There was immense fear in their eyes.

Who knows what they just went through!

Chen Shu looked at Jiang Dao and said, "Okay, let's talk about business."

Jiang Dao nodded, placed a space ring on the table, and said:

"Mr. Chen Shu, because of your help yesterday, the Awakened Association has decided to grant you the badge of the Seven-Star Awakened. You can exchange your training resources for the resources you need in the Awakened Association's treasure house."

"The second reward is a top-grade thunder stone awarded to you by the country. This should be of great help to your cultivation."

"The third reward is the bonus for fighting the beast tide this time. A total of 10 million yuan and 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones, 50,000 medium-grade spiritual stones and 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones."

"These rewards are all in this Qiankun Ring, please keep it."

As Jiang Dao said, he took out another certificate from his Qiankun ring and handed it to Chen Shu.

"This is the Haicheng patrol certificate granted to you by our Awakened Union. You don't need to do anything. This certificate is just a proof of identity. Please help when you encounter danger in Haicheng."

Chen Shu picked up the Qiankun Ring, put it on his hand, and took a curious look at the small book in his hand.

Needless to say, the workmanship is quite exquisite, with gold-inlaid lace and a writhing golden dragon in the center of the small notebook.

"Okay, I'll take it. Is there anything else?"

Chen Shu tilted his head and asked.

"'s okay."

Jiang Dao was sweating profusely, and inexplicably felt a terrible pressure appear on his body.

"Okay, then please go back."

Chen Shu nodded and said goodbye. He didn't want to deal with these official people, because it was very troublesome and boring.

Jiang Dao didn't expect that Chen Shu would drive away the guests now, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only laugh and said:

"Okay, Inspector Chen, please come to the Awakened Association to sit down with us when you have time."

Chen Shu was silent and watched the three people leave.

The three of them came outside the door, and Jiang Dao breathed a sigh of relief.

The pressure is too much.

Why didn't he know that talking to Chen Shu would be so stressful? ? ?

Pan Sen also sighed and said: "Jiang Dao, I finally know what momentum is... This special brew, the momentum is so overwhelming that I don't dare to move..."

Jiang Dao glanced at Pan Sen angrily and cursed: "What the hell do you think I dare to do?"

"Let's go, let's least our work is done."

Chen Xiaoyue waved her hands helplessly and quickly pushed the two of them away.

Chen Shu in the room opened his eyes, and his consciousness slowly retracted.

"It's really troublesome...that guy actually really doesn't want his life?"

Chen Shu had a cold face and lightly snapped his fingers, and a huge thunder fell from the sky and struck a corner outside the house.

He was being watched...

"Forget it, let's ignore this guy for now. If this guy really dares to take action against me, it doesn't matter if he is destroyed by then."

Chen Shu thought to himself as he opened the backend interface of Wanjie Video Network.

He has an idea for a new video that may not be as devastating as the previous video, but the scene will definitely shock those who watch it.

Just when Chen Shu started making a new video.

The forum chat history of Wanjie Video Network has reached 999+.

Uzumaki Naruto: "Ah!!! Why hasn't the UP master released a new video? I'm bored to death!!"

Jiraiya: "My teacher hopes to see UP Master's new video before he dies. Please UP Master please satisfy my hanging teacher!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "????"

Xia Dou: "It's so boring. I've already uploaded the previous video three times. Why haven't the new videos been updated yet?"

Luffy: "Isn't the UP master just a donkey from the production team? He's the kind of guy who's going to die as long as he doesn't die. How come it's been so long and there's no new video yet??"

Boros: "I became stronger again today! Wait for me! Saitama!!"

Saitama: "Why don't you post it every hour? You're very annoying!"

The forum has exploded because although Chen Shu has not updated for more than ten hours, in other worlds, several days or even dozens of days may have passed.

In the past, Chen Shu's videos were basically updated once an hour, so those people didn't feel much about it. As a result, Chen Shu didn't update his videos for more than dozens of hours this time.

Fans from all over the world who were eager to watch the video immediately became anxious.

Chen Shu never expected that he would be urged to update.


What should I do if I am urged to update by these two dimensions of Naruto Uzumaki?


I'm not a liar, really!

Chen Shu was flipping through the forum while nervously making a new video, because he knew that as long as he updated it now, the results would be very objective.

Is this what is called hunger marketing?

After about ten minutes, Chen Shu finally solved the new video.



Upload! !

release! !

People in the forum are still reading the forum non-stop and are bored.

At this time, everyone in the world who paid attention to Chen Shu was shocked by the news from Wanjie Video Network.

Immediately, they looked ecstatic! ! !

[The UP main update you are following is here! ! 】

[Take stock of the most shocking scenes in the world: Avengers VS Thanos Legion! 】

Sengoku: "Avengers!? What kind of organization is this?"

Uzumaki Naruto: "Wow!! When you hear this name, you must be handsome!!!"

Thor: "The Avengers...can't do that???"

Tony: "What-the-fxxk!?"

At this time, the Marvel Universe.

Thor, the God of Thunder, who had just brought Loki, the 'sinner', back to Asgard looked at the video in front of him in confusion.

the Avengers……

He knew exactly what it was called.

After all, he had just fought off aliens on Earth as a member of the Avengers not long ago.


Who is Thanos? ? ?

Thor's face was heavy. He watched Loki rush to the main hall without stopping after being put in the prison.

He was going to go find his father and ask about it.

When Thor came to Odin, Odin had his eyes tightly closed.


Odin did not open his eyes, but he knew who it was.

This is where he is powerful, both in perception and in terms of his own strength.


Thor opened his mouth, wanting to ask, but he didn't know where to start.

"You want to know about Thanos?"

Odin seemed to know why Thor came, and said calmly.


Odin slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were calm and deep.

It was as if everything was in his eyes.

"Thor... Thanos, at your current stage, you will definitely not be his opponent."

Thor was stunned. He watched Odin close his eyes again after saying this.

This clueless answer was completely different from the question he asked, which made Thor very helpless.

But he knew that if Odin didn't want to say it, he wouldn't be able to learn more from Odin.

Thor took a deep look at Odin, turned around and ran towards his residence.

He thought about going back and watching the video quickly. He wanted to see where this Thanos came from! !

At the same time, after receiving the news, the powerful people in the world also clicked on the video.

The video begins...

It’s the vast and beautiful universe and the Milky Way….

Chapter 85 Thanos appears! Infinity stones shake the dimension! Comparable to plasma sparks! (Please customize)

Suddenly, the scene changed, and a huge space battleship appeared in front of everyone in the world.

Everyone's eyes followed the camera into the battleship.

What they saw were corpses everywhere.

When Thor saw this scene, he was no longer calm. He saw that among the corpses everywhere in the space battleship, many of them were people from Asgard whom he was familiar with.


wrong! !

These corpses are all members of Asgard! ! !

"What's going on!? What happened!?"

Thor, the God of Thunder, was extremely shocked, but even more confused.

Why did the Asgardians reappear in this space battleship?

Where is father Odin?

Where is the mother?

All kinds of doubts appeared in Thor's mind and could not be dispelled for a long time.

But he knew that even if he went to Odin, he would definitely not be able to find out the reason, so he could only suppress the many questions in his heart and continue reading patiently.

In the picture, an Asgardian was struggling on the ground in pain.

Suddenly, a voice came from the video.

"It's good for me. Please be happy~ Your supreme glory is to be redeemed by the great Titan."

A long leg that was only shown in the video stepped over the corpses of Asgardians one after another.

That voice was still telling something.

"Maybe you feel the pain is too much... No!! This is salvation!!"

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