nature!

Chen Shu didn't think there was anything about Chen Muyu that could attract him, not to mention that he had no idea of ​​falling in love right now.

Chen Muyu, who was outside the door, turned around bravely, with deep helplessness flashing in her eyes.

"Liang Feifan, I'm not that familiar with you. Please call me Ms. Chen or Miss Chen, okay?"

Standing in front of Chen Muyu was a red-haired young man wearing expensive clothes and carrying several boxes of very expensive supplements.

Liang Feifan was stunned when he heard Chen Muyu's words, but he had no intention of changing his words according to Chen Muyu's wishes.

He raised the supplement in his hand and said:

"Mu Yu, I heard that you were in danger yesterday, so I quickly brought some good elixirs and planned to visit you. I didn't expect to meet you by such a coincidence. What are you doing here?"

Chen Muyu looked at the man in front of him who was as thick-skinned as a city wall, with a helpless look on his face.

This man is the second son of the Liang family in Haicheng. He is uneducated and has no skills all day long. He just likes to 'hunt' those beautiful girls. The number of women he has fucked in Haicheng exceeds three digits at least.

Chen Muyu naturally knew this guy's character, so she was extremely bored and even disgusted by his pursuit.

However, this Liang Feifan was like a dog-skin plaster that could not be shaken off, which made Chen Muyu extremely helpless.

Suddenly, a person appeared in Chen Muyu's mind.

Chen Shu! !

A bright light gradually appeared in Chen Muyu's eyes!

The head of the Liang family in Haicheng is a five-star awakened person, and among the awakened people in Haicheng, he is also one of the upper reaches in strength.

However, Chen Muyu recalled the god-like Chen Shu yesterday in her mind, and she did not think that the head of the Liang family could bring any danger to Chen Shu.

Her big, watery eyes blinked, and she thought of a great way to solve this problem in her mind.

Chen Muyu looked at Chen Shu in the yard with pitiful eyes, as if the young man behind her was bullying her.


Chen Muyu was stunned. Chen Shu was nowhere to be found in the yard. He had returned to the house at some point. There were only a few spiritual birds left in the yard, eating the crumbs of bread that Chen Shu had broken on the table.

"What's wrong, Mu Yu?"

Liang Feifan's eyes flashed with fierceness. He had long noticed that Chen Muyu's attention was not on himself, but on the young man in this house.

It's just that the man hasn't done anything, and Liang Feifan doesn't take it seriously.

But looking at Chen Muyu's appearance, Liang Feifan inevitably thought of some things that were unacceptable to him.

Chen Muyu is interested in that man!

When this idea appeared in his mind, Liang Feifan's mind seemed to go blank for an instant.

Then he was filled with jealousy.

Why! ?

He is the second son of the Liang family, a four-star awakened member of the Awakening Guild, but he is no match for such a pretty boy! ?

To have a good family background, you need to have some strength.

Why is this woman so indifferent to herself? ?

The more he thought about it, the more angry Liang Feifan became.

Chen Muyu looked at Liang Feifan with a cold face and said, "Stop pestering me, I'm not interested in you."

After saying that, Chen Muyu walked towards her home with long legs.

Liang Feifan glanced at Chen Muyu viciously, then turned his head and took a deep look at the house in front of him.

"Uncle Wang, help me find out who lives in this house..."


Chen Shu crossed his legs and took a sip of Fatty Happy Water. He knew exactly what Chen Muyu was thinking.

Therefore, Chen Shu did not give the other party a chance to entangle him. After Liang Feifan appeared, he turned around and walked into the house.

"Oh, I hope that person is smarter."

Chen Shu squinted his eyes, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

He hates trouble. Now he just wants to run the Wanjie Video Network well. For Chen Shu, how high he can reach in the future will all depend on this Wanjie Video Network.

Before that, he had no other ideas.


It will only affect the speed at which he becomes stronger!

Of course, Chen Shu hates trouble, but that doesn't mean he's afraid of trouble. If Liang Feifan still wants to cause trouble for him...

Chen Shu didn't mind letting him end this life journey early.

[Hello, Mr. Chen Shu, there are guests outside who want to see you. 】

Suddenly, the smart butler in the room made a sound, and Chen Shu was stunned for a moment when he heard the words.

"Invite them in."

Chen Shu said, without any intention of opening the door to welcome him.


The door opened and three people, two men and one woman, came in.

After the three people entered the door, they all looked at Chen Shu sitting on the sofa very cautiously.

Chen Shu turned his head and looked around, and was stunned when he saw the person coming.

"Hey, there are few visitors. I don't know why Mr. Jiang Dao is here today. What are you doing?"

Chen Shu said this, but he had no intention of moving his buttocks at all. He waved his hand to signal Jiang Dao and the two people behind him to take a seat.

Jiang Dao was not pretentious. He sat on the sofa carelessly, looked at Chen Shu, and said with a smile:

"No, Mr. Chen Shu, I'm here to give you a reward for resisting the beast tide in Haicheng."

Chen Shu nodded without replying, and looked at the man and woman on the other side.

Seeing this, Jiang Dao quickly introduced: "Mr. Chen Shu, these two are our six-star awakened people in Haicheng. This is Pan Sen, a power awakened person, and this is Chen Xiaoyue, a spiritual awakened person."

After listening to Jiang Dao's words, the two of them nodded respectfully to Chen Shu.

They didn't want this attitude at first, but the reason why they are like this now is still because of Chen Xiaoyue.

As a spiritually awakened person, she is very sensitive to everything.

When the three of them arrived in front of Chen Shu's house, Chen Xiaoyue immediately felt a very terrifying aura contained in this small house.

The terrifying aura knocked Chen Xiaoyue, who wanted to pry, away five meters on the spot. She vomited five or six mouthfuls of blood before it slowly dissipated.

This scene naturally frightened Pan Sen on the side.

Because of this, Chen Xiaoyue and Pan Sen, who were still doubtful about Jiang Dao's words, are now completely convinced.

This young man is really a strong man with extremely terrifying and unfathomable strength!

In this world, strength is paramount. No matter how young you are, you will still be respected by most people if you are strong.

Therefore, there was a scene where the two of them were extremely respectful to Chen Shu.

Chen Shu quickly glanced at the two of them.

Chen Xiaoyue and Pan Sen suddenly felt as if a ferocious beast emerged from the sea of ​​​​blood in front of them, roaring at them with great contempt.

What's happening here! ! !

Chen Muyu was extremely shocked.

No matter how much she said, she was still a six-star awakened person, but in front of the man in front of her, she didn't even dare to move her eyes.

This man...

How strong is it! !

Jiang Dao looked at the scene in front of him and said with a wry smile:

"Mr. Chen Shu, just use your magical powers. You will scare them."

When Chen Shu heard this, he looked back and chuckled:

"Sorry, I'm more wary of strangers."

Chen Xiaoyue and Pan Sen breathed a sigh of relief when they felt that the huge momentum pressing on them disappeared.

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