Immediately afterwards, a space crack suddenly opened! ! !

Ultraman Ultraman Zero appeared from the crack in space and aimed at Etarga with a 'Knight Kick'! !

boom! ! !

Etalga was directly kicked dozens of steps away by this powerful flying kick! !

Zero landed firmly and wiped the Shield of Palagi on his left arm.

Everyone present was stunned when Ultraman Zero appeared.

Because of the light in the auditorium, they had never seen Zero.

As for Haruno Musashi, a smile appeared on his face after seeing Zero.

"This is……"

The UPG captain stood up from the command post in shock.

"Another Ultra Warrior appears!?"

Ultraman Zero, on the other hand, turned his head and looked at Haruno Musashi below.

"Long time no see, Musashi."

Sero smiled and said hello, then turned his head and looked at Etalga.

"Etarga!!! Let's end it!!!"

Etarga was also angry. He didn't know why. Everywhere he went to the world, Ultraman Zero stuck to him like a dog-skin plaster.

"Zero!!! OK!!! Then you should die!!"

Etalga said angrily, and he immediately rushed towards Ultraman Zero.

Not to be outdone, Ultraman Zero immediately rushed forward to fight Etarga.

Kingdom of Light.

Seven looked at Ultraman Zero in the video with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Zero's fighting skills are even more proficient than in the last video."

Ace said, he was actually a little dissatisfied with Zero's fighting style.

Because he found that Ultraman Zero didn't seem to like using light very much. In the two videos, he had never seen Zero use light.

How can this work! ! !

You are the nephew of my Dharma King Ace! ! !

Seven looked at Ace with a smile on his face. As a brother, how could he not know what Ace was thinking?

"Ace, why don't you go back and find some time to teach Zero the light skills?"

When Ace heard Severn's words, he was not embarrassed to have his inner thoughts exposed on his face, and nodded: "Well, I think this is necessary."

The relationship between Ace and Leo is actually not very good. After all, when Leo's brother Astra was disguised, he said something very outrageous.

To this day, he still remembers it.

“Brothers, let’s kill this traitor Astra quickly!!”

I feel ashamed just thinking about it.

It can only be said that you are young and frivolous! ! !

However, even if he apologized later, the relationship between Leo and Ace still did not improve much.

Therefore, when Ace saw that Zero's fighting style was very similar to Leo's, Ace felt very awkward.

"Okay, you can resolve the matters between you brothers yourself. Let's continue watching the video. Who are Ultraman Galaxy and Ultraman Victory? Why is there no record of Ultraman in the Land of Light's files? "

The father of Ultra quickly interrupted. He had no intention of correcting the matter between these juniors. His mind was just thinking about the two unseen Ultramans Galaxy and Victory in the video.

As the greatest leader of the Kingdom of Light, his eyesight is very powerful. He could see the potential of these two Ultraman at a glance.

If you can join the Kingdom of Light, it will greatly improve the strength of the Kingdom of Light.

The father of Ultra thought to himself, his eyes falling on the first generation Ultraman.

The first generation felt the gaze of Ultra's father and nodded.

He understood what Ultra's father was thinking, after all, he was the adult (the dog head).

The crowd's eyes continued to fall on the video. They wanted to watch the battle of this child, Zero.

And in the picture...

Zero's fighting skills are very superb, and he is not at a disadvantage against Etalga, who has defeated nine Ultraman.

Ultraman Zero turned around and kicked Etalga away, then immediately waved the Shield of Palagi and slashed out a terrifying light blade.

Etalga opened a defensive circle and blocked the light blade.

However, after he blocked the light blade, he saw that Ultraman Zero had already set up the ultimate light arrow and aimed it at him without knowing it! ! !

The ultimate bow of light! ! ! !

Zero shouted loudly! ! !

He shot the bow and arrow of light in his hand! ! !

Rumble, rumble, rumble! ! ! ! !

The bow of light rushed towards Etarga with terrifying momentum! !

The aftermath of the momentum exploded the trajectory it was flying on! ! !

pong! ! ! !

This is a sound that exceeds the speed of sound and explodes the air! ! !

Boom! ! !

The surrounding areas were also affected by the energy aftermath, and a terrible explosion occurred! ! !

boom! ! !

The ultimate bow of light pierced Etalga's body at this moment! !

Rumble, rumble! ! ! !

A terrible explosion also broke out at this moment! ! !

With this blow, the color of heaven and earth changed! ! !

Dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky! !

The ground around him shook crazily! ! !

The mountains in the distance are constantly collapsing! ! !

This is the destructive power of Ultra Zero's powerful attack! ! !

Huge plumes of smoke and blazing flames flooded Etalga! !


Haruno Musashi's face showed an expression of joy. In his opinion, this terrible blow would definitely defeat Etarga! ! !

But the truth slapped Haruno Musashi in the face! ! !

When the smoke and dust dispersed, everyone looked at Etalga in shock as he stood there untouched.

"How can it be!?"

Auditorium Light was shocked. He never expected that such a terrible attack would cause no harm to Etarga at all! !

But was there really no harm done?

not really!

Under the attack of this ultimate light bow and arrow, the mask on Etalga's face was shattered! !

The mask shattered, revealing Etalga's hideous and ugly skull face.

No one knows what Etarga's true strength is, but... they know that Ultraman Zero may not be his opponent.


Ultraman Zero was knocked away by Etarga's counterattack in the next second! !

Etarga hellfire! ! ! ! !

Countless flame balls flew towards Ultraman Zero! ! !

Taking this opportunity, Etalga immediately fired a beam of light at Alena below, teleporting her to his hand.

"Hmph, Ultraman Zero, we will meet again."

Etarga looked at Ultraman Zero who was kneeling on one knee, sneered, turned around and flew back to the huge space-time city in the sky.

Ultraman Zero...

Also defeated! ? ?

At this moment, everyone was thinking in their hearts.

This Etarga...

Which Ultraman can defeat him? ? ?

And the Wanjie Video Network Forum...

At this moment, it’s also blowing up! ! ! ! ! ! .

Chapter 93 Nine Ultra Warriors appear together! Ultra gang shocked the entire dimension (please customize)

"This Etarga is too powerful!!!"

This sentence was still said by the most active Uzumaki Naruto. After seeing Ultraman Zero's defeat, he immediately started shouting in the forum.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!! My Lord Zero!!! If Lord Zero hadn't been diverted, he wouldn't have been hit by the attack of this bastard Etarga!!"

This is a classmate Xia Dou, a little nymphomaniac who crazily worships Ultraman Zero.

"What a powerful flame."

Madara Uchiha looked at the hellfire of Etarga in the Land of Elysium and narrowed his eyes to express his opinion.

Because his fire escape is considered to be the best in the world, but...

He found that his flames were completely incomparable in front of Etarga.

No matter in terms of power or range, even if he used all his strength to extinguish the fire, it would not be able to match one-tenth of the opponent's.

Saitama: "This Etarga is a qualified alien. Look at his strength. He is not as powerful as a certain alien. He has always been sure that he is the overlord of the universe."

Boros: "????"

Frieza: "????"

As expected of Saitama, he opened the door to two people.

Boros immediately felt unhappy when he saw Saitama's words. His strength has improved greatly during this period. Now, even if he doesn't use all his strength, he can hang up his former self and beat him.

Although Boros didn't know how much Saitama's strength had improved, Boros, who was obsessed with the huge improvement in his own strength, swelled!

Therefore, he immediately said to Saitama:

"Saitama!!! Wash my neck and wait for me. I have now set off to the earth again. In a week, I will arrive on the earth. If you don't fight!!! I will destroy the earth!!"

Saitama: "Huh? If you want to die, just come."

Saitama and Boros were tit for tat. As for Frieza, who was also the overlord of the universe but no one cared about him after he spoke, he slapped one of his men away in anger.

I am so angry! ! !

After all, I, Frieza, am also the overlord of this universe. These guys from another world actually don't take me seriously at all. It's just too much! ! !

The forum became lively again because of Boros' words. Their main focus was on the battle between Boros and Saitama. As for Frieza who spoke angrily...

who is this? So unfamiliar!

Chen Shu looked at the lively discussions in the forum with a smile on his face.

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